71 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pendekatan Contexstual Teaching and Learning (Ctl) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 019 Teluk Piyai Kecamatan Kubu

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    This study departed from low yields social studies students, with anaverage value of 64.05 class. While the value of minimum completeness criteria(KKM) IPS is 65 Aiming to improve learning outcomes IPS 019 fourth gradestudents of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district of Rokan Hilir. Formulation of theproblem: Is the application of CTL learning model to improve learning outcomesIPS 019 fourth grade students of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district of Rokan Hilir.Improved learning outcomes before PTK with an average of 64.05 with thecategory of less than one cycle after an increase by an average of 70.75 withenough categories and the second cycle with an average of 82.25 with very goodcategory. Overall, therefore, an increase in student learning outcomes from abase score of 6.7 and kesiklus one of two kesiklus base score of 18.2. While theactivities of students in the first cycle with an average of 68.75% in the secondcycle with an average of 83.33%. While the activity of the teacher on the firstcycle with an average 72.91% in the second cycle reaches 87.49%. These resultsprove that the application of CTL Learning Model can improve learning outcomesIPS 019 fourth grade students of SDN Gulf Piyai Kubu district Rokan Hilir

    Pengaruh Penempatan dan Kompensasiterhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Asdp(persero) Cabang Bakauheni

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    Indonesia geographical condition as an archipelago country lead the sea transport and crossing become very important. The lack of harbor service quality is caused by the low of employee performance. This phenomenon is considered by the errors of employee placement and the compensation that received by the employee is inadequate and the employee's performance is not maximum. This study aims to: explainthe implementation ofcompensation, andthe placement oftheemployeeBakauheniharbor; measure the relation between compensation and employee placement; measure of the effect of compensation and employee placement both partially and simultaneously toward employee's performance.This research using Descriptive survey method and explanatory survey method. Sampling techniques that used in this research is stratified random sampling with proportional allocation. Data collection includes the recording of documents, interview, and questionnaires. Data is analyzed using descriptive analysis and path analysis.Descriptive analysis showed that the average compensation and employee performance is in the category of low. While the placement of human resources in all aspects of planning and career development in the category of enough, but in the aspect of education and training is in the category of low. The results showed that there is a positive and significant impact on the variable of placement on the employees' performance and variable compensation to employees' performance of PT ASDP Bakauheni branch Lampung

    Analisis Produksi Tanaman Karet di Desa Terbangiang Kecamatan Bandar Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This research was conducted in the Village of Terbangiang Bandar Petalangan Pelalawan. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors thatinfluence the production of rubber, how the condition of scale and efficient use of capital and labor in the rubber plant in the Village of Terbangiang Bandar Petalangan Pelalawan. In this study, the population is around the rubber farmers in the Village of Terbangiang Bandar Petalangan Pelalawan in 2013, as many as 221 families. The sampling technique used is random sampling, ie random sampling technique. Where the number of samples taken 69 samples of the population. Methods of data analysis used in this study was descriptive quantitative, where all the values of the variables obtained in the natural logarithm transformed and continued to analyze the data and simultaneous partial. Simultaneous testing (F test) showed that capital and labor jointly significantly affect the production of rubber trees in the Village of Terbangiang Bandar Petalangan Pelalawan. With the calculated F value of 19,508 and the value of F table at 3.980. Based on calculations known value of 0.512 or 51.20% R2 sebesar factors affecting the production of rubber plants are capital and labor. Rubber plant scale production effort to describe Decreasing Scale. The use of capital and labor in the production of rubber plants are not efficient

    Datura Metel Linnaeus sebagai Insektisida dan Larvasida Botani Serta Bahan Baku Obat Tradisional

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    Controlling dengue hemorrhagic fever vector would be better when the people could choose their own choice of method such as spraying synthetics insecticide, using abate as synthetics larvacide, using fish as biological controller, and using electrical racket as mechanical controller. Besides, using poisonous plant as alternative controlling method was being encouraged. Datura metel is a wild plant from a mountain area, which could not be eaten, easy to grow, cheap, safe and environmental friendly. Lethal concentration CL50 towards larvae is 0.600 µg, and CL 95 to control Aedes aegypti larvae is 1.250 µg. Al Using extract of "daun kecubung" in 2% or 3% or 4% concentration did not have any effect as insecticide. Datura metel could be used as botanical insecticide and larvacide, yet it could used as traditional remedy for low back pain, flatulent asthma, rheumatoid, eczema, dermatitis, bone pain, fever, and as pain killer for dysmenorrhea

    The Online Sales Application of Black and White Print Based on Yii Framework on Higher Education E-Commerce Website

