8 research outputs found

    Milk flow, teat morphology and subclinical mastitis prevalence in Gir cows

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a associação entre o fluxo de leite, a morfometria dos tetos e a prevalência de mastite subclínica em vacas Gir. Oitenta vacas em 2ª ou 3ª lactação, com 90 a 200 dias de lactação, foram divididas, de acordo com o fluxo de leite durante a ordenha, nos grupos rápido ou lento. A morfometria de tetos foi avaliada por imagens de ultrassom do teto anterior direito e medidas externas dos tetos. Amostras de leite foram coletadas para a contagem de células somáticas (SCC) e a cultura microbiológica. O efeito do fluxo de leite durante a ordenha foi avaliado pela análise de variância de produção de leite, SCC, morfometria e medidas externas dos tetos. Foi analizada a associação entre a morfometria e medidas externas dos tetos e a SCC e microganismos encontrados no leite. O fluxo de leite foi significativamente correlacionado à produção de leite. As vacas Gir com fluxo de leite mais lento tinham maior comprimento de canal dos tetos e maior produção de leite, em comparação a vacas de fluxo rápido. A distância do teto ao solo influenciou a SCC das vacas Gir. A prevalência de mastite subclínica e o tipo de microrganismo causador de mastite não foram alterados pelo fluxo de leite durante a ordenha.The aim of this work was to evaluate the association between milk flow, teat morphological measurements and subclinical mastitis prevalence in Gir cows. Eighty cows in the 2nd and 3rd lactations, with 90 to 200 days of lactation, were divided according to milk flow during milking into fast or slow groups. Teat morphometry was assessed by ultrasound scanning of the right anterior teat and external measurements. Milk samples were collected for somatic cells count (SCC) and microbiological culture. The association of morphometry and external measurements of the teats with the SCC and microorganisms found in milk were analysed. Milk flow was significantly correlated to milk production. Gir cows with slower milk flow had longer teat canal and greater milk yield, in comparison to cows with fast milk flow. Teat-end to floor distance influenced SCC of Gir cows. Prevalence of subclinical mastitis and the type of mastitis-causing pathogens were not affected by milk flow during milking

    <b>Respostas produtivas e comportamentais durante a ordenha de vacas Holandesas em início de lactação</b> - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i4.6326 <b>Productive and behavioral responses during milking of Holstein cows in early lactation</b> - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v31i4.6326

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção de leite, o leite residual e as respostas comportamentais de vacas Holandesas durante a ordenha, 14 vacas foram ordenhadas mecanicamente, duas vezes ao dia e avaliadas durante as seis primeiras semanas de lactação. A produção leiteira foi mensurada diariamente e o volume de leite residual, semanalmente. A temperatura de corpo (região das costelas), úbere e tetos e a frequência respiratória foram mensuradas duas vezes por semana. O comportamento dos animais na sala de ordenha foi registrado duas vezes por semana em etogramas e pelas entrevistas com os ordenhadores. Nas primeiras semanas de lactação, a porcentagem de coices, sobrepassos, derrubadas de teteira, micções e vocalizações observadas foram maiores para as vacas primíparas (p < 0,05), que também foram consideradas mais ‘reativas’ pelos ordenhadores em comparação às vacas multíparas. As multíparas produziram mais leite do que as primíparas (p < 0,05), porém não houve diferenças significativas em relação à porcentagem de leite residual (p > 0,05), sugerindo que houve adaptação de ambos os grupos ao ambiente de ordenha.<br>Aiming to compare milk yield, residual milk and behavioral responses of Holstein cows during milking, fourteen experimental cows were mechanically milked twice a day, and evaluated during the first six weeks of lactation. Milk yield was measured daily, and residual milk volume weekly. Body (ribs region), udder and teat temperatures and respiratory frequency were measured twice a week. Animal behavior at the milking parlor was registered using ethograms and interviews with the milkers. During the first weeks of lactation, a higher percentage of kicks, over-steps, milking cups being knocked down, urinations and vocalizations in primiparous cows (p < 0.05) was observed, which were also considered more reactive by the parlors compared to multiparous cows. Multiparous cows produced more milk than primiparous (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in residual milk percentage (p > 0.05), which suggests adaptation of both groups to the milking environment

    Efeito do manejo de aleitamento nos níveis de cortisol no metabolismo e na produção de leite de vacas holandesas

