418 research outputs found

    The US shale revolution and the Arab Gulf States: the economic and political impact of changing energy markets

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    The US shale revolution is making a deep impact on the global energy markets, with the United States becoming self-sufficient in oil and gas and international flows shifting increasingly towards the Pacific region. But the Persian Gulf remains the backbone of the global oil markets, while its liquefied natural gas is of global strategic significance and a factor for energy supply diversification in Europe. Growing domestic energy security expands US policy options towards the Gulf states, whose regimes are already greatly unsettled by fears over an American pull-out. While there is as yet no sign of such a move, Europe must be prepared for greater burden-sharing with the United States, especially in relation to energy imports from the Gulf. Only in the long term and in interaction with political factors do developments in the energy markets have the potential to threaten the stability of the Arab Gulf states. In the short and medium term these countries will have to secure their own energy supplies while maintaining exports. They find themselves confronted with this challenge at a difficult juncture. Certainly, their existing socio-economic development model cannot simply be extrapolated into the future. The geopolitical imponderables in the Gulf region and the associated supply risks offer good grounds to push on with the German Energiewende (energy transition). At the same time the new energy map demands more international dialogue and closer cooperation. One starting point would be energy partnerships with the Gulf states. (Autorenreferat

    Spectroscopy of bulk and few-layer superconducting NbSe2_2 with van der Waals tunnel junctions

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    Tunnel junctions, a well-established platform for high-resolution spectroscopy of superconductors, require defect-free insulating barriers with clean engagement to metals on both sides. Extending the range of materials accessible to tunnel junction fabrication, beyond the limited selection which allows high-quality oxide formation, requires the development of alternative fabrication techniques. Here we show that van-der-Waals (vdW) tunnel barriers, fabricated by stacking layered semiconductors on top of the transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) superconductor NbSe2_2, sustain a stable, low noise tunneling current, and exhibit strong suppression of sub-gap tunneling. We utilize the technique to measure the spectra of bulk (20 nm) and ultrathin (3- and 4-layer) devices at 70 mK. The spectra exhibit two distinct energy gaps, the larger of which decreases monotonously with thickness and TCT_C, in agreement with BCS theory. The spectra are analyzed using a two-band model modified to account for depairing. We show that in the bulk, the smaller gap exhibits strong depairing in an in-plane magnetic field, consistent with a high Fermi velocity. In the few-layer devices, depairing of the large gap is negligible, consistent with out-of-plane spin-locking due to Ising spin-orbit coupling. Our results demonstrate the utility of vdW tunnel junctions in mapping the intricate spectral evolution of TMD superconductors over a range of magnetic fields.Comment: This submission contains the first part of arxiv:1703.07677 with the addition of spectra taken on this devices. The second part of 1703.07677 will be published separatel

    Die US-Schieferrevolution und die arabischen Golfstaaten: wirtschaftliche und politische Auswirkungen des Energiemarkt-Wandels

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    Die amerikanische Schieferrevolution hat tiefgreifende Folgen für die globalen Energiemärkte. Sie lässt die USA zum Selbstversorger werden, zugleich verschieben sich die Handelsströme von Öl und Gas stärker in den pazifischen Raum. Dabei bleibt der Persische Golf aber das Rückgrat der Weltölmärkte. Verflüssigtes Erdgas (LNG) aus der Region wiederum ist strategisch bedeutsam für einen globalen LNG-Markt und trägt dazu bei, die Energieversorgung auch in Europa zu diversifizieren. Dank zunehmender Energiesicherheit gewinnen die USA an Handlungsoptionen in ihrer Politik gegenüber den Golfstaaten. Bei den dortigen Regimen herrscht große Verunsicherung, denn sie befürchten ohnehin, dass die Vereinigten Staaten sich aus der Region zurückziehen werden. Ein solcher Schritt zeichnet sich bislang zwar nicht ab, doch Europa muss sich auf eine stärkere Lastenteilung mit den USA einstellen, insbesondere was die Sicherung seiner Energieströme vom Persischen Golf angeht. Die Entwicklungen auf den Energiemärkten haben nur langfristig und im Zusammenwirken mit politischen Faktoren das Potential, die Stabilität der arabischen Golfstaaten zu erschüttern. Kurz- und mittelfristig müssen diese Länder ihre eigene Energieversorgung sicherstellen und Exporte gewährleisten. Mit dieser Herausforderung sind sie zu einem schwierigen Zeitpunkt konfrontiert. Ihr bisheriges sozio-ökonomisches Entwicklungsmodell lässt sich in Zukunft jedenfalls nicht einfach fortschreiben. Die geopolitischen Unwägbarkeiten in der Golfregion und die damit verbundenen Lieferrisiken bieten gute Gründe für die deutsche Energiewende. Zugleich erfordert die neue Energie-Landkarte mehr internationalen Dialog und verstärkte Kooperation. Ein Ansatz dafür wären unter anderem Energie-Partnerschaften mit den Golfstaaten. (Autorenreferat

    Bridging data gaps in the food industry – sensor-equipped metal food containers as an enabler for sustainability

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    In recent years, Machine Learning (ML) applications for manufacturing have reached a high degree of maturity and can be considered as a suitable tool for improving production performance. In addition, ML applications can be used in many other production areas to enhance sustainability within the manufacturing process. One area is storing and transporting bulk materials with metal Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBC). These IBCs are currently used solely for their primary purpose of storage and transportation of raw and finished goods. Hence, while in use , IBCs are often a black box that does not provide additional value to manufacturers. Equipping IBCs with sensor technology can provide such value: new data can be generated along the entire supply chain and production processes, taking the sustainability of production to a new level. Within the research project smart.CONSERVE, we use this additional data, for example, to monitor the stored food's critical characteristics or to establish predictive maintenance for IBCs. Thus, storing produced goods in defective IBCs can be avoided and wasting resources can be prevented. This publication describes how smart IBCs in the food industry can increase supply chain visibility and reduce food waste. To illustrate this, we present possible use cases enabled by new data availabilities. Additionally, we provide insights into how these use cases can be transferred to other industries. Besides, we exemplify the many opportunities for manufacturers to develop new smart services and ML applications based on the collected data - and how this can support manufacturers in achieving higher levels of sustainability
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