60 research outputs found
Aktivitas Larvisidal Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 dan Bacillus sphaericus 1593 Terhadap Tiga Spesies Nyamuk Vektor Penyakit di Jawa
Larvicidal activities of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 and Bacillus sphaericus 1593 against three species of mosquitoes of disease vectors in Java Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 and Bac. sphaericus 1593 are quite promising as biological control agents utilized as alternatives of chemical insecticides in controlling mosquitoes of disease vectors.
The present studies are aimed at determining the larvicidal activitiesâ¢of Bac. thuringiensis H-14 and Bac. sphaericus 1593 against Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles aconitus, respectively recorded as the main vectors of dengue haemorrhagic fever, bancroftian filariasis and Malaria in Java.
Two types of primary powder of Bac. thuringiensis H-14 (IPS 82) and Bac. sphaericus 1593 (RB 80) were tested on their respective activities against larval stages of the three species of mosquitoes under laboratory conditions.
It was concluded that, ranked from the high to low level, Bac. thuringiensis H-14 was larvicidal to Ae. aegypti, Cx. quinquefasciatus and An. aconitus, whereas B. sphaericus 1593 was larvicidal to Cx. quinquefasciatus, An. aconitus and Ae. aegypti mosquitoes.
Key Words: Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 - Bacillus spaericus 1593 - Aedes aegypti - Culex quinquefasciatus - Anopheles aconitu
Studi tentang fauna lalat yang berbiak dalam timbunana sampah di Kotamadya Yogyakarta
The fauna of flies breeding in garbage piles around several-markets in Yogyakarta Municipality was studied during August to November 1985. A number of 11,557 flies captured by using collecting nets and fly traps consists of 8,871 (76.6Z) Musca domestica, 652 (5.6Z) Opnyra nigra, 636 (5.5Z) Fannin .canicularis, 966 (8.6X) Chrysomyia megacephala, and 404 (3.5X) Parasarcophaga orchiclea.
Lalat merupakan hewan invertebrata yang termasuK dalam Filum Arthropocla, Klas Insecta, Ordo Diphtera, dan Sub ordo Brachycera dan Cyclorapha (therms & \u27James, 1961Gordon & Lavoipierre, 1972). Serangga yang â¢terrnasuK Sub famili Tabaninae dan Chrysophinae (Brachycera: Tabanidae) mengandung banyak .spesies pengisap darah manusia dan binatang. Di antara mereKa yang penting &Warr clari genera Tabanus, Haematopota, dan Chrysops (Gordon & Lavoipierre, 1972). Lalat jenis ini mempunyai kebiasaan berganti-ganti hospes dalam mencari darah, Karena itu mereKa berbahaya sebagai penuiar Kuman penyaKit: Bacillus enthracis, Pasteurella tularensls, Trypanosoma evansi, Tr berberum, dan Loa loa yang masing-masing me - nyebabkan penyakit-penyakit anthrax, tularemia, surra, El debab Dada hewan ternak, dan loasis pada manusia dan binatang.
Anggota-anggota Famili Muscidae, Calliphoriclae, dan Oestridae (5.0. Cyclorapha) mempunyai arti penting dalam bidang keclokteran dan veteriner -karena di antara larvanya ada yang menyerang dan makan jaringan hidup pada kulit, mukosa, dan organ-organ dalam, dan menimbuikan konclisi patologis yang disebut myasis. Di antara mereKa adalah: Musca domestic,\u27 (Muscidae), Chrysomya megachepala (Caliphoriclae), dan Dermatodia nomini
Daya Insektisidal Daun dan Biji Annona muricuta Linn Terhadap Larva Nyamuk di Laboratorium: Suatu Kajian Awal
Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo - Primary screening of insecticidal efficacy of leaves and seeds of Annona muricuta Linn. against mosquito larvae in the laboratory
Various species of plants are known to contain different active substances showing insecticidal activities and many of them could be utilized as the alternatives of chemical insecticides with long residual actions. â¢
These studies aimed at elucidating the insecticidal actions of leaves and seeds of Annona muricula Linn. against Aedes and Culex mosquito larvae. The leaves, seed cores and seed walls of A. muricuta were prepared as 10% infusion, and after a serial dilutions of the stock ingredient was made, they were tested for their respective insecticidal actions against the larvae of. Ae. aegypti and Cr. quinquefasciatus under laboratory conditions for 24 and 48 hours.
Final results analized showed that the leaves and seed cores of A. muricula in the form of infusion were insecticidal against mosquito larvae tested.
