156 research outputs found

    Non-covalent Interaction of Benzene with Methanol and Diethyl Ether Solid Surfaces

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    We have investigated the interactions involved at the interface of binary, layered ices (benzene on methanol and on diethyl ether) by means of laboratory experiments and ab initio calculations on model clusters.</p

    Electrons, Excitons and Hydrogen Bonding: Electron-promoted Desorption from Molecular Ice Surfaces

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    Desorption of benzene from methanol and diethyl ether ices during irradiation with 250 eV electrons is reported and compared with our previous work on benzene/water ices to highlight the role of hydrogen bonding in excitation transport.</p

    Vascular Disease in Psoriasis

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    Deviancy as social problem: the answers of psychology [La devianza come problema sociale: le risposte della psicologia]

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    Scopo: Il comportamento deviante è tale in quanto infrange una serie di norme sociali più o meno consapevolmente riconosciute dai più. Scopo dello studio è descrivere e analizzare le caratteristiche di tale comportamento. Materiali e metodi: Si è tentato di individuare le cause della devianza in un rapporto complesso con le figure genitoriali, con l’Autorità generalmente intesa, con i Gruppi sociali che detengono il Potere ecc. valutando teorie a partire dalla psicoanalisi fino alla più recente sociologia. Risultati e conclusioni: Pur ammettendo la possibile presenza di un certo tipo di disturbi di personalità nella struttura psichica del deviante, non si può non puntare l’attenzione sulle metodiche che le varie società utilizzano per l’integrazione dei cittadini, soprattutto nelle agenzie fondamentali preposte all’educazione del minore: famiglia e scuola. Metodi didattici all’avanguardia, che senz’altro forniscano al discente griglie comportamentali e regole di condotta, che però al tempo stesso non dimentichino la dimensione fondamentale del gioco, dello svago e della ricerca personale, sono da incentivare fortemente. Con la consapevolezza che, nel bambino e nell’adolescente, “trasgredire” determinate regole con coscienza critica e capacità di discernimento, aiuta a formare un cittadino consapevole, responsabile e rivolto all’innovazione di paradigmi comportamentali spesso datati e inadeguati, anche se comunemente accettati con passività dai più.Scope: Deviant behaviour is the one that breaks those rules most people regard as social. The study describes and analyzes the characteristics of this behavior. Materials and Methods: Psychology and also the latest Sociological Theories have tried to find the causes of deviance in the complex and difficult relationship with parental figures, with Authority in general, with the Part of society that holds Power etc. Results and Conclusions: While admitting the possible presence of some kinds of personality disorders in the deviant’s psychic structure we cannot avoid focusing on the methodologies used for the integration of citizen above all in those