16,931 research outputs found

    Commercial Bank Exposure and Sensitivity to the Real Estate Market

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    In this study, we assess the balance sheet exposure of commercial banks to the real estate market, and develop a hypothesis on the potential systematic effects of real estate conditions across banks. By applying a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model to bank portfolios, we test for the relation between bank values and a real estate market proxy after controlling for general market and interest-rate conditions. We find a positive relationship between monthly bank returns and the real estate index, even after accounting for general market and interest-rate movements. The sensitivity of bank values to the real estate market has increased over time, and the bank-specific sensitivity coefficient is positively related to the bank's balance sheet exposure to real estate.

    Aberrations in shift-invariant linear optical imaging systems using partially coherent fields

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    Here the role and influence of aberrations in optical imaging systems employing partially coherent complex scalar fields is studied. Imaging systems require aberrations to yield contrast in the output image. For linear shift-invariant optical systems, we develop an expression for the output cross-spectral density under the space-frequency formulation of statistically stationary partially coherentfields. We also develop expressions for the output cross{spectral density and associated spectral density for weak-phase, weak-phase-amplitude, and single-material objects in one transverse spatial dimension

    Modeling Disordered Quantum Systems with Dynamical Networks

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    It is the purpose of the present article to show that so-called network models, originally designed to describe static properties of disordered electronic systems, can be easily generalized to quantum-{\em dynamical} models, which then allow for an investigation of dynamical and spectral aspects. This concept is exemplified by the Chalker-Coddington model for the Quantum Hall effect and a three-dimensional generalization of it. We simulate phase coherent diffusion of wave packets and consider spatial and spectral correlations of network eigenstates as well as the distribution of (quasi-)energy levels. Apart from that it is demonstrated how network models can be used to determine two-point conductances. Our numerical calculations for the three-dimensional model at the Metal-Insulator transition point delivers among others an anomalous diffusion exponent of η=3D2=1.7±0.1\eta = 3 - D_2 = 1.7 \pm 0.1. The methods presented here in detail have been used partially in earlier work.Comment: 16 pages, Rev-TeX. to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Effective g-factor in Majorana Wires

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    We use the effective g-factor of subgap states, g*, in hybrid InAs nanowires with an epitaxial Al shell to investigate how the superconducting density of states is distributed between the semiconductor core and the metallic shell. We find a step-like reduction of g* and improved hard gap with reduced carrier density in the nanowire, controlled by gate voltage. These observations are relevant for Majorana devices, which require tunable carrier density and g* exceeding the g-factor of the proximitizing superconductor. Additionally, we observe the closing and reopening of a gap in the subgap spectrum coincident with the appearance of a zero-bias conductance peak

    Application of High-precision Timing Systems to Distributed Survey Systems

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    In any hydrographic survey system that consists of more than one computer, one of the most difficult integration problems is to ensure that all components maintain a coherent sense of time. Since virtually all modern survey systems are of this type, timekeeping and synchronized timestamping of data as it is created is of significant concern. This paper describes a method for resolving this problem based on the IEEE 1588 Precise Time Protocol (PTP) implemented by hardware devices, layered with some custom software called the Software Grandmaster (SWGM) algorithm. This combination of hardware and software maintains a coherent sense of time between multiple ethernet-connected computers, on the order of 100 ns (rms) in the best case, of the timebase established by the local GPS-receiver clock. We illustrate the performance of this techniques in a practical survey system using a Reson 7P sonar processor connected to a Reson 7125 Multibeam Echosounder (MBES), integrated with an Applanix POS/MV 320 V4 and a conventional data capture computer. Using the timing capabilities of the PTP hardware implementations, we show that the timepieces achieve mean (hardware based) synchronization and timestamping within 100-150 ns (rms), and that the data created at the Reson 7P without hardware timestamps has a latency variability of 28 µs (rms) due to software constraints within the capture system. This compares to 288 ms (rms) using Reson’s standard hybrid hardware/software solution, and 13.6 ms (rms) using a conventional single-oscillator timestamping model

    Numerical modelling of plasticity induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation

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    We use neural field theory and spike-timing dependent plasticity to make a simple but biophysically reasonable model of long-term plasticity changes in the cortex due to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We show how common TMS protocols can be captured and studied within existing neural field theory. Specifically, we look at repetitive TMS protocols such as theta burst stimulation and paired-pulse protocols. Continuous repetitive protocols result mostly in depression, but intermittent repetitive protocols in potentiation. A paired pulse protocol results in depression at short (∼ 100 ms) interstimulus intervals, but potentiation for mid-range intervals. The model is sensitive to the choice of neural populations that are driven by the TMS pulses, and to the parameters that describe plasticity, which may aid interpretation of the high variability in existing experimental results. Driving excitatory populations results in greater plasticity changes than driving inhibitory populations. Modelling also shows the merit in optimizing a TMS protocol based on an individual’s electroencephalogram. Moreover, the model can be used to make predictions about protocols that may lead to improvements in repetitive TMS outcomes

    Tunneling Spectroscopy of Quasiparticle Bound States in a Spinful Josephson Junction

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    The spectrum of a segment of InAs nanowire, confined between two superconducting leads, was measured as function of gate voltage and superconducting phase difference using a third normal-metal tunnel probe. Sub-gap resonances for odd electron occupancy---interpreted as bound states involving a confined electron and a quasiparticle from the superconducting leads, reminiscent of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states---evolve into Kondo-related resonances at higher magnetic fields. An additional zero bias peak of unknown origin is observed to coexist with the quasiparticle bound states.Comment: Supplementary information available here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1742676/Chang_Sup.pd

    Gluon-Induced Weak Boson Fusion

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    The gluon-gluon induced terms for Higgs production through weak boson fusion (WBF) are computed. Formally, these are of NNLO in the strong coupling constant. This is the lowest order at which non-zero color exchange occurs between the scattering quarks, leading to a color field and thus additional hadronic activity between the outgoing jets. Using a minimal set of cuts, the numerical impact of these terms is at the percent level with respect to the NLO rate for weak boson fusion. Applying the so-called WBF cuts leads to an even stronger suppression, so that we do not expect a significant deterioration of the WFB signal by these color exchange effects.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures (21 included ps- and eps-files

    A Semiconductor Nanowire-Based Superconducting Qubit

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    We introduce a hybrid qubit based on a semiconductor nanowire with an epitaxially grown superconductor layer. Josephson energy of the transmon-like device ("gatemon") is controlled by an electrostatic gate that depletes carriers in a semiconducting weak link region. Strong coupling to an on-chip microwave cavity and coherent qubit control via gate voltage pulses is demonstrated, yielding reasonably long relaxation times (0.8 {\mu}s) and dephasing times (1 {\mu}s), exceeding gate operation times by two orders of magnitude, in these first-generation devices. Because qubit control relies on voltages rather than fluxes, dissipation in resistive control lines is reduced, screening reduces crosstalk, and the absence of flux control allows operation in a magnetic field, relevant for topological quantum information

    Nonlinear projective filtering in a data stream

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    We introduce a modified algorithm to perform nonlinear filtering of a time series by locally linear phase space projections. Unlike previous implementations, the algorithm can be used not only for a posteriori processing but includes the possibility to perform real time filtering in a data stream. The data base that represents the phase space structure generated by the data is updated dynamically. This also allows filtering of non-stationary signals and dynamic parameter adjustment. We discuss exemplary applications, including the real time extraction of the fetal electrocardiogram from abdominal recordings.Comment: 8 page