3,082 research outputs found

    The Roles of Non-Cognitive and Cognitive Skills in the Life Course Development of Adult Health Inequalities

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    Previous research has suggested that greater cognitive skill is protective against the development of socio-economic health inequalities across the life course, but the relative role of non-cognitive skills has been less investigated in this context. Using the prospective UK 1958 National Child Development Study (N = 18,558), higher factor scores for adolescent non-cognitive skills (NCS; i.e. a combination of work habits and pro-social behaviours) and mean cognitive skill (CS) at age 16 were examined with a path analysis model in relation to socioeconomic status (SES) across the life course (at ages 16, 33 and 50) and poor self-reported health at age 50. Adjusting for adolescent NCS explained over a third of the association between education and health, but the path between social class at age 50 and health was unaffected. Adjustment for CS explained larger proportions of the paths to adult health inequalities; and paths between CS and SES across the life course were stronger than the same paths with NCS. However, NCS was still independently associated with paths to later health inequalities in fully adjusted models, and both types of skill had equivalent inverse direct effects with poor health (OR: 0.82 [95% CI 0.73,0.93] vs 0.83 [0.72,0.96], respectively). Since NCS retained independent associations with SES and health across the life course, they could be a target for policies aimed at ameliorating the production of health inequalities for a wide range of children, regardless of their cognitive skill

    Selenium Biotransformations in an Engineered Aquatic Ecosystem for Bioremediation of Agricultural Wastewater via Brine Shrimp Production

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    An engineered aquatic ecosystem was specifically designed to bioremediate selenium (Se), occurring as oxidized inorganic selenate from hypersalinized agricultural drainage water while producing brine shrimp enriched in organic Se and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for use in value added nutraceutical food supplements. Selenate was successfully bioremediated by microalgal metabolism into organic Se (seleno-amino acids) and partially removed via gaseous volatile Se formation. Furthermore, filterfeeding brine shrimp that accumulated this organic Se were removed by net harvest. Thriving in this engineered pond system, brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana Kellogg) and brine fly (Ephydridae sp.) have major ecological relevance as important food sources for large populations of waterfowl, breeding, and migratory shore birds. This aquatic ecosystem was an ideal model for study because it mimics trophic interactions in a Se polluted wetland. Inorganic selenate in drainage water was metabolized differently in microalgae, bacteria, and diatoms where it was accumulated and reduced into various inorganic forms (selenite, selenide, or elemental Se) or partially incorporated into organic Se mainly as selenomethionine. Brine shrimp and brine fly larva then bioaccumulated Se from ingesting aquatic microorganisms and further metabolized Se predominately into organic Se forms. Importantly, adult brine flies, which hatched from aquatic larva, bioaccumulated the highest Se concentrations of all organisms tested

    On the role of the corpus callosum in interhemispheric functional connectivity in humans

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    Resting state functional connectivity is defined in terms of temporal correlations between physiologic signals, most commonly studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Major features of functional connectivity correspond to structural (axonal) connectivity. However, this relation is not one-to-one. Interhemispheric functional connectivity in relation to the corpus callosum presents a case in point. Specifically, several reports have documented nearly intact interhemispheric functional connectivity in individuals in whom the corpus callosum (the major commissure between the hemispheres) never develops. To investigate this question, we assessed functional connectivity before and after surgical section of the corpus callosum in 22 patients with medically refractory epilepsy. Section of the corpus callosum markedly reduced interhemispheric functional connectivity. This effect was more profound in multimodal associative areas in the frontal and parietal lobe than primary regions of sensorimotor and visual function. Moreover, no evidence of recovery was observed in a limited sample in which multiyear, longitudinal follow-up was obtained. Comparison of partial vs. complete callosotomy revealed several effects implying the existence of polysynaptic functional connectivity between remote brain regions. Thus, our results demonstrate that callosal as well as extracallosal anatomical connections play a role in the maintenance of interhemispheric functional connectivity

    Sherlock - A flexible, low-resource tool for processing camera-trapping images

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    1. The use of camera traps to study wildlife has increased markedly in the last two decades. Camera surveys typically produce large data sets which require processing to isolate images containing the species of interest. This is time consuming and costly, particularly if there are many empty images that can result from false triggers. Computer vision technology can assist with data processing, but existing artificial intelligence algorithms are limited by the requirement of a training data set, which itself can be challenging to acquire. Furthermore, deep-learning methods often require powerful hardware and proficient coding skills. 2. We present Sherlock, a novel algorithm that can reduce the time required to process camera trap data by removing a large number of unwanted images. The code is adaptable, simple to use and requires minimal processing power.3. We tested Sherlock on 240,596 camera trap images collected from 46 cameras placed in a range of habitats on farms in Cornwall, United Kingdom, and set the parameters to find European badgers (Meles meles). The algorithm correctly classified 91.9% of badger images and removed 49.3% of the unwanted ‘empty’ images. When testing model parameters, we found that faster processing times were achieved by reducing both the number of sampled pixels and ‘bouncing’ attempts (the number of paths explored to identify a disturbance), with minimal implications for model sensitivity and specificity. When Sherlock was tested on two sites which contained no livestock in their images, its performance greatly improved and it removed 92.3% of the empty images. 4. Although further refinements may improve its performance, Sherlock is currently an accessible, simple and useful tool for processing camera trap data

    Grandmaternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with differential DNA methylation in peripheral blood of their grandchildren

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    The idea that information can be transmitted to subsequent generation(s) by epigenetic means has been studied for decades but remains controversial in humans. Epidemiological studies have established that grandparental exposures are associated with health outcomes in their grandchildren, often with sex-specific effects; however, the mechanism of transmission is still unclear. We conducted Epigenome Wide Association Studies (EWAS) to test whether grandmaternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with altered DNA methylation (DNAm) in peripheral blood from their adolescent grandchildren. We used data from a birth cohort, with discovery and replication datasets of up to 1225 and 708 individuals (respectively, for the maternal line), aged 15–17 years, and tested replication in the same individuals at birth and 7 years. We show for the first time that DNAm at a small number of loci in cord blood is associated with grandmaternal smoking in humans. In adolescents we see suggestive associations in regions of the genome which we hypothesised a priori could be involved in transgenerational transmission - we observe sex-specific associations at two sites on the X chromosome and one in an imprinting control region. All are within transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs), and we observe enrichment for TFBS among the CpG sites with the strongest associations; however, there is limited evidence that the associations we see replicate between timepoints. The implication of this work is that effects of smoking during pregnancy may induce DNAm changes in later generations and that these changes are often sex-specific, in line with epidemiological associations

    Paternal grandmother’s smoking in pregnancy is associated with extreme aversion to bitter taste in their grandchildren

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    Although there are many examples in the experimental literature of an environmental exposure in one generation impacting the phenotypes of subsequent generations, there are few studies that can assess whether such associations occur in humans. The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) has, however, been able to determine whether there are associations between grandparental exposures and their grandchildren’s development. Several of our studies, including sensitivity to loud noise, have shown associations between a grandmother smoking in pregnancy and the phenotype of the grandchild. These results were mostly specific to the sex of the grandchild and to whether the prenatal (i.e. during pregnancy) smoking occurred in the maternal or paternal grandmother. Here, we have used ancestral data on prenatal smoking among the grandmothers of the ALSPAC index children to examine possible effects on the grandchild’s ability to detect the bitter taste of PROP (6 n-propylthiouracil), distinguishing between the 10% deemed ‘extreme tasters’, and the rest of the population (total N = 4656 children). We showed that grandchildren whose paternal (but not maternal) grandmothers had smoked in pregnancy were more likely than those of non-smoking grandmothers to be extreme tasters [odds ratio (OR) 1.28; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03, 1.59] and that this was more likely in granddaughters (OR 1.42; 95% CI 1.03, 1.95) than grandsons (OR 1.18; 95% CI 0.88, 1.60). This pattern of association between paternal foetal exposure and the granddaughter’s development has been found with several other outcomes, suggesting that investigations should be undertaken to investigate possible mechanisms

    Unexpected associations between the number of FRAXE repeats in boys and evidence of diabetes in their mothers and maternal grandmothers raises intriguing hypotheses

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    The FRAXE section of the FMR2 gene, located on the X chromosome, contains varying numbers of trinucleotide repeats; boys with over 200 repeats tend to have mild cognitive impairments, though this is rare. Little is known, however, concerning the phenotypes of individuals with smaller numbers of repeats. Here we answer the research question as to whether the health of ancestors of boys from whom the relevant X chromosome was inherited differed in any way according to the number of FRAXE repeats. Numbers of FRAXE repeats in 5057 boys from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) were assessed. The distribution was bimodal, with the second smaller distribution starting at 22 repeats. We tested whether possession of 22+ repeats was associated with differences in the health of mothers (who share the X chromosome) and maternal grandmothers (half of whom share it). Female ancestors of boys with >21 repeats compared with <22 showed that maternal grandmothers (MGM) and mothers (M) had an increased risk of diabetes: MGM Type I odds ratio (OR) 2.40 [95%CI: 1.07,5.38]; MGM Type II OR 1.61 [0.96,2.70]; M OR 1.95 [0.96,3.94] using self-reported questionnaire measures. These results were confirmed from maternal medical records which revealed an increased level of diabetes [OR 2.40 (1.16,4.96)] and an increased risk of repeated glycosuria during pregnancy [OR 1.60 (1.08,2.36)]. We tested numbers of FRAXA repeats and showed no such associations, indicating that the findings were not associated with triploid repeats in general. If these findings are replicated elsewhere, there are at least three possible interpretations: (i) maternal diabetes/prediabetes results in an increased number of FRAXE repeats; (ii) women with high numbers of FRAXE repeats are at increased risk of diabetes; or (iii) some common factor, e.g. genomic instability, results in both diabetes and increased repeats
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