10 research outputs found

    Tics and Tourette syndrome: clinical evaluation of 44 cases

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    We evaluated 44 patients with tics and Tourette's syndrome (TS) emphasising the age of onset of symptoms, sex, classification and localization of tics, associated symptoms and signs and comorbidities. Thirty-three patients (75.2%) had TS defined criteria whereas 10 (22.7%) had chronic motor and/or vocal tics. Simple motor tics were found in 43 cases (97.7%), mainly affecting the eyes (43.2%), mouth (43.2%), face (34.1%). Simple vocal tics occurred in 33 (75%). Coprolalia was found in just 6 cases (13.6%) and copropraxia in just 2 (4.5%). Obsessive compulsive disorder and/or symptoms were found in 26 cases (59.1%) and attention deficit in 17 (38.6%). Eighteen patients (40.9%) had other disorders, such as alcoholism, tabagism, drug abuse, affective disorders, anxiety, sleep and learning disorders. The data obtained are similar to those found by other authors. We highlight the low frequency of coprolalia, as well as the associated neuropsychiatric disorders

    Cerebellar hemorrhage as a complication of temporal lobectomy for refractory medial temporal epilepsy: report of three cases Hemorragia cerebelar como complicação de lobectomia temporal para epilepsia do lobo temporal medial: relato de três casos

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    Cerebellar hemorrhage is listed among the potential complications following neurosurgical pro ce dures. In this scenario it is usually reported as a rare condition. However, it seems that epilepsy surgery pa tients are somewhat more prone to this kind of complication, compared to other surgical groups. Head po si tioning, excessive cerebral spinal fluid draining and the excision of non-expanding encephalic tissue (or combinations among the three) are likely to be cause underlying remote cerebellar hemorrhage. Out of the 118 ATL/AH performed at our institution, between 1996 and 2002, we identified 3 (2.5%) patients pre sen ting with cerebellar hemorrhage. We report on such cases and review the literature on the topic.A hemorragia cerebelar faz parte das potenciais complicações dos procedimentos neurocirúrgicos. De forma geral, é considerada uma condição rara. Entretanto, há aparente propensão dos pacientes sub metidos ao tratamento cirúrgico de epilepsia em apresentar este tipo de complicação, quando compara dos com outros grupos cirúrgicos. O posicionamento da cabeça, excessiva drenagem de líquido cefalorraquidiano e a excisão de tecido cerebral não expansível (ou talvez combinações entre os três) constituem as po ten ciais causas da hemorragia cerebelar remota. Entre os 118 pacientes em nossa série de LTA ¼ AH, identifi camos 3(2.5%) casos de hemorragia cerebelar. Relatamos os três casos desta natureza, com revisão da lite ratura pertinente a esta complicação

    Multi-laboratory compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the period 1957-2019; obspack_co2_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v6.0_2020-09-11

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    A full list of all creators for this product can be found at www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/obspack/providerlist/obspack_co2_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v6.0_2020-09-11.html. This product is constructed using the Observation Package (ObsPack) framework [Masarie et al., 2014; www.earth-syst-sci-data.net/6/375/2014/]. The framework is designed to bring together atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) observations from a variety of sampling platforms, prepare them with specific applications in mind, and package and distribute them in a self-consistent and well-documented product. ObsPack products are intended to support GHG budget studies and represent a new generation of cooperative value-added GHG data products. This product includes 471 atmospheric carbon dioxide datasets derived from observations made by 54 laboratories from 21 countries. Data for the period 1957-2019 (where available) are included

    Multi-laboratory compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the period 1957-2020; obspack_co2_1_GLOBALVIEWplus_v7.0_2021-08-18

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    This product is constructed using the Observation Package (ObsPack) framework [Masarie et al., 2014; www.earth-syst-sci-data.net/6/375/2014/]. The framework is designed to bring together atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) observations from a variety of sampling platforms, prepare them with specific applications in mind, and package and distribute them in a self-consistent and well-documented product. ObsPack products are intended to support GHG budget studies and represent a new generation of cooperative value-added GHG data products. This product includes 524 atmospheric carbon dioxide datasets derived from observations made by 63 laboratories from 21 countries. Data for the period 1957-2020 (where available) are included

    Multi-laboratory compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data for the period 1957-2020 [Dataset]

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    This product is constructed using the Observation Package (ObsPack) framework [Masarie et al., 2014; www.earth-syst-sci-data.net/6/375/2014/]. The framework is designed to bring together atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) observations from a variety of sampling platforms, prepare them with specific applications in mind, and package and distribute them in a self-consistent and well-documented product. ObsPack products are intended to support GHG budget studies and represent a new generation of cooperative value-added GHG data products. This product includes 524 atmospheric carbon dioxide datasets derived from observations made by 63 laboratories from 21 countries. Data for the period 1957-2020 (where available) are included