397 research outputs found

    Об'єкт злочинів,що посягають на права пацієнтів,його види та ознаки.

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    Марєєв В.В. Об'єкт злочинів,що посягають на права пацієнтів,його види та ознаки. / В.В.Марєєв // Актуальні проблеми політики : Збірник наукових праць / Керівник авт. кол. С. В. Ківалов; відп. за вип. Л. І. Кормич. – Одеса: Фенікс, 2011. – Вип. 41. – С. 238 - 245 .The general theoretic analysis of object of crimes, which trench upon rights for patients, his kinds and signs, is executed in the article, the looks of research workers are generalized on this problem

    Computer simulations on sprite initiation for realistic lightning models with higher‐frequency surges

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    [1] Computer simulations on transient luminous emissions in the mesosphere and lower ionosphere have been performed for realistic lightning modelings with fast-varying current surges (M components) superimposed on the lightning continuing current (CC). The algorithm used here is an electromagnetic (EM) code, which enables us to estimate self-consistently the reduced electric field, electron density, conductivity, and luminosity as a function of space and time by solving the Maxwell equations. It is found that M components in the CC with small amplitudes, but with a fast-varying EM effect, can initiate or enhance the occurrence of sprites. Even for a return stroke (RS) without CC, subsequent high-frequency current variations (like M components) are found to lead to dramatic changes in the sprite occurrence. The physics underlying these changes is studied by means of, e.g., temporal and spatial variations of luminosity, electron density, and conductivity. As the conclusion, the RS is a fundamental agency for spites, but high-frequency variations as EM effects exhibit an additional essential influence on sprite occurrence. These computational results are used to offer some useful ideas concerning the unsolved problems of sprites and halos, including polarity asymmetry, long-delay characteristics, and morphological shapes of sprites

    Extensive layer clouds in the global electric circuit: their effects on vertical charge distribution and storage

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    A fair weather electric field has been observed near the Earth’s surface for over two centuries. The field is sustained by charge generation in distant disturbed weather regions, through current flow in the Global Electric Circuit. Conventionally, the fair weather part of the global circuit has disregarded clouds, but extensive layer clouds, important to climate, are widespread globally. Such clouds are not electrically inert, becoming charged at their upper and lower horizontal boundaries from vertical current flow, in a new electrical regime—neither fair nor disturbed weather; hence it is described here as semi-fair weather. Calculations and measurements show the upper cloud boundary charge is usually positive, the cloud interior positive and the lower cloud boundary negative, with the upper charge density larger, but of the same magnitude (~ nC m−2) as cloud base. Globally, the total positive charge stored by layer clouds is ~ 105 C, which, combined with the positive charge in the atmospheric column above the cloud up to the ionosphere, balances the total negative surface charge of the fair weather regions. Extensive layer clouds are therefore an intrinsic aspect of the global circuit, and the resulting natural charging of their cloud droplets is a fundamental atmospheric feature

    Variability of linear parameters of frontal sinuses in adults

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    Objective: to identify the variability of frontal sinuses size patterns divided by sex and age in adults. Material and Methods. 83 X-ray computer tomograms of the head of adults without any signs of paranasal sinuses pathology and without traces of surgery on the external structures and internal nose in the history were studied. Results. It has been found the best pneumatized frontal bones in males; the rapid growth of the frontal sinuses occurs more in men in the 1st age group, whereas in women, the formation of the frontal sinus is smoother and more uniform during the whole life. Conclusion. Men have depth prevailing characteristics of frontal sinuses in the 1st age group and the width on the left side in the 2nd age group differing significantly in comparison to women group; height of the sinus in men decreases with age, whereas in women it does not change its value significantly; bilateral values for the parameters of the frontal sinus do not have reliable sex and age differences.</p

    Studies of an artificially generated electrode effect at ground level

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    International audienceThe outdoor experiments, using a metallic grid above the ground surface, have yielded well-defined vertical profiles of the space-charge density. The profiles showed strong evidence for the existence of an electrode effect, which could be named the artificial electrode effect and can serve as a very useful and well-controlled model for the study of atmospheric electric processes in the atmospheric surface layer. The build-up or break-down of an electrode-effect layer occurred in a time of the order of 10 s under the experimental conditions realized. The artificially generated electrode effect is dependent on the electrical field strength supplied, wind speed, turbulent mixing and ion mobilities. Wind speed and ion mobility seem to be the dominant factors, defining space-charge density profiles. A theoretical model for the artificial electrode effect has been developed, taking into account turbulent mixing of charged particles in the air flow with the logarithmic profile of the wind velocity. The numerical analysis of the boundary value problem for the two-dimensional equations for the light ion concentrations has been performed. The model presented shows a qualitative agreement of calculated space-charge profiles with measured ones, and explains the dependence of the artificial electrode effect on the dominant control parameters. The limiting conditions for the developed theory are discussed

    Organic derivatives of antimony - 3. Alkoxy and chloroalkoxy derivatives of antimony

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    1. The action of an excess of chlorine on the corresponding alkoxy- and chloroalkoxy derivatives of Sb(III) produced trichlorodimethoxy-, dichlorotrimethoxy-, and trichlorodiethoxyantimony, which have not been described in the literature, as well as tetrachloromethoxy- and dichlorotriethoxyantimony. 2. The action of acetyl chloride on pentaethoxyantimony yielded chlorotetraethoxyantimony. 3. The ester interchange of pentaethoxyantimony with methanol yielded pentamethoxyantimony. 4. The reaction of SbCl3 with trimethoxy- and triethoxyantimony produced chlorodimethoxy-, dichloromethoxy-, and chlorodiethoxyantimony. © 1977 Plenum Publishing Corporation