75 research outputs found

    Effects of a physical activity program on depression parameters in postmenopausal women

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    Aim: The aim of this survey was to meet the exercise-induced psychological modifications in postmenopausal women. Method: 30 postmenopausal women (54,00 ± 5,6 years) participated in this survey, they were classified in two groups: Depression Group (DG) (n=15) and Control Group (CG) (n=15). The program of physical activity had a duration of 6 months and consisted of low to moderate physical exercises (50-60% of the maximal hearth rate of reserve) and with a weekly frequency of 4 days. Results: the obtained results showed no improvement in the depression indexes, however a positive trend in the parameters of depression has been observed. Conclusion: results indicate that regular, systematic low intensity physical training, 4 days/week is not enough to reduce the depressive symptoms or to improve the mood state in postmenopausal depressive women. It is necessary more studies with different exercise intensity to clarify the effect on depression

    Modificaciones de la composición corporal de mujeres pre y posmenopáusicas sometidas a un programa de aeróbic

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    La menopausia implica una serie de modificaciones hormonales y un aumento del número de trastornos, como puede ser la mayor tendencia a la obesidad, que repercuten negativamente en la salud de la mujer pre y posmenopáusica. El objetivo que nos proponemos es describir las modificaciones de la composición corporal que sufren grupos de mujeres pre y posmenopáusicas tras realizar un programa de aeróbic

    Serum and urinary concentrations of arsenic, beryllium, cadmium and lead after an aerobic training period of six months in aerobic athletes and sedentary people

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    Aim:The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possible effect of a period of 6 months of aerobic physicaltraining on serum and urinary concentrations of arsenic (As), beryllium (Be), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), potentiallytoxic minerals.Methods:Twenty-four well-trained, long distance runners (AG), were recruited at the start of their training period.They had been performing training regularly for the previous 2 years, recording an average volume of 120 km perweek of rigorous aerobic exercise aimed at high-level competitions (1500 and 5000 m race modalities). Twenty-sixuntrained, sedentary participants constituted the control group (CG). All participants had been living in the samegeographic area for at least 2 years before the start of the survey. Serum and urine samples were obtained fromeach participant at the beginning and at the end of the 6 months of the training program. The values of eachmineral were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Additionally, the daily intakeof each mineral was evaluated at both moments in time.Results:The daily concentrations of trace elements in the diet were similar at the start and the end of the trainingperiod without differences between groups. In serum, significant differences between groups were observed in As,Cd and Pb (p< 0.05). Attending to time effects, a significant difference was obtained in Pb (p< 0.05). In urine,significant differences between groups were obtained in all minerals (p< 0.05). According to training period,significant differences were observed in As, Be and Pb (p< 0.05). Finally, the group x time interaction revealedsignificant differences in As and Be (p< 0.05).Conclusions:Aerobic training may constitute a possibly effective method for increasing the elimination of Cd andPb potentially toxic minerals from the body, especially among highly trained individuals

    Correction to: Influence of physical trainingon erythrocyte concentrations of iron,phosphorus and magnesium

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    The original article [1] contains an error in Table 4whereby values are incorrectly displayed due to a mis-placed separator. The correct version of Table4 can beviewed ahead in this Correction articl

    Estudio de la carga interna en pádel amateur mediante la frecuencia cardíaca

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    Los objetivos de este estudio fueron evaluar el nivel de condición física de 8 sujetos amateur de pádel, definir su perfil energético de esfuerzo en juego real mediante registro de frecuencia cardíaca (FC), y proponer un conjunto de variables justificadas de esta, que permita analizar el perfil de carga interna en pádel. Mediante prueba de esfuerzo incremental máxima en cinta de correr se obtuvieron parámetros ergoespirométricos, respiratorios y sus equivalentes cardíacos, introducidos en el sistema de registro de la FC Polar Team. Los sujetos disputaron 7 partidos de entrenamiento de 1 hora de duración y 72-96 horas de separación entre ellos, obteniéndose como variables: consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2 máx) y porcentaje (%) de VO2 máx en el umbral anaeróbico; en prueba de esfuerzo, FC máx., media y mín., y zonas de trabajo metabólicas (rangos de FC). Los resultados presentan VO2 máx de 51,15 ± 5,73 ml · kg–1 · min–1, FC máx. durante el juego de 154,75 ± 7,25 ppm, FC med de 130,0 ± 10,4 ppm para tiempo de juego y 89,75 % del tiempo de juego en zona de trabajo aeróbica. Como conclusión, el esfuerzo al que son sometidos durante el juego a nivel cardiorrespiratorio los jugadores amateur de pádel se basa casi exclusivamente en metabolismos aeróbicos. Además, las variables máx., mín. y media de FC para tiempos de juego y descanso y el establecimiento de zonas de trabajo de FC pueden aportarnos información importante sobre lo que ocurre en el juego a nivel cardiorrespiratorio

    Reliability of spirometric tests during the different menstrual cycle phases in healthy women

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    Carta al Editor sobre la fiabilidad de las pruebas espirométricas durante las diferentes fases del ciclo menstrual en mujeres sanas.Letter to the Editor about "Reliability of Spirometric Tests during the Different Menstrual Cycle Phases in Healthy Women"peerReviewe

    Copper concentration in erythrocytes, platelets, plasma, serum and urine: influence of physical training

