111 research outputs found

    Nowcasting SAF: Convective Rainfall Rate (CRR) and Convective Rainfall Rate from Cloud Physical Properties (CRPh) products

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    Ponencia presentada en: Convection – Event Week 2015 celebrado del 8 al 12 de junio de 2015

    Product User Manual for the “Convective Rainfall Rate” (CRR -PGE05 v4.0)

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    SAF/NWC/CDOP2/INM/SCI/PUM/05, Issue 4, Rev. 0.1This document is the Product User Manual (PUM) for the MSG product PGE05 (CRR) and contains practical information on the characteristics of the product, including the input data and the output product. It also gives information about the algorithm’s implementation and configuration. This document describes the algorithm implemented in the PGE05 version v4.0 of SAFNWC software package delivery

    Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for “Precipitation products from Cloud Physical Properties” (PPh-PGE14: PCPh v1.0 & CRPh v1.0)

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    SAF/NWC/CDOP2/INM/SCI/ATBD/14, Issue 1, Rev. 0This document is the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for the PPh-PGE14 (Precipitation products from Cloud Physical Properties) belonging to the SAFNWC/MSG software. PGE14 generates two different products: Precipitating Clouds from Cloud Physical Properties (PCPh) and Convective Rainfall rate from Cloud Physical Properties (CRPh). The Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document describes the physics of the problem together with the mathematical description of the algorithm. It also provides information on the objectives, the needed input data and the outputs of the products

    Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for “Convective Rainfall Rate” (CRRPGE05v4.0)

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    SAF/NWC/CDOP2/INM/SCI/ATBD/05, Issue 4, Rev. 0This document is the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for the MSG product PGE05 (CRR) of the SAFNWC/MSG software package. The Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document describes the physics of the problem together with the mathematical description of the algorithm. It also provides information on the product objectives, the needed input data and the output product

    Validation Report for “Convective Rainfall Rate” (CRR-PGE05 v4.0)

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    SAF/NWC/CDOP2/INM/SCI/VR/12, Issue 1, Rev. 0The purpose of this document is to present the Scientific Validation Results for the version 4.0 of the PGE05 (Convective Rainfall Rate product belonging to the SAFNWC/MSG software). The main change of version 4.0 with respect to version 3.1.1 is that calibration matrices have been substituted by analytical functions although the physical base of the algorithm remains the same. Also, a tuning of the calibration analytical functions has been done against radar data.This document describes the validation methodology and the results obtained in order to test the CRR product value. Two different validation processes have been carried out: Convective Rainfall Rate product is thought to be used by forecasters. Results of an objective extended validation using 78 days with convective events occurred along the year 2008 over Spain are presented here

    Validation Report for “Precipitation products from Cloud Physical Properties” (PPh-PGE14: PCPh v1.0 & CRPh v1.0)

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    SAF/NWC/CDOP2/INM/SCI/VR/15, Issue 1, Rev. 0 15 July 2013. Applicable to SAFNWC/MSG version 2013The purpose of this document is to present the Scientific Validation Results of the PGE14 (Precipitation products from Cloud Physical Properties belonging to the SAFNWC/MSG software). PGE14 generates two different products: Precipitating Clouds from Cloud Physical Properties (PCPh) and Convective Rainfall rate from Cloud Physical Properties (CRPh). Validation results presented in this document correspond to version 1.0 of PCPh and version 1.0 of CRPh. This document describes the validation methodology and the results obtained in order to test the CRR product value. Two different validation processes have been carried out: Precipitation products from Cloud Physical Properties are thought to be used by forecasters. Results of an objective extended validation using 78 days with convective events occurred along the year 2008 over Spain are presented here

    Validation of the CRR product of the NWCSAF software package version 2010

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    Ponencia presentada en: 2010 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference. 20-24 Septiembre 2010, Córdoba, España.The Convective Rainfall Rate (CRR) algorithm developed within the SAF NWC context estimates rainfall rates from convective systems, using data from IR, WV and VIS MSG SEVIRI channels. As lightning activity is related to convection, this information has been included in the product. In order to test the possible improvements of the product when using lightning information, a validation process that compares the current version and the new one, has been carried out. The calibration of the product has been performed using SEVIRI and Radar data. The Radar data used in the calibration process correspond to summer convective episodes occurred over Spain and over the Baltic Region. In order to test the behaviour of the product out of the summer period, an extended validation over the whole year 2008 has been done. As it is also important to see the results of the product outside the calibration regions, a new validation has been performed over Hungary. In this contribution it is presented a comparison of the numerical results from the different validations as well as some visual examples comparing the CRR product to the Radar images

    Satélites meteorológicos

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    Los satélites se encuentran localizados en una posición privilegiada para poder observar la atmósfera, por lo que las medidas que toman son muy útiles en diferentes ámbitos de la meteorología. En este capítulo se hace una revisión de la evolución de los satélites meteorológicos, poniendo el foco en aquellos que más se usan en la predicción operativa. También se hace un breve resumen sobre las bandas y productos derivados más utilizados de manera operativa, sobre todo en las labores de nowcasting y vigilancia, explicando de manera sucinta su utilización y posibles aplicaciones. De esta manera se pretende proporcionar la información necesaria para un mejor entendimiento de los productos de satélite que puedan aparecer en otros capítulos de este libro

    NWC SAF GEO Precipitation Products: Present Status and Future Developments

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    Presentación al congreso NWCSAF 2015 Users Workshop, 24-26 February 201

    El Proyecto SAF de Nowcasting (NWCSAF)

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