27 research outputs found

    Rola pielęgniarki i położnej w sprawowaniu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej

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    The role of a nurse and midwife in providing primary health careThe scope of responsibilities and services of a nurse and midwife in primary health care was presented on the basis of a review of literature and current legal acts. The scope of responsibilities of a primary care nurse and midwife includes services provided at the patient's home and at an outpatients’ clinic concerning health promotion and disease prevention, as well as nursing, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services. Services provided by a nurse in educational environment include carrying out and interpreting screening tests, counselling for students with health problems, care for students with chronic illnesses and disabilities, first aid, consultancy for the head teacher and participation in health education, including oral health issues. The objective of long-term home nursing care is to provide nursing care services at the patient's home, to instruct caregivers regarding proper care for the patient and to prepare the patient and their family to self-care and self-management

    Rola pielęgniarki i położnej w sprawowaniu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej

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    The scope of responsibilities and services of a nurse and midwife in primary health care was presented on the basis of a review of literature and current legal acts. The scope of responsibilities of a primary care nurse and midwife includes services provided at the patient’s home and at an outpatients’ clinic concerning health promotion and disease prevention, as well as nursing, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services. Services provided by a nurse in educational environment include carrying out and interpreting screening tests, counselling for students with health problems, care for students with chronic illnesses and disabilities, first aid, consultancy for the head teacher and participation in health education, including oral health issues. The objective of long-term home nursing care is to provide nursing care services at the patient’s home, to instruct caregivers regarding proper care for the patient and to prepare the patient and their family to self-care and self-management

    Rola pielęgniarki i położnej w sprawowaniu podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej

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    The scope of responsibilities and services of a nurse and midwife in primary health care was presented on the basis of a review of literature and current legal acts. The scope of responsibilities of a primary care nurse and midwife includes services provided at the patient’s home and at an outpatients’ clinic concerning health promotion and disease prevention, as well as nursing, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services. Services provided by a nurse in educational environment include carrying out and interpreting screening tests, counselling for students with health problems, care for students with chronic illnesses and disabilities, first aid, consultancy for the head teacher and participation in health education, including oral health issues. The objective of long-term home nursing care is to provide nursing care services at the patient’s home, to instruct caregivers regarding proper care for the patient and to prepare the patient and their family to self-care and self-management

    What do older people value when they visit their general practitioner? : a qualitative study

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    Older patients see their general practitioners (GPs) relatively often and so recognition of their preferences can lead to improvement of quality of care in general practice. This study aimed to identify which aspects of GPs’ behaviour are the most important for older people in their assessment of the quality of their visits and to explore the application of Jung’s taxonomy differentiating task and affective behaviour in this context. A qualitative approach to generating data was chosen. We conducted semi-structured interviews with a sample of 30 patients aged 65 and older using GP services in two demographically diverse big cities in Poland. Participants were interviewed in 2010 according to a pre-determined topic guide. This research showed that older people assess both ‘task performance’ and ‘affective performance’ behaviours of general practitioners. There were nearly twice as many patient comments concerning affective performance behaviour relative to task performance behaviour. Older people expect that their physicians will be demonstrably friendly, kind, able to joke and have enough time for the consultation

    Assessment of differences in psychosocial resources and state of health of rural and urban residents : based on studies carried out on students during examination stress

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    Introduction. Civilization changes of the environment shaping the psychosocial resources from rural to urban influence human health. Aim. The study aimed to identify the differences due to the place of residence (rural, urban) as far as health resources are concerned (social support, sense of coherence, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration in plasma) and health in examination stress situations. The study also determined the concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (health resource) and cortisol (stress indicator). Material and methods. The psychosocial variables were assessed using the scales: ISEL-48v. Coll., SOC-29, SF-36v.2™ oand analogue scale (perception of examination stress). The study included, based on a stratified sampling (year of study) and purposive sampling (written examination, major), 731 students representing the six universities in Lublin, south-east Poland. Among the respondents, 130 students were rural residents. Results. Health resources of students living in rural and urban areas generally differ statistically significantly in social support and the subscales of availability of tangible support, availability of appreciative support, the availability of cognitive-evaluative support and a sense of resourcefulness. The study recorded a sstatistically significantly larger network of family ties among students living in rural areas. The demonstrated diversity of resources did not substantially affect the perceived health, with the exception of pain sensation. Examination stress assessed by subjective opinion of the respondents and plasma cortisol levels vary relative to the place of residence. Students residing in rural areas showed significantly lower cortisol levels values, but subjectively perceived the situation of examation as more stressful. Conclusions. Differences in health resources and their mechanism of impact on health, to a limited extent, were conditioned by the place of residence, but they are so important in the light of human choices that they require further analysis

    Barriers and Facilitators to COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake among Polish Patients: A Qualitative Interview Study

