4 research outputs found


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    Water infiltration into the soil is influenced by management, especially by the type of mechanical preparation, among other factors, and its knowledge is important  for  conservation  planning.  Scarification can improve physical and water conditions and increase the water infiltration capacity of the soil. This study aimed to evaluate some physical properties and the water infiltration into the soil in the presence and absence of scarification in no-till, in a Humic Cambisol with silty clay texture. For this, the following treatments were tested: no-till and no-till submitted to a single scarification, both combined with the cultivation of black oats/maize, black oats/beans, wheat/maize, wheat/beans, forage turnip/maize and forage turnip/beans. Soil samples were collected and water infiltration tests were performed at the beginning and at the end of the research. Scarification positively affected the soil physical properties only in the 0-5 cm layer, with the effect persisted for one year for most properties, resulting in higher water infiltration compared to the treatment without scarification.La infiltración de agua en el suelo está influenciada por el manejo, especialmente por el tipo de preparación mecánica, entre otros factores, y su conocimiento es importante para la planificación de la conservación. La escarificación puede mejorar las condiciones físicas y del agua y aumentar la capacidad de infiltración de agua en el suelo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar algunas propiedades físicas y la infiltración de agua en el suelo en presencia y ausencia de escarificación en la siembra directa, en un Cambisol Húmico con textura arcillo limosa. Para esto, se probaron los siguientes tratamientos: siembra directa y siembra directa sometidas a una escarificación, ambas combinadas con el cultivo de avena negra/maíz, avena negra/frijoles, trigo/maíz, trigo/frijoles, nabo forrajero/maíz y nabo forrajero/frijoles. Se recogieron muestras de suelo y se realizaron pruebas de infiltración de agua al principio y al final de la investigación. La escarificación del suelo afectó positivamente las propiedades físicas del suelo solo en la capa superficial de 0-5 cm, cuyo efecto persistió durante un año para la mayoría de los atributos, lo que resultó en una mayor infiltración de agua en el suelo en comparación con el tratamiento sin escarificación.A infiltração de água no solo é influenciada pelo manejo, em especial pelo tipo de preparo mecânico, dentre outros fatores, e seu conhecimento é importante para o planejamento conservacionista. A escarificação pode melhorar as condições físicas e hídricas e aumentar a capacidade de infiltração de água no solo. Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar algumas propriedades físicas e a infiltração de água no solo na presença e ausência de uma escarificação em semeadura direta, em um Cambissolo Húmico de textura argilo siltosa. Para isso, testaram-se os seguintes tratamentos: semeadura direta e semeadura direta submetida a uma escarificação, ambos combinados com os cultivos de aveia preta/milho, aveia preta/feijão, trigo/milho, trigo/feijão, nabo forrageiro/milho e nabo forrageiro/feijão. Coleta de amostras de solo e testes de infiltração de água foram realizados no início e ao final do experimento. A escarificação afetou positivamente as propriedades físicas do solo apenas na camada superficial de 0-5 cm, cujo efeito persistiu pelo período de um ano para a maioria dos atributos, resultando em maior infiltração de água em relação ao tratamento sem escarificação