Key Words: botanical insecticides - Annona muricuta Linn. Aedes aegypti - Culex quinquefasciatus - mosquito contro
Antifilarial Activity of Diethylcarbamazine in Brugia Pahangi Aedes Togoi Model Infection
Aktivitas antifilarial dietilkarbamasin pada infeksi model Brugia pahangi Aedes togoi.
Sejak tahun 1947 dietilkarbamasin (DEC) diketahui khasiatnya sebagai antifilarial. Penelitian lanjutannya :ebih banyak mengarah kepada khasiatnya sebagai mikrofilarisida dan makrofilarisida pada Venebrata. Kejelasan aktivitas DEC terhadap stadia perkembangan cacing filaria dalam nyamuk Vektomya sangat sedikit diketahui, yang sebenamya juga penting untuk mengungkap makna obat itu dalam pengendalian penularan filariasis. Penelitian ini bedujuan untuk mengungkap lebih rind tentang daya DEC sebagai filarisida pada nyamuk Acdcs togoi yang diinfeksi dengan Brttgia pahangi.
Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan memberikan pakan secara langsung kepada Ae. togoi yang dikolonisasi dengan larutan DEC dalam air sukrose 10% dengan konsentrasi 200, 100, 50 dan 0 mg%. Angka modalitas (AM), angka infeksi (Al), angka infektif (Alm), jurnlah larva per nyamuk terinfeksi (JUN), jumlah larva infektif per nyamuk terinfeksi (JL1PN), perlyebaran larva B. pahangi dalam tubuh nyamuk, dan ukuran (panjang badan) larvae, setelah nyamuk Ae. togoi dikolonisasi selama 12 hari setelah pemberian pakan darah infeks dan kucing yang terinfeksi B. pahangi, di tetapkan.
Pedambahan AM nyamuk Ae. togoi yang tanpa maupun dengan infeksi B. pahangi tidak bermakna, dan tidak bergantung kepada konsentrasi DEC, menunjukkan bahwa DEC tidak bersifat insektisidal. Perbedaan di antara AM nyamuk tanpa dan dengan infeksi filarial diduga karena daya merusak filaria parasit selama perkembangan dan migrasi dalam tubuh nyamuk.
Al dan Aln nyata menurun pada had ke 12. Larva H (U) B. palzangi masih ditemukan dalam tubuh Ae. togoi yang diberi pakan larutan DEC selama 12 harihal ini mengesankan bahwa DEC menghambat perkembangan sebagian larvae B. pahangi. Selama 12 hari persentase larvae B. pahattgi di bagian kepala nyamuk Ae. togoi nyata lebih rendah daripada yang pada nyamuk pembandinghal ini menunjukkan hahwa DEC juga menghambat migrasi sebagian larvae filaria. Disimpulkan hahwa DEC nyata berIchasiat parsial sebagai anti filarial pada infeksi model B. pahangi - Ae. togoi.
Key Words: diethylkarbamazine B. pahangi Ae. togoi insecticidal effect inhibitory effec
Mengembangkan dan Meningkatkan Peran Serta Masyarakat damn Upaya Pemberantasan Vektor Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo â Developing and promoting community participation in the control of dengue haemorrhagic fever vectors
Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is caused by dengue virus and transmitted by Aedes aegypei and A e. albopictus mosquitoes. The absence of causative drugs and protective vaccines, therefore, indicates vector control measures as the only alternative for the disease abatement.
Various methods of dengue vector control and of developing and promoting community participation in such activities are discussed.
Key Words: dengue haemorrhagic fever â Aedes aegypti â Breteau Index â environmental sanitation â Rural Improvement Programm
Sensitivitas larva nyamuk aedes aegypti l terhadap bacillus thuringiensis h-14 dan bacillus sphaericus 1593
Bioinsecticides, mainly developed from Bacillus tburingiensis H-I4 and B. spbaericus 1593, seems to be most promising alternatives to chemical insecticides for controlling mosquito-borne diseases, due to their safety and specificity.
The objectives of the present research was to test the sensitivity of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae to standard powders of B.f. H-14 (IPS 82) and B.s. 1593 (RB 80) under laboratory conditions following procedures standardized by the Institute Pasteur (Paris).
Probit analysis of the mortality data of the test insects indicated that Ae. aegypti larvae were much more sensitive to.B. t. H-14 than to.8.s 1593. It was suggested, therefore, that B.t. H-14 formulations could be alternatively applied to Ae. aegypti control.