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    Background:Physical training produces changes in the extracellular and intracellular concentrations of traceminerals elements. To our knowledge, only three compartments have been studied simultaneously. The aim of thepresent study was to analyze the influence of physical training on extracellular (serum, plasma and urine) andintracellular (erythrocytes and platelets) concentrations of Copper (Cu).Methods:Forty young men participated in this study. The participants were divided into a training group (TG;n=20; 18.15 ± 0.27 years; 68.59 ± 4.18 kg; 1.76 ± 0.04 m) and a control group (CG;n= 20; 19.25 ± 0.39 years; 73.45 ± 9.04kg; 1.79 ± 0.06 m). The TG was formed by semi-professional soccer players from a youth category with a regulartraining plan of 10 h/week. All of them had been participating in high level competitions and had trained for atleast 5 years. Plasma, serum, urine, erythrocyte and platelet samples of Cu were obtained and analyzed byinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).Results:The TG showed lower concentrations of Cu in erythrocytes (p< 0.05) despite similar intakes. There were nosignificant differences in Cu concentrations in plasma, serum, urine and platelets although the trend was similar tothat observed in erythrocytes.Conclusions:The assessment of trace element concentrations should be carried out in both extracellular andintracellular compartments to obtain a proper evaluation and to identify possible deficiencies of the element. Webelieve that additional Cu supplementation is needed in athletes who perform physical training regularly

    Influence of a high-temperature programme on serum, urinary and sweat levels of selenium and zinc

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    Introduction: The effect of hyperthermia on the antioxidant system in the human organism is well known. Aim: The objective of this study was to observe the effects of heat on the concentration of Se and Zn, elements related to antioxidant systems. Methods: Twenty-nine subjects voluntarily participated in this study. They were divided into a control group (CG; n ¼ 14) and an experimental group (EG; n ¼ 15). All of them underwent two incremental tests until exhaustion in normothermia (22 �C, 20–40%RH) and hyperthermia (42 �C, 20–40%RH). EG experienced nine sessions of repeated heat exposure at high temperatures (100 �C, 20%RH) for three weeks (HEHT). After the intervention, the initial measurements were repeated. Urine and blood samples were collected before and after each test. Additionally, sweat samples were collected after tests in hyperthermia. Results: There were no significant changes in serum. An increase in the elimination of Zn and Se in EG was observed in urine after HEHT (p < .05). The elimination of Zn by sweating decreased after HEHT in EG (p < .05). Conclusions: Exposure to heat at high temperatures increases the urinary excretion of Se and Zn

    Effects of exposure to high temperatures on serum, urine and sweat concentrations of iron and copper

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    The objective of this research was to determine the acute effect of a maximum test until exhaustion in normothermia and hyperthermia, and after repeated exposure to heat at high temperatures on the homeostasis of Fe and Cu. The sample was composed of twenty-nine male university students. The participants were divided into a control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG). All of them underwent an incremental test until exhaustion in normothermia and hyperthermia before and after the repeated exposure of EG to heat at high temperatures, consisting of 9 heat acclimatisation sessions in the sauna. Samples of urine and blood were taken before and after each test. Additionally, sweat samples were collected in the hyperthermia test. The samples were frozen at ����� 80 �C for further analysis by ICP-MS. None of the metal concentrations in serum were affected by hyperthermia or exposure to heat. Urinary Fe increased in CG in the hyperthermia test before Heat exposure at High Temperature (HEHT)(p < 0.05) and in both groups after HEHT (p < 0.05). In EG there was an increase in the urinary excretion of Cu after HEHT (p < 0.01) in both trials. Fe suffered a decrease in sweat in EG after exposure to heat (p < 0.05). The concentrations of Fe and Cu in serum were not affected by acute exercise and exposure to high temperatures. However, there was a decrease in excretion of Fe in sweat due to HEHT, and an increase in urinary excretion in both. Therefore, we think that in conditions of high temperatures for long periods of time, attention should be paid to the body levels of these metals

    Three weeks of passive and intervallic heat at high temperatures (100±2 ◦C) in a sauna improve acclimation to external heat (42±2 ◦C) in untrained males

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    Currently, the effect of passive heat acclimation on aerobic performance is still controversial. Therefore, this study aimed to observe the effect of passive and intervallic exposure to high temperatures (100 ±2 ◦C) in un trained males. Forty healthy untrained men participated in this investigation. They were randomised into a Control Group (CG; n =18) and an Experimental Group (EG; n =22). Both groups performed maximum incremental tests until exhaustion in normothermia (GXT1; 22 ±2 ◦C), and 48h afterwards, in hyperthermia (GXT2; 42 ±2 ◦C). The EG performed 9 sessions of intervallic exposure to heat (100 ±2 ◦C) over 3 weeks. Subsequently, both groups performed two maximal incremental trials in normothermia (GXT3; 22 ±2 ◦C) and 48h later, in hyperthermia (GXT4; 42 ±2 ◦C). In each test, the maximal ergospirometric parameters and the aerobic (VT1), anaerobic (VT2) and recovery ventilatory thresholds were recorded. The Wilcoxon Test was used for intra-group comparisons and the Mann-Whitney U for inter-group comparisons. There were improvements in absolute VO2max (p =0.049), W (p =0.005) and O2pulse (p =0.006) in perthermia. In VT1 there was an increase in W (p =0.046), in VO2 in absolute (p =0.025) and relative (p =0.013) values, O2pulse (p =0.006) and VE (p =0.028) in hyperthermia. While W increased in hyperthermia (p =0.022) at VT2. The results suggest that passive and intervallic acclimation at high temperatures improves performance in hyperthermia. This protocol could be implemented in athletes when they have to compete in hot environments
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