88 research outputs found

    Is Spiking Secure? A Comparative Study on the Security Vulnerabilities of Spiking and Deep Neural Networks

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) claim to present many advantages in terms of biological plausibility and energy efficiency compared to standard Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Recent works have shown that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, i.e., small perturbations added to the input data can lead to targeted or random misclassifications. In this paper, we aim at investigating the key research question: ``Are SNNs secure?'' Towards this, we perform a comparative study of the security vulnerabilities in SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial noise. Afterwards, we propose a novel black-box attack methodology, i.e., without the knowledge of the internal structure of the SNN, which employs a greedy heuristic to automatically generate imperceptible and robust adversarial examples (i.e., attack images) for the given SNN. We perform an in-depth evaluation for a Spiking Deep Belief Network (SDBN) and a DNN having the same number of layers and neurons (to obtain a fair comparison), in order to study the efficiency of our methodology and to understand the differences between SNNs and DNNs w.r.t. the adversarial examples. Our work opens new avenues of research towards the robustness of the SNNs, considering their similarities to the human brain's functionality.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN

    CarSNN: An Efficient Spiking Neural Network for Event-Based Autonomous Cars on the Loihi Neuromorphic Research Processor

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    Autonomous Driving (AD) related features provide new forms of mobility that are also beneficial for other kind of intelligent and autonomous systems like robots, smart transportation, and smart industries. For these applications, the decisions need to be made fast and in real-time. Moreover, in the quest for electric mobility, this task must follow low power policy, without affecting much the autonomy of the mean of transport or the robot. These two challenges can be tackled using the emerging Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). When deployed on a specialized neuromorphic hardware, SNNs can achieve high performance with low latency and low power consumption. In this paper, we use an SNN connected to an event-based camera for facing one of the key problems for AD, i.e., the classification between cars and other objects. To consume less power than traditional frame-based cameras, we use a Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS). The experiments are made following an offline supervised learning rule, followed by mapping the learnt SNN model on the Intel Loihi Neuromorphic Research Chip. Our best experiment achieves an accuracy on offline implementation of 86%, that drops to 83% when it is ported onto the Loihi Chip. The Neuromorphic Hardware implementation has maximum 0.72 ms of latency for every sample, and consumes only 310 mW. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first implementation of an event-based car classifier on a Neuromorphic Chip.Comment: Accepted for publication at IJCNN 202

    AccelAT: A Framework for Accelerating the Adversarial Training of Deep Neural Networks through Accuracy Gradient

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    Adversarial training is exploited to develop a robust Deep Neural Network (DNN) model against the malicious altered data. These attacks may have catastrophic effects on DNN models but are indistinguishable for a human being. For example, an external attack can modify an image adding noises invisible for a human eye, but a DNN model misclassifies the image. A key objective for developing robust DNN models is to use a learning algorithm that is fast but can also give model that is robust against different types of adversarial attacks. Especially for adversarial training, enormously long training times are needed for obtaining high accuracy under many different types of adversarial samples generated using different adversarial attack techniques. This paper aims at accelerating the adversarial training to enable fast development of robust DNN models against adversarial attacks. The general method for improving the training performance is the hyperparameters fine-tuning, where the learning rate is one of the most crucial hyperparameters. By modifying its shape (the value over time) and value during the training, we can obtain a model robust to adversarial attacks faster than standard training. First, we conduct experiments on two different datasets (CIFAR10, CIFAR100), exploring various techniques. Then, this analysis is leveraged to develop a novel fast training methodology, AccelAT , which automatically adjusts the learning rate for different epochs based on the accuracy gradient. The experiments show comparable results with the related works, and in several experiments, the adversarial training of DNNs using our AccelAT framework is conducted up to 2×2\times faster than the existing techniques. Thus, our findings boost the speed of adversarial training in an era in which security and performance are fundamental optimization objectives in DNN-based applications. To facilitate reproducible research this is the AccelAT open-source framework: https://github.com/Nikfam/AccelAT

    An Efficient Spiking Neural Network for Recognizing Gestures with a DVS Camera on the Loihi Neuromorphic Processor

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), the third generation NNs, have come under the spotlight for machine learning based applications due to their biological plausibility and reduced complexity compared to traditional artificial Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). These SNNs can be implemented with extreme energy efficiency on neuromorphic processors like the Intel Loihi research chip, and fed by event-based sensors, such as DVS cameras. However, DNNs with many layers can achieve relatively high accuracy on image classification and recognition tasks, as the research on learning rules for SNNs for real-world applications is still not mature. The accuracy results for SNNs are typically obtained either by converting the trained DNNs into SNNs, or by directly designing and training SNNs in the spiking domain. Towards the conversion from a DNN to an SNN, we perform a comprehensive analysis of such process, specifically designed for Intel Loihi, showing our methodology for the design of an SNN that achieves nearly the same accuracy results as its corresponding DNN. Towards the usage of the event-based sensors, we design a pre-processing method, evaluated for the DvsGesture dataset, which makes it possible to be used in the DNN domain. Hence, based on the outcome of the first analysis, we train a DNN for the pre-processed DvsGesture dataset, and convert it into the spike domain for its deployment on Intel Loihi, which enables real-time gesture recognition. The results show that our SNN achieves 89.64% classification accuracy and occupies only 37 Loihi cores

    DVS-Attacks: Adversarial Attacks on Dynamic Vision Sensors for Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), despite being energy-efficient when implemented on neuromorphic hardware and coupled with event-based Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVS), are vulnerable to security threats, such as adversarial attacks, i.e., small perturbations added to the input for inducing a misclassification. Toward this, we propose DVS-Attacks, a set of stealthy yet efficient adversarial attack methodologies targeted to perturb the event sequences that compose the input of the SNNs. First, we show that noise filters for DVS can be used as defense mechanisms against adversarial attacks. Afterwards, we implement several attacks and test them in the presence of two types of noise filters for DVS cameras. The experimental results show that the filters can only partially defend the SNNs against our proposed DVS-Attacks. Using the best settings for the noise filters, our proposed Mask Filter-Aware Dash Attack reduces the accuracy by more than 20% on the DVS-Gesture dataset and by more than 65% on the MNIST dataset, compared to the original clean frames. The source code of all the proposed DVS-Attacks and noise filters is released at https://github.com/albertomarchisio/DVS-Attacks.Comment: Accepted for publication at IJCNN 202
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