41 research outputs found

    An accurate non-Born–Oppenheimer calculation of the first purely vibrational transition in LiH molecule

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    In this work we study the ground and the first vibrationally excited states of LiH molecule. We performed an extensive nonrelativistic variational calculations of the two states without using the Born–Oppenheimer approximation. The results are analyzed and compared with the data extracted from recent experiments. The 0←1 transition energy obtained in the calculations converged to a value which is less than a wave number above the transition energy estimated from the available experimental data concerning the LiH rovibrational transitions. We discuss the remaining discrepancy and the procedure used to determine the “experimental” transition frequencie

    An accurate non-Born–Oppenheimer calculation of the first purely vibrational transition in LiH molecule

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    In this work we study the ground and the first vibrationally excited states of LiH molecule. We performed an extensive nonrelativistic variational calculations of the two states without using the Born–Oppenheimer approximation. The results are analyzed and compared with the data extracted from recent experiments. The 0←1 transition energy obtained in the calculations converged to a value which is less than a wave number above the transition energy estimated from the available experimental data concerning the LiH rovibrational transitions. We discuss the remaining discrepancy and the procedure used to determine the “experimental” transition frequencie

    Non-Born–Oppenheimer calculations of the pure vibrational spectrum of HeH+

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    Very accurate calculations of the pure vibrational spectrum of the HeH+ ion are reported. The method used does not assume the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, and the motion of both the electrons and the nuclei are treated on equal footing. In such an approach the vibrational motion cannot be decoupled from the motion of electrons, and thus the pure vibrational states are calculated as the states of the system with zero total angular momentum. The wave functions of the states are expanded in terms of explicitly correlated Gaussian basis functions multipled by even powers of the internuclear distance. The calculations yielded twelve bound states and corresponding eleven transition energies. Those are compared with the pure vibrational transition energies extracted from the experimental rovibrational spectru

    Non-Born-Oppenheimer calculations of the lowest vibrational energy of HD including relativistic corrections

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    In this work we report variational calculations of the two lowest vibrational states of the HD molecule within the framework that does not assume the Born-Oppenheimer BO approximation. The nonrelativistic energies of the states were corrected for the relativistic effects of the order of 2 where = 1 c , calculated as expectation values of the operators representing these effects with the nonrelativistic non-BO wave functions. The non-BO wave functions were expanded in terms of the one-center explicitly correlated Gaussian functions multiplied by even powers of the internuclear distance. The v=0→1 transition energy obtained in the calculations is compared with the previous calculations, as well as with the transition frequency obtained from the experimental spectra. The comparison shows the need to include corrections higher than second order in to further improve the agreement between the theory and the experimen

    Non-Born–Oppenheimer calculations of the pure vibrational spectrum of HeH+

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    Very accurate calculations of the pure vibrational spectrum of the HeH+ ion are reported. The method used does not assume the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, and the motion of both the electrons and the nuclei are treated on equal footing. In such an approach the vibrational motion cannot be decoupled from the motion of electrons, and thus the pure vibrational states are calculated as the states of the system with zero total angular momentum. The wave functions of the states are expanded in terms of explicitly correlated Gaussian basis functions multipled by even powers of the internuclear distance. The calculations yielded twelve bound states and corresponding eleven transition energies. Those are compared with the pure vibrational transition energies extracted from the experimental rovibrational spectru