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    Avaliou-se a influência do manejo de aleitamento nos níveis de cortisol, no metabolismo e na produção de leite de vacas leiteiras. Utilizaram-se 18 vacas holandesas e seus bezerros alocados em três tratamentos: T1: as vacas foram separadas dos bezerros 6 horas após o parto, sendo mantidas com suas crias 60 minutos por dia nos três primeiros dias; T2: as vacas foram separadas dos bezerros 6 horas após o parto; T3: as vacas foram mantidas com seus bezerros durante os três primeiros dias de lactação, exceto no momento das ordenhas. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue 168 horas antes do parto, no dia do parto (0 hora) e 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas após o parto para a determinação de glicose, triglicerídeos, proteína total e cortisol. A produção leiteira foi mensurada duas vezes ao dia e a porcentagem de leite residual foi estimada nas duas ordenhas posteriores à desmama. As concentrações de cortisol foram maiores ao parto, contudo, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. Durante o período experimental, as vacas separadas dos bezerros apresentaram maior produção de leite, porém, após este período, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. Após a desmama, a porcentagem de leite residual foi maior em T1 e T3, demonstrando que o uso de ordenha mecânica exclusiva após um período de amamentação prejudicou a ejeção do leite, mesmo em vacas especializadas. Os níveis de glicose foram menores em T2 às 72 horas e as concentrações de triglicerídeos foram menores em T3 às 72 e 96 horas. Os manejos estudados não influenciaram os níveis de cortisol e o metabolismo das vacas e nem prejudicaram a produção leiteira após o período colostral.The effects of different milking management on metabolism, cortisol levels, and milk yield of Holstein cows were investigated in this trial. Eighteen Holstein cows and calves were randomly assigned to one of the following three treatments: T1) cows were separated from their calves 6 h after parturition but reunited with them for two daily periods of 30 minutes each; T2) cows were separated from their calves 6 h after parturition; or T3) cows were maintained with their calves during the first three days of lactation except at milking times. Blood samples were collected 168 h before parturition, at parturition (0 h) and at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after parturition and analyzed for glucose, triglycerides, total protein, and cortisol. Milk yield was measured twice a day and the percentage of residual milk was estimated based on the first two milkings after weaning. Although plasma cortisol levels were greater at parturition (0 h) compared to the remaining sampling points, no significant differences were observed among treatments. Cows on T2 yielded more milk than those on T1 and T3 during the first four days of lactation with no difference in milk production thereafter. After weaning, the percentage of residual milk was higher on T1 and T3 showing that the exclusive use of milking machine after a nursing period appeared to negatively affect milk ejection. Concentration of plasma glucose was lower at 72 h on T2 while that of triglycerides was lower at 72 and 96 h on T3. The studied managements did not influence the cortisol levels and metabolism of cows and did not prejudice the milk production after the colostral period

    Digestibilidade, degradabilidade e concentração amoniacal no rúmen de bovinos alimentados com polpa cítrica peletizada normal ou queimada Digestibility, degradability and concentration of ruminal ammonia in bovines fed diet with citrus pulp in pellets

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a digestibilidade e a degradabilidade de dois tipos de polpa cítrica peletizada: normal (PCPN) e queimada (PCPQ), bem como o potencial de produção de nitrogênio amoniacal com dois níveis de inclusão na ração (40 e 60%). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (dois tipos de polpa e dois níveis de inclusão) e testemunha. A inclusão de polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP) nas dietas, normal ou queimada, aumentou os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes, quando comparados com a ração testemunha, exceto para a proteína bruta (PB). Com relação aos coeficientes de digestibilidade para os dois tipos de PCP, verificou-se maior digestibilidade dos nutrientes da PCPN em relação à PCPQ, principalmente em relação a PB, FDN e FDA, pressupondo que a utilização da PCPQ pode comprometer a qualidade da ração, ocasionando perdas na produtividade dos animais. A PCPN apresentou maiores taxas de degradação da MS e FDN, quando comparada à PCPQ. Verificou-se que o potencial de degradação foi alcançado com 48 horas de incubação para MS e FDN, para todos os tratamentos. Para produção de N-NH3 não foi observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. Contudo, a PCPQ pode ser utilizada na alimentação de bovinos, sendo sua utilização pautada na relação custo benefício.<br>The objective of this research was to evaluate the digestibility and the in situ degradation of two types of citrus pulp in pellets: regular (CPPR) and burned (CPPB), as well the potential of production of N-NH3 in the rumen, with two levels in the diet (40 and 60%). A randomized blocks design, in a 2 x 2 (two kinds of pulp and two inclusions levels) factorial and control, was used. The inclusion of citrus pulp in the diets, regular or burned, increased the coefficients of digestibility of the nutrients when compared with the control ration, except for the crude protein. A higher coefficient of digestibility of the nutrients of the regular citrus pulp was observed, when compared to the burned citrus pulp, especially in relation to crude protein, NDF and ADF. The use of burned citrus pulp can result in lower animal performance. CPPR showed higher degradation rate to DM and NDF, when compared to CPPB. DM and NDF potential degradation was obtained with 48h of incubation for all treatments. No difference was oberved among treatments, concerning the N-NH3 production. However, CPPB could be fed to bovines and its utilization should be based on the cost benefits relation