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    The decision to receive a COVID-19 vaccine is influenced by a variety of individual and contextual factors. However, there are very few studies that analyse individual vaccination decisions using a qualitative methodology. To close this gap, we conducted a qualitative interview study to examine the opinions and experiences with the vaccine among patients previously hospitalized due to COVID-19, including barriers and facilitators to vaccine uptake. An exploratory qualitative study, using semi-structured telephone interviews, was conducted among 22 patients admitted for COVID-19 in Poland in 2022. Opinions of patients previously hospitalized with COVID-19 on vaccination were varied. Barriers to COVID-19 vaccine uptake stemmed from concerns about vaccine safety, patients’ religious beliefs, and negative stories. High disease severity and anxiety over personal and family health were important arguments in favour of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The study findings indicated the need for ongoing health education by healthcare staff as well as coordination and integration of multi-sectoral institutional measures regarding COVID-19 prevention strategies as well as increased public health initiatives on social media and engagement of community leaders for awareness about vaccines and vaccination. It is crucial to build trust in COVID-19 vaccinations among the general public by disseminating reliable information through trustworthy and credible sources. However, it ought to be emphasised that, regardless of the measures taken, some individuals will remain unconvinced about receiving a COVID-19 vaccine

    Medical consultation and communication with a family doctor from the patients’ perspective – a review of the literature

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    The modern understanding of the quality of healthcare takes into account new roles that were granted to patients, including the possibility to assess healthcare based on their experience. A review of the literature shows that among the basic dimensions which serve to measure patients’ satisfaction, issues related to communication are essential. The aim of the study is to determine the aspects of communication with a family doctor which are particularly important from the perspective of the patient. A review of the literature from the years 2000–2016 on communication with family doctors was performed, including articles based on both quantitative and qualitative studies. The main source of the data was the English-language online database PubMed, in which articles were searched for based on such key words as: “medical consultation”, “family doctor”, “general practitioner”, “communication”, “patient’s perspective”. Furthermore, information was searched for in Polish-language journals, books and textbooks for physicians, using a method of manual screening. Analysis of the literature allowed for the identification of the following aspects of communicating with a family doctor perceived by patients: the experience of patients, establishing rapport with a patient, listening, informing a patient, non-verbal behavior, use of a computer during a visit, communication issues from older patients’ perspective, and the relationship between communication and dissatisfaction with care. In summary, the problems of communication between the patient and a family doctor are complex and diverse. The patients’ perspective, with regard to expectations and satisfaction with various aspects of care, including communication, is an important indicator of the quality of care delivered by a family physician

    Professional satisfaction of masters of nursing versus Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs — analysis of answers to open-ended questions

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    Wstęp. Satysfakcja zawodowa pielęgniarek jest przedmiotem licznych badań, niewiele jednak wiadomo na temat satysfakcji zawodowej magistrów pielęgniarstwa.Cel. Określenie przyczyn satysfakcji i braku satysfakcji zawodowej magistrów pielęgniarstwa na podstawie pytań otwartych oraz próba wykorzystania założeń hierarchicznej teorii potrzeb A. Maslowa w wyjaśnieniu wyników w tym obszarze.Materiał i metody. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono wśród 272 magistrów pielęgniarstwa zatrudnionych w placówkach opieki zdrowotnej Centralnej i Północno-Wschodniej Polski. Narzędziem badawczym był standaryzowany kwestionariusz ankiety uzupełniony o dwa pytania otwarte dotyczące powodów satysfakcji lub braku satysfakcji zawodowej. Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy była analiza treści odpowiedzi samodzielnie formułowanych przez respondentów.Wyniki. Wszystkie odpowiedzi respondentów podzielono na pojedyncze jednostki, których łącznie ustalono 663, w tym 298 (45%) dotyczących satysfakcji oraz 365 (55%) dotyczących braku satysfakcji. Następnie, jednostki wypowiedzi pogrupowano w kategorie, które z kolei przypisano poszczególnym rodzajom potrzeb według teorii Maslowa.Wnioski. Największym źródłem satysfakcji zawodowej magistrów pielęgniarstwa są czynniki dotyczące relacji interpersonalnych w pracy, co wiąże się z potrzebą przynależności. Główną przyczyną braku satysfakcji jest aspekt ekonomiczny, czyli poziom płac oraz czas na odpoczynek, co można powiązać z niepełnym zaspokojeniem niektórych potrzeb biologicznych.Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2014; 22 (1): 12–19Introduction. Professional satisfaction of nurses is the subject of many studies, but little is known about the professional satisfaction of masters of nursing.Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to determine the reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction among masters of nursing on the basis of open-ended questions, as well as to utilize the assumptions of A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in the attempt to explain the results in that field.Material and methods. A survey was conducted among 272 masters of nursing employed at various health care facilities in central and north-eastern Poland. The study tool was a standardized questionnaire supplemented with two open-ended questions referring to the reasons for professional satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The analysis of the respondents’ free answers to the open-ended questions is the subject of this work.Results. The respondents’ answers were divided into 663 units, including 298 (45%) referring to satisfaction, and 365 (55%) referring to dissatisfaction. Then the units were grouped into categories corresponding to particular types of needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.Conclusions. The greatest source of satisfaction among masters of nursing is the factors concerning interpersonal relations at work, which is connected with the need of belonging. The main reason for dissatisfaction is the economic aspect, namely the level of compensation and relaxation time, which may result in failure to satisfy certain biological needs.Nursing Topics 2014; 22 (1): 12–1