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       Raharja Internet Cafe as a facility in Raharja College which is provided for Personal Raharja in helping provide the need for lecture activities. Raharja Internet Cafe has a problem that the system of selling black and white print products that apply consumers must come directly to the RIC room at LV-002 at Raharja College, but Raharja Internet Cafe cannot accommodate many consumers because of the limited area. These problems are the background for the establishment of an electronic sales system (e-commerce) based on Yii framework with the aim of facilitating the sale of black and white print products for consumers and staff of Raharja Internet Cafe. E-commerce website at Raharja Internet Cafe is a web-based application with a structured programming concept. The e-commerce application development Shop Copy Nicky uses 4 (four) stages according to the steps that exist in software development, including the stages of observation, analysis, literature study consisting of 10 (ten) literature and implementation. The conclusion of the e-commerce website development on Raharja Internet Cafe is that the website built can make it easy for consumers to make transactions, and Raharja Internet Cafe can get comprehensive and real time reports about sales data, and payment systems for consumers that are easier because they use payment system that is done online.     Keywords: E-Commerce, Black and White Print, Raharja Internet Caf

    Perilaku Pencegahan Infeksi Menular Seksual Pada Wanita Pekerja Seksual Kabupaten Tegal

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    Wanita Pekerja Seks merupakan kelompok risiko tinggi terkena IMS dan paling berpengaruh dalam persebaran IMS. Lokalisasi Peleman berada di Kabupaten Tegal, dengan kasus IMS lebih dari 50%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku WPS dalam upaya pencegahan IMS di Lokalisasi Peleman. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan informan snowball sampling. Informan berjumlah 6 WPS, 6 teman WPS, 6 mucikari dan 1 petugas kesehatan Puskesmas Jatibogor. Teknik pengambilan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan tahun 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa WPS cukup aktif mencari informasi IMS melalui teman, petugas kesehatan, penyuluhan, media cetak dan elektronik, tetapi tidak melalui mucikari. Hampir semua WPS merayu pelanggan untuk memakai kondom dan dapat memakai kondom dengan baik. Vaginal higiene WPS belum baik, mereka membersihkan vagina bagian dalam menggunakan antiseptik dan pasta gigi. Female sex workers are the high risk group to be infected STIs and the most influential group that responsible for the spreading of STIs. Peleman prostitution site is located in Tegal district which has more than 50% STIs case. The purpose of this research is to find out the image of female sex workers behaviour in the effort of STIs prevention in Peleman prostitution site.This research was qualitative research and used snowball sampling technique. Informant for this research amounts 6 FSW, 6 FSW\u27s friends, 6 pimps, and 1 health workers of Puskesmas Jatibogor. The data collection in this research used in-depth interview and observation. The data analyzed descriptively and presented in narrative form. This result was held in 2014 year. The result showed that FSW were quite actively looking for STIs information through friends, health workers, elucidation, print and electronic media, but not through a pimp. Almost all of FSW asked costumers to used condoms and could use condoms properly. Vaginal hygiene of FSW has not been good, they really cleaned the inside of vagina using an antiseptic and toothpaste

    Jenis Jamur Dan Lalat Yang Ditemukan Pada Makanan Jajanan Dari Pasar Dan Warung Di Jakarta

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    Hasil penelitian terhadap makanan jajanan yang dijual di pasar dan warung, banyak yang tidak memenuhai syarat kesehatan, dan tercemar oleh bakteri serta jamur tertentu. Penelitian tentang bakteri yang mencemari makanan jajanan seperti Entamoeba coli, Staphylococcus dan Salmonella telah banyak diketahui, tetapi mengenai data jenis jamur yang mencemari makanan jajanan belum banyak diketahui. Kontaminasi tersebut disebabkan cara penanganan, sanitasi yang kurang bersih, pembungkus makanan jajanan, tempat menjajakan makanan jajanan dan lokasi menjual makanan jajanan tersebut sebaiknya jauh dari tempat pembuangan sampah. Tempat pembuangan sampah sering ditemukan lalat seperti lalat rumah (Musca domestica), Chysomia megacephala, C. safferanea dan Sarcophaga sp. Hampir semua kue basah maupun kue kering yang dijual di pasar tradisional maupun di warung umumnya tercemar oleh khamir. Kue-kue tersebut yang dijual di pasar lebih banyak tercemar khamir dibandingkan yang dijual di warung. Hal ini kemungkinan kue yang dijual di warung penanganannya lebih baik dari pada yang dijual di pasar. Begitu juga mutu kue yang dijual di pasar biasanya lebih cepat rusak. Kerusakan kue tersebut disebabkan antara lain karena tercemar spora jamur yang terbawa oleh debu maupun oleh lalat yang terkontaminasi jamur/bakteri pada kaki-kaki lalat tersebut, yang hinggap pada makanan jajanan. Sehingga jenis-jenis jamur yang terdapat di tempat sampah, udara dan tanah dapat mencemari makanan jajanan yang dijual di pasar maupun di warung

