2 research outputs found

    Distribution (percentages) of <i>D. simulans</i> and <i>D. buzzatii</i> pupae on decaying prickly pear fruits.

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    <p>The pupae were detected inside the fruit, under the skin, over the skin and under the fruit on the land (convoluted line). Number of fruits (N = 86) collected with pupae of the two species: <i>D. simulans</i> pupae (N = 671); <i>D. </i><i>buzzatii</i> pupae (N = 380). Number of fruits (N = 46) collected with only <i>D. simulans</i> pupae (N = 521). Number of fruits (N = 47) collected with only <i>D. buzzatii</i> pupae (N = 432).</p

    Time, min; mean ± S.E., spent by third instar larvae of <i>D. simulans</i> and <i>D. buzzatii</i> on conspecific and heterospecific papers.

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    <p>The larvae were reared with conspecifics (Fig. 2a), and in isolation from conspecifics (Fig. 2b), and tested individually. Black columns, time spent on <i>simulans</i> paper; white columns time spent on <i>buzzatii</i> paper. *Mann-Whitney <i>U</i>-test; P<0.05; NS  =  non significant differences (see text for details).</p