    Fluxo de leite, morfometria de tetos e a prevalência de mastite subclínica em vacas Gir

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a associação entre o fluxo de leite, a morfometria dos tetos e a prevalência de mastite subclínica em vacas Gir. Oitenta vacas em 2ª ou 3ª lactação, com 90 a 200 dias de lactação, foram divididas, de acordo com o fluxo de leite durante a ordenha, nos grupos rápido ou lento. A morfometria de tetos foi avaliada por imagens de ultrassom do teto anterior direito e medidas externas dos tetos. Amostras de leite foram coletadas para a contagem de células somáticas (SCC) e a cultura microbiológica. O efeito do fluxo de leite durante a ordenha foi avaliado pela análise de variância de produção de leite, SCC, morfometria e medidas externas dos tetos. Foi analizada a associação entre a morfometria e medidas externas dos tetos e a SCC e microganismos encontrados no leite. O fluxo de leite foi significativamente correlacionado à produção de leite. As vacas Gir com fluxo de leite mais lento tinham maior comprimento de canal dos tetos e maior produção de leite, em comparação a vacas de fluxo rápido. A distância do teto ao solo influenciou a SCC das vacas Gir. A prevalência de mastite subclínica e o tipo de microrganismo causador de mastite não foram alterados pelo fluxo de leite durante a ordenhaThe aim of this work was to evaluate the association between milk flow, teat morphological measurements and subclinical mastitis prevalence in Gir cows. Eighty cows in the 2nd and 3rd lactations, with 90 to 200 days of lactation, were divided according to milk flow during milking into fast or slow groups. Teat morphometry was assessed by ultrasound scanning of the right anterior teat and external measurements. Milk samples were collected for somatic cells count (SCC) and microbiological culture. The effect of milk flow during milking was evaluated by analysis of variance of milk yield, SCC, morphometry and external measurements. The association of morphometry and external measurements of the teats with the SCC and microorganisms found in milk were analysed. Milk flow was significantly correlated to milk production. Gir cows with slower milk flow had longer teat canal and greater milk yield, in comparison to cows with fast milk flow. Teat-end to floor distance influenced SCC of Gir cows. Prevalence of subclinical mastitis and the type of mastitis-causing pathogens were not affected by milk flow during milkin

    Effect of Post-Ruminal Urea Supply on Growth Performance of Grazing Nellore Young Bulls at Dry Season

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of post-ruminal urea on performance, nitrogen metabolism and the ruminal environment of Nellore cattle reared on pasture during the dry season. In experiment 1 (Exp. 1), nine ruminal-cannulated Nellore steers, 30 ± 2 months old (651 ± 45 kg body weight (BW)), were allotted to a 3 × 3 Latin triple square. In experiment 2 (Exp. 2), 84 Nellore bulls, 18 ± 3 months old (315 ± 84 kg BW), were distributed in complete randomized blocks, by initial BW. Protein supplements were supplied daily, in the amount of 2 g/kg BW, and consisted of either CONT: protein + conventional urea (50% CP), PRU: protein + post ruminal urea (50% CP) and U + PRU: protein + urea conventional + post-ruminal urea (70% CP). The paddocks were composed of Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu grass. In Exp. 1, there was no treatment effect for DM, OM, NDF, forage intake, and CP, but there was a higher intake for PRU (p p = 0.001). There was no effect on ruminal pH or NH3-N concentration (p ≥ 0.232), but there was an interaction between treatment and time for them (p p p = 0.049) was found for the propionate proportion, with a higher proportion in the CONT. Nitrogen intake was consequently lower for the CONT and higher urinary excretion for the U + PRU (p = 0.002). Animals supplemented with CONT showed a tendency to have more Bacteria and fewer Archaea (p = 0.086). In Exp. 2, there was a treatment effect for the disappearance rate of the supplement (p p = 0.311). The use of post-ruminal urea alters the microbial population, but does not affect performance. Therefore, supplementation with post-ruminal urea presented similar results compared to conventional urea. Ruminal and blood parameters and animal performance were not influenced by treatments