Key Words: bioinsecticides, sensitivity test,Aedes aegypti, B. thuringiensis, B. spbaericu
Myiasis pada mayat sebagai penentu saat kematian: (Sebuah Tinjauan )
keywords: visum et repertum, myiasis, chrysomyi
Microplate assay analysis of potential for organophosphate insecticide resistanse in Aedes aegypti in the Yogyakarta Municipality, Indonesia.
Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo âAnalisis uji mikroplat terhadap potensi resistensi insektisida organoloslat pada Aedes aegypti di Kotamadya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sejak tahun 1970-an insektisida organofosfat (OP), temefos dan malathion, digunakan dalam program nasional pengendalian wabah demam berdarah Dengue di Indonesia, yang vektor utamanya adalah nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Dalam kurun waktu yang sama kedua senyawa OP itu diketahui menimbulkan resistensi pada Ae. aegypti stadium dewasa dan larva di Malaysia. Timbul dugaan bahwa Ae. aegypti stadium larva dan dewasa di Kodya Yogyakarta juga telah resisten terhadap kedua senyawa OP tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan status kerentanan Ae. aegypti stadium larva di Kodya Yogyakarta terhadap temefos dan malathion, dan mengetahui potensinya untuk menjadi resisten terhadap insektisida OP dibandingkan dengan populasi Ae. aegypti hasil kolonisasi di insektarium. Cara penelitian meliputi penggunaan uji mikroplat untuk peningkatan aktivitas enzim esterase non-spesifik pada Ae. aegypti stadium larva, diperkuat dengan uji hayati terhadap malathion dan temefos. Dari analisis data hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan, bahwa Ae. aegypti di Kodya Yogyakarta, stadium larvanya berkesan mulai resisten terhadap malathion dan temefos. Hal ini berbeda nyata dari Ae. aegypti stadium larva hasil kolonisasi insektarium yang masih sangat rentan terhadap kedua insektisida OP tersebut. Ae. aegypti di Kodya Yogyakarta berpotensi untuk menjadi resisten terhadap insektisida OP.
Key Words : biochemical test -- malathion -- temephos -- insecticide resistance -- Aedes aegypt
Aktivitas Kombinasi Pirimetamin dan Sulfadoksin Sebagai Antifilaria pada Infeksi Model Brugia pahangi Aedes togo
The mortality rates of Aedes togoi mosquito either uninfected or infected with Brugia pahangi maintained in insectary for 12 days with various concentrations of the combined pyrimethamine (P) and sulphadoxine (S) in 10% sugar-water solution: 5 mg% P + 100 mg%, 10 mg% P + 200 mg% S, and 20 mg% P + 400 mg% S significantly increased compared to that of the control groups. The present evidence showed a definite insecticidal action of the combined drugs.
Infection and infective rates of Ae. togoi mosquitoes, average number of B. pahangi larvae and infective larvae per infected mosquitoes, average size and movement of the larvae in the groups of mosquitoes treated with various concentrations of the combined drugs for 12 days decreased significantly compared to that of the control groups of mosquitoes. The present evidence demonstrated a definite action of the combined pyrimethamine and sulphadoxine as an antifilarial in B. pahangi Ae. togoi model infection.
Key Words: pyrimethamin-sulphadoxine - Brugia pahangi - Aedes togoi - antifilarial - insecticid
Reduction of the dose of chlorpyrifos (Lorsban.480 EC) from 300 mllha to 100 mllha proved to be as effective as malathion at the dose of 438 ml/ha as shown in the previous field trial on Aedes aegypti and Anopheles aconitus mosquitoes in Yogyakarta. The present study aimed at examining the effectiveness of chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 480 EC) of lower dose (50 ml/ha) compared with malathion 438 m}/ha as thermal fog tested on the two species of mosquitoes colonized in the laboratory, and their impacts on the local population ofAedes aegypti. The test insecticide at dosages of 300, 200, 100, and 50 mllha, and malathion at the dose of 438 mllha were respectively applied as thermal fog to the two test mosquitoes and larvae in the residential areas of Yogyakarta Municipality. The four dosages of chlorpyrifos thermal fog seemed to be as highly adulticidal as malathion, and also relatively higher larvicidal than that of malathion. The impacts of the four dosages of chlorpyrifos thermal fog applications were apparent, and better than .that of malathion, on the local Aedes aegypti mosquito density parameters. Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 480 EC) of 50 mllha was the recommended dosage whenever applied as thermal fog to control Aedes aegypti and Anopheles aconitus mosquitoes in Yogyakarta.
Key Words : Chlorpyrifos, Malathion, Aedes aegypti, Anopheles acunitos, Therma
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