387 research outputs found

    Matching the Hagedorn mass spectrum with Lattice QCD results

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    Based on recent Lattice QCD (LQCD) results obtained at finite temperature, we discuss modeling of the hadronic phase of QCD in the framework of Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) with discrete and continuous mass spectra. We focus on fluctuations of conserved charges, and show how a common limiting temperature can be used to constrain the Hagedorn exponential mass spectrum in different sectors of quantum number, through a matching of HRG and LQCD. For strange baryons, the extracted spectra are found to be consistent with all known and expected states listed by the Particle Data Group (PDG). The strange-mesonic sector, however, requires additional states in the intermediate mass range beyond that embodied in the database.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in phys. rev.

    Strangeness fluctuations from KπK-\pi interactions

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    Motivated by recent lattice QCD studies, we explore the effects of interactions on strangeness fluctuations in strongly interacting matter at finite temperature. We focus on S-wave KπK\pi scattering and discuss the role of the K0(800)K_0^*(800) and K(1430)K^*(1430) resonances. The interaction contribution is obtained within the S-matrix formulation of thermodynamics, using the empirical KπK\pi phase shifts as input. We find that the simplified treatment of the interactions in this channel, employed in the hadron resonance gas approach, leads to an overestimate of the strangeness fluctuations. Thus, our calculation indicates that broad resonances must be treated with caution, when modeling QCD thermodynamics in the hadronic phase.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, version appeared in phys. rev.

    Toward a unified equation of state for multi-messenger astronomy

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    We present a first step in developing a benchmark equation-of-state (EoS) model for multi-messenger astronomy that unifies the thermodynamics of quark and hadronic degrees of freedom. A Lagrangian approach to the thermodynamic potential of quark-meson-nucleon (QMN) matter was used. In this approach, dynamical chiral-symmetry breaking is described by the scalar mean-field dynamics coupled to quarks and nucleons and their chiral partners, whereby its restoration occurs in the hadronic phase by parity doubling, as well as in the quark phase. Quark confinement was achieved by an auxiliary scalar field that parametrizes a dynamical infrared cutoff in the quark sector, serving as an ultraviolet cutoff for the nucleonic phase space. The gap equations were solved for the isospin-symmetric case, as well as for neutron star (NS) conditions. We also calculated the mass-radius (MR) relation of NSs and their tidal deformability parameter. The obtained EoS is in accordance with nuclear matter properties at saturation density and with the flow constraint from heavy ion collision experiments. For isospin-asymmetric matter, a sequential occurrence of light quark flavors is obtained, allowing for a mixed phase of chirally-symmetric nucleonic matter with deconfined down quarks. The MR relations and TDs for compact stars fulfill the constraints from the latest astrophysical observations for PSR J0740+6620, PSR J0030+0451, and the NS merger GW170817, whereby the tension between the maximum mass and compactness constraints rather uniquely fixes the model parameters. The model predicts the existence of stars with a core of chirally restored but purely hadronic (confined) matter for masses beyond 1.8 M1.8~M_\odot. Stars with pure-quark matter cores are found to be unstable against the gravitational collapse. This instability is shifted to even higher densities if repulsive interactions between quarks are included.Comment: version accepted for publication in A&

    Strange matter prospects within the string-flip model

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    In this contribution we extend the recently developed two-flavor quark-matter string-flip model by including strange quarks. We discuss implications for compact stars.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings to SQM201

    Determination of thallium in environmental samples by surfactant assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with first order derivative spectrophotometry

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    A surfactant assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (SA-DLLME) combined with derivative spectrophotometric method has been proposed for the determination of thallium(III) using a chelating agent diacetylmonoxime-p-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone. Disperser solvent was substituted by surfactant, which made the emulsification more effective and extraction, quite environment friendly. Carbon tetrachloride was employed as the extractant. The developed SA-DLLME technique was coupled with first order derivative spectrophotometric method to improve the analytical performance. Optimum conditions relevant to SA-DLLME and instrumental parameters were studied in detail. The enrichment factor of the method was found to be 23. The limit of detection and quantitation limit of first order derivative spectrophotometric method were found to be 0.22 and 0.67 µg/L, respectively. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for five replicates of 50.0 µg/L of thallium(III) was found to be 1.12%. The applicability of the method was evaluated by the trace level determination of thallium in different environmental samples

    Conformality and percolation threshold in neutron stars

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    Speed of sound is given attention in multi-messenger astronomy as it encodes information of the dense matter equation of state. Recently the trace anomaly was proposed as a more informative quantity. In this work, we statistically determine the speed of sound and trace anomaly and show that they are driven to their conformal values at the centers of maximally massive neutron stars. We show that the local peak in the speed of sound can be associated deconfinement along with percolation conditions in QCD matter

    Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI) and iron (III) by H-point standard addition method

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    In this work the possibility of simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in alloys with help of the mixed organic reagent (diphenylcarbazide and 1,10-phenanthroline) is studied. We have applied Н-point standard addition method to determine concentrations of chromium (VI) and iron (III) from the mixture. The pure signals of complexes of chromium (VI) with diphenylcarbazide and iron (III) with the 1,10-phenanthroline and their calibration plots are previously carried out. We established the possibility of simultaneous determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in the different concentration ranges by Н-point standard addition method. Correctness of determination of concentration by means of the offered technique is proved by "added-found" method for a series of mixtures with different ratios of concentration of chromium (VI) and iron (III). It is founded that the error of determination of concentration doesn't exceed 33 %.