    Effects of Post-Ruminal Urea Supplementation during the Seasonal Period on Performance and Rumen Microbiome of Rearing Grazing Nellore Cattle

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    The objective was to evaluate the effects of urea with post-ruminal absorption in the supplementation of growing Nellore cattle reared on pasture during a seasonal period. For the study, two experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, rumen and blood parameters were evaluated using eight rumen-cannulated Nellore bulls with initial body weight (BW) of 763 ± 44 kg, distributed in a double Latin square 4 × 4. In experiment 2, 120 Nellore steers with initial BW of 380 ± 35 kg were used for performance evaluation, distributed in a randomized block design (blocking factor or initial BW). The evaluated treatments were 1: (TP-U) (control) = supplement with 24% crude protein (CP) containing urea as a source of non-protein nitrogen (NPN; 3%) and soybean meal, 2: (TP-PRU) = 24% CP supplement containing post-ruminal urea (PRU; 3.6%) and soybean meal; 3: (NPN-U-PRU) = 24% CP supplement containing urea + post-ruminal urea (U = 3% and PRU = 3.9%), without soybean meal; 4: (NPN-PRU) = supplement with 24% CP containing post-ruminal urea (7.5%), without soybean meal. The supplement was offered at 3 g/kg BW per animal, daily, once a day. All animals were kept on Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu pasture. Statistical analyses were performed using the SAS PROC MIXED, and the data were evaluated by the following contrasts: C1 = TP-U/TP-PRU vs. NPN-U-PRU/NPN-PRU (Soybean meal replacement by NPN); C2 = TP-U vs. TP-PRU (conventional urea vs. post-immune urea); C3 = NPN-U-PRU vs. NPN-PRU (low and high post-ruminal urea-PRU level). The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and NDF was lower when soybean meal was replaced by non-protein nitrogen, also being different between the levels of post-ruminal urea used in the supplement. Ruminal pH was different when soybean meal was replaced by NPN (p = 0.003). Total concentration of short-chain fatty acids, concentrations of isobutyrate (p = 0.003), valerate (p = 0.001), and isovalerate (p = 0.001) were different, and blood urea was different when soybean meal was replaced by NPN (p = 0.006). Simpson’s diversity index was higher in the rumen of animals supplemented with TP-U than in those supplemented with TP-PRU (p = 0.05). A total of 27 phyla, 234 families, and 488 genera were identified. Nitrospirota and Gemmatimonadota phyla were detected just in the rumen of steers supplemented with TP-PRU. The performance (final BW, weight gain and gain per area) of the animals was different, being higher (p = 0.04) in animals supplemented with soybean meal, compared to NPN. The removal of soybean meal from the supplement and its replacement with either conventional urea plus post-ruminal urea or only post-ruminal urea compromises the performance of the animals. The lower the post-ruminal urea inclusion level, the lower the apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and NDF, when compared to animals supplemented with higher levels

    Organic and inorganic sources of zinc, copper and selenium in diets for dairy cows: intake, blood metabolic profile, milk yield and composition

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    The present study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of feeding dairy cows with organic or inorganic sources of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) on blood concentrations of these minerals, blood metabolic profiles, nutrient intake and milk yield and composition. Nineteen Holstein cows were selected and randomly assigned to two groups for receiving organic (n = 9) or inorganic (n = 10) sources of Zn, Cu and Se from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. Samples of feed, orts and milk were collected for analysis. Body condition score (BCS) was determined and blood samples were collected for analysis of Zn, Cu and Se concentrations, as well as for metabolic profile. Supplying organic or inorganic sources of Zn, Cu, and Se did not affect dry matter and nutrient intake, blood metabolic profile, milk yield and composition, plasma concentration of these minerals, and BCS or change the BCS in cows from 60 days before the expected date of calving to 80 days of lactation. An effect of time was observed on all feed intake variables, plasma concentrations of Zn and Se, milk yield, milk protein content, BCS and change in BCS