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    RESUMO: A suinocultura brasileira passou a ser desenvolvida de maneira intensiva a partir da década de 1970 e vem tendo grande expansão em Santa Catarina, aumentando consideravelmente o número de animais por área. O estado possui aproximadamente nove milhões de cabeças, sendo o maior produtor nacional, responsável por 22% da produção. O modelo de criação de suínos no estado gera expressivo volume de dejeto líquido de potencial poluidor de mananciais e contaminação do solo. Diante desse contexto o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do dejeto líquido suíno (DLS) como fertilizante para cultura do milho em diferentes formas de aplicações no solo, com e sem adição de NPK sob plantio direto. Este trabalho foi realizado durante a safra 2015/2016, em um experimento conduzido em um Cambissolo Húmico na região do Planalto Sul Catarinense, onde os tratamentos compreenderam as duas formas de aplicação: superficial (S) e incorporada (I); dois tipos de fertilizantes: o fertilizante mineral (NPK), o dejeto líquido suíno (DLS), e ausência de fertilização, compreendendo a parcela testemunha. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. O rendimento de grãos foi influenciado pelos tratamentos, que aumentaram através da aplicação do fertilizante mineral ou do dejeto líquido suíno em comparação a ausência de fertilização, no entanto não houve diferença significativa entre os métodos aplicados.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Dejeto líquido suíno, Fertilização, Milho.ABSTRACT: Brazilian pig farms began to be intensively developed in the 1970s and have been expanding in Santa Catarina, increasing considerably the number of animals per area, the state has approximately nine million head, being the largest national producer, responsible For 22% of production. The model of pig breeding in the state generates expressive volume of liquid waste from contaminant potential sources and contamination of the soil. In view of this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the swine liquid waste (DLS) as fertilizer for maize cultivation in different forms of soil application, with and without NPK under no - tillage. This work was carried out during the 2015/2016 harvest, in an experiment conducted in a humic Cambisol in the region of Planalto Sul Catarinense, the treatments comprised the two forms of application: superficial (S) and incorporated (I); Two types of fertilizers: mineral fertilizer (NPK), swine net waste (DLS), and absence of fertilization, including the control plot. The experimental design was a randomized block design, with four replications. The grain yield was influenced by the treatments, which increased through the application of the mineral fertilizer or swine net waste in comparison to the absence of fertilization, however there was no significant difference between the applied methods.KEYWORDS: Corn, Fertilization, Swine.RESUMEN: La suinocultura brasileña pasó a ser desarrollada de manera intensiva a partir de la década de 1970 y viene teniendo gran expansión en Santa Catarina, aumentando considerablemente el número de animales por área. El estado posee aproximadamente nueve millones de cabezas, siendo el mayor productor nacional, responsable del 22% de la producción. El modelo de cría de cerdos en el estado genera expresivo volumen de desechos líquidos de potencial contaminante de manantiales y contaminación del suelo. Ante este contexto el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la eficiencia del desecho líquido porcino (DLS) como fertilizante para cultivo del maíz en diferentes formas de aplicaciones en el suelo, con y sin adición de NPK bajo plantación directa. Este trabajo fue realizado durante la cosecha 2015/2016, en un experimento conducido en un Cambiolo húmico en la región del Planalto Sur Catarinense, donde los tratamientos comprendieron las dos formas de aplicación: superficial (S) e incorporada (I); Dos tipos de fertilizantes: el fertilizante mineral (NPK), el desecho líquido porcino (DLS), y la ausencia de fertilización, incluyendo la porción testigo. El delineamiento experimental utilizado fue bloques al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. El rendimiento de granos fue influenciado por los tratamientos, que aumentaron a través de la aplicación del fertilizante mineral o del desecho líquido porcino en comparación con la ausencia de fertilización, sin embargo no hubo diferencia significativa entre los métodos aplicados. PALABRAS CLAVE: Desecho líquido porcino, Fertilización, Maíz

    Scarification in no-tillage: soil physics and plant development

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    No-tillage is conservationist soil management for agricultural production and it is based on soil cover by crop residues and restricted mobilization to the sowing line. However, its structure can be affected by the excessive compaction resulting from the traffic of machines. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil physical properties and crop performance in no-tillage with and without scarification, combined with different successions of plant species, in a Humic Cambisol. For this, the species of black oat, wheat and forage turnip were cultivated in winter, and later, corn and beans in summer. Soil samples were collected at the beginning and at the end of the experimental period, while evaluations of plant yield were carried out in the final stage of development. Soil scarification reduces relative density (RD) and soil resistance to penetration (RP) after preparation of soil, with effect restricted to the surface layer. Such effects persist for one year, however RD and RP increase over time, regardless of soil management. RP is more sensitive for evaluation of soil compaction and correlates positively with RD, with exponential adjustment. The aerial biomass of black oat, wheat and forage turnip was not affected by soil scarification, and crop yield of beans and corn showed to be more related to the previous cultivation than the scarification in no-tillage

    Soil carbon fractions in response to mineral and organic fertilizer types and rates

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    ABSTRACT The use of organic fertilizers from pig slurry and poultry litter can increase soil organic carbon and crop productivity. This study aimed to evaluate soil organic carbon fractions and corn yield after applying organic and mineral fertilizers. The experiment was conducted in the western region of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil on a Nitossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico típico (Rhodic Kandiudox). The production system was an integrated crop-livestock using corn and soybean in the summer and black oat and rye with grazing by sheep in the winter. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with treatments in factorial 5 × 3 + 1, with four replications, five sources of fertilizers, three rates and the control with no fertilization. The treatments were three organic fertilizers: poultry litter, pig slurry and compost from pig slurry and two minerals fertilizer (M1 and M2). Mineral fertilizers were formulated from pig slurry (M1) and poultry litter (M2), with the application of three rates, which represent 75, 100 and 150 % of the recommendation for the crop, based on the element that is most demanding by the plant (K for soybeans and N for corn). Soil samples were collected at the layers of 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m in which fractions of total soil organic carbon (TOC), namely particulate (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAC) were determined. Corn yield was evaluated in the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 seasons. The results were analyzed through analysis of variance to compare sources and polynomial regression analysis for fertilizer rates. The MAC fraction has a higher proportion of TOC and its contents were higher with increasing rates of organic and mineral fertilizers, mainly in the surface layer. Poultry litter and compost fertilizers increased TOC’s particulate fraction (POC), showing the highest levels at the highest fertilization recommendation rate. Organic and mineral fertilizers positively increase corn yield, and animal-derived fertilizers show that they can be an alternative for high crop yields