    Obesitas Sentral dan Kadar Kolesterol Darah Total

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    Obesitas sentral/abdominal dapat diketahui melalui indikator rasio lingkar pinggangdan panggul (RLPP). Obesitas sentral sangat erat hubungannya dengan terjadinyasindroma metabolik yang salah satu tandanya adalah peningkatan kolesterol darah total.Masalah Penelitian adalah bagaimana hubungan obesitas sentral dengan kadar kolesteroldarah total pada wanita usia 45 - 54 tahun. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahuihubungan obesitas sentral dengan kadar kolesterol darah total pada wanita usia 45 -54 tahun. Metode penelitian explanatory research dengan pendekatan cross sectional.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 276 wanita di Kelurahan Plalangan KecamatanGunungpati Kota Semarang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratifi edrandom sampling, dengan jumlah sampel 81. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalahuji Chi-Square dengan α= 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 61,7% sampelmengalami obesitas sentral dan 16% sampel mempunyai kadar kolesteol darah totaltermasuk hiperkolesterolemia. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan ada hubungan antaraobesitas sentral dengan kadar kolesterol darah total (p=0,001). Simpulan penelitian, adahubungan antara obesitas sentral dengan kadar kolesterol darah total. Central obesity/abdominal can be seen in the ratio of waist and hip circumference (RLPP).Central obesity is closely related to the occurrence of metabolic syndrome, one sign is anincrease in total blood cholesterol. Research problem was how the relationship of centralobesity with total blood cholesterol levels in women aged 45-54 years. Research purpose todetermine the relationship of central obesity with total blood cholesterol levels in women aged45-54 years. Explanatory research methods with cross sectional approach. Th e populationin this study were 276 women in Plalangan village, Gunungpati District of Semarang, usedstratifi ed random sampling, amounts 81. Th e data analysis technique used Chi-Square testwith α = 0.05 . Th e results showed that 61.7% of samples had central obesity and 16% ofsamples having total blood kolesteol levels including hypercholesterolemia. Th e results ofdata analysis showed no association between central obesity with total blood cholesterollevels (p=0.001). Th e conclusions, there was no association between central obesity withtotal blood cholesterol levels

    Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Berdasarkan Dimensi Servqual Menggunakan Metode Importance Performance Analysis (Studi pada Indihome Witel Bandung)

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    PT. Telkom is the largest telecommunications company in Indonesia that plays an important role in the development of the national telecommunications. In 2012, PT Telkom launched IndiHome (Indonesia Digital Home), that is is a multi product bundling packages of Telkom consisting landlines, internet and interactive television services (USee Tv). As the largest telecommunications company in Indonesia, PT. Telkom should provides satisfaction through good quality services in accordance with expected by the customer.The purpose of this study is to know how satisfied customers IndiHome Witel Bandung by comparing the level of customer expectations and IndiHome Witel Bandung\u27s performance levels based method SERVQUAL. Data collection method is done by distributing questionnaires to 100 customers of IndiHome Witel Bandung that currently active subscription (existing). The results of data from questionnaires, processed by using Gap analysis to know the level of customer satisfaction, after that reprocessed by using Important Performance Analysis (IPA) or also called Kartesius Diagram analysis to know which attributes or dimensions that need to be a priority IndiHome Witel Bandung for improved performance levels and any attributes or dimensions that need to be retained by the company. Based on the results of data processing, it is known customer\u27s appraisal on 21 of performance attributes and 21 of expectations attributes indicate that all the attributes or dimensions have a gap between customers\u27 perception of indihome\u27s performance and customer expectations. As well as with the level of conformity obtained is still below 100%, ie 79.5%. It means that Indihome\u27s performance still has not filled customer expectations. Based on the Kartesius diagram on Important Performance Analysis (IPA), there are eight indicators and two dimensions, they are reliability dimensions and responsiveness dimensions that Indihome should be the focus to be immediately rectified their performance

    Quality Evaluation of Fresh Finned Fish (Thynnichthys Thynnoides Blkr) Preserved with Bitter Gourd's (Momordica Charantia) Extracts at Varied Concentrations

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    The objective of the research was to find out the quality of fresh finned fish (Thynnichthys thynnoides Blkr) which immersed in varied concentration of bitter gourd's (Momordica charantia) extract. The optimum concentration of bitter gourd' used to preserve the fish was determinated by the value of organoleptic test, total volatile base, total plate count and pH of the fish. The method used in this research used was experiment. Organoleptic test was analiyzed descriptively, while the total volatile base, total plate count, and pH were analyzed by using block randomized design (BRD). The result showed that the finned fish immersed in 30% bitter gourd's extract was the best treatment which could restrain the freshness of finned fish for 12 hours. The organoleptic characteristic showed that the apparent of fish gills (6,5), the mocous of body surface (6,9), odor (6,8), texture (7,0), meat (color and visually) (7,1), total volatile base (14,4), total plate count (1,2x104 cfu/gr), and pH (6,9), meanwhile the appearance of fish eye of P0 was more accepted by panelists
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