10 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Kadar Garam Natrium Dan Kalium Pada Tes Ferning Lendir Mulut

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    ---The objective of this study was to know natrium and potassium levels of oral mucus ferning test. The object were 30 women, that were taken their oral mucus once within the 6th to 19th day of menstruation. The ferning test of oral mucus were examined with light microscope. The data distribution was analized by Kolmogorf – Smirnov, followed by non – parametric statistics. The mean, median and standard deviation were calculated with descriptive analysis. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to analyze the differentiation between the natrium and potassium levels of oral mucus in groups. The result of this study shows that the oral mucus potassium level is higher than natrium level. It means that potassium more important than natrium in the oral mucus ferning test

    Hematologi Kelinci (Lepus SP.) Setelah Perlakuan Implantasi Material Stainless Steel Aisi 316l Selama 2,5 Bulan

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    Stainless Steel AISI 316L are one of the implant material used in the manufacture of artificial hip joint. Testing the effect of prior implantation needs to be done in animal models such as rabbits before applied in the human body. Future integration of the implant in the body of an animal model takes 4-6 weeks. This study aimed to analyze the body's physiological response to the implantation of an animal model of AISI 316L Stainless Steel for 2.5 months seen from the aspect of the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and hemoglobin animal models as part of the basic data for further research in order to figure out orthopedic implants that can be used by the body. This study compares the P0: control rabbits and Ps: rabbits given the implants Stainless Steel AISI 316L. The parameters measured were the number of erythrocytes, leukocyte count and hemoglobin levels, feed intake and body weight were analyzed by Independent Sample T test with SPSS procedures at 95% significance level. The results showed red cell count, leukocyte count and hemoglobin levels did not differ significantly (p> 0.05) between the control treatment. It can be concluded that the use of stainless steel AISI 316L for 2.5 months had no effect on animal physiology and is a material that can be used by the body

    Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin a, B12, C Dan Kombinasi Ketiganya Melalui Drinking Water Terhadap Panjang Dan Bobot Tulang Femur, Tibia Dan Tarsometatarsus Puyuh (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica L.)

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    Produktivitas puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica L.) yang meningkat merupakan pencapaian utama dari kegiatan beternak. Hal tersebut didukung oleh proses metabolisme yang baik, sehingga untuk menjaga proses tersebut agar berjalan dengan baik maka dibutuhkan vitamin pada ransum. Vitamin adalah zat yang dibutuhkan dalam jumlah sedikit oleh tubuh yang berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan tubuh serta dalam proses pertumbuhan, perkembangan dan reproduksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan alternatif optimalisasi perkembangan dengan manajemen pemberian suplemen pada puyuh yaitu vitamin A, B12, C dan kombinasi ketiganya melalui drinking water. Perlakuan dimulai pada saat puyuh berumur 29 hari sampai umur 63 hari. Paramater dalam penelitian ini adalah panjang dan bobot tulang femur, tibia dan tarsometatarsus. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), seluruh data dianalisis dengan Analysis of Varian (ANOVA). Hasil analisis yang berbeda nyata diuji dengan uji lanjut Jarak Berganda Duncan pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian larutan vitamin A, B12, C dan kombinasi ketiganya memberikan perbedaan tidak nyata terhadap panjang dan bobot tulang femur, tibia dan tarsometatarsus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian larutan vitamin tersebut tidak berpotensi untuk memacu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tulang puyuh

    Struktur Histologi Otot Femur Kelinci (Lepus SP.) Setelah Perlakuan Implantasi Material Stainless Steel Aisi 316l Selama 2,5 Bulan

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    Production implant orthopedic domestic with 316L Stainless steel base material which use the material dimensions of the Indonesian non-import until now hasn't been researched. Research the effect of implantation of these materials to health conditions need to be conducted on animal models, such as the rabbit before it wad applied to humans. This study aims to determine the histological changes in the femoral muscle of rabbits after implantation of AISI 316L stainless steel for 2.5 months, as part of the basic data for further research in order to figure out orthopedic implants that can be used by the body. This study compared the P0: rabbit was not given implantation of stainless steel AISI 316L with P1: Rabbits were given treatment AISI 316L stainless steel implants in the quadriceps femoris muscle parallel to the femur bone. Implantation of the implant material was conducted for 2.5 months. Histological changes observed were the presence or absence of necrosis, fibrosis and tissue cavities in the rabbit femoral muscle tissue. The results showed there were no three variables were observed. It is concluded AISI 316L stainless steel did not cause structural changes in muscle histology in a rabbit femur after implantation for 2.5 months; so that these materials can be used as an implant material in the body

    Indeks Kuning Telur (Ikt) Dan Haugh Unit (Hu) Telur Itik Lokal Dari Beberapa Tempat Budidaya Itik Di Jawa

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    One of the effort to increase the duck support to egg production was necessary to consideration some factors. One of the factor was feed. Parameter to determined egg quality namely : yolk index, and haught unit (HU). IKT (Yolk Index) was a comparison between yolk and yolk diameter. Whereas HU was a quality parameter of egg freshness which was numbered based on the high of albumen and egg weight. The aim of this research was to know the yolk index and Haugh Unit. The local egg duck from some culture place in Java and to know the management from each place as knowledge to duck farmer to optimalized the management duck culture. The sample was got from four place culturing in Java, namely Kroya Cirebon Village (A), Pasar Bawang Brebes Village (B), Kalijoso Magelang Village (C), dan Modopuro Mojokerto Village (D), each of them 20 eggs. The Methode which used in this research was with egg measurement the parameter, such as measurement the weight duck, egg weight, albumen high, yolk hight, yolk diameter. The measurement of IKT and HU was done in structure and function of animal biology laboratory. The research design that be used was Completely Randomozed Design with SAS programme. The product of IKT and HU from four culturing duck place in Java were different, IKT has range rata (A) 0.419, (B) 0.463, (C) 0.482, and (D) 0.492. whereas the range of HU value were A) 86.93, (B) 97.53, (C) 100.33, (D) 99.45. this was caused by the difference of management from kind of feed offering, the management that can choosed to applied for other duck farmer, such as from the duck farmer from Modopuro Mojokerto Village and Kalijoso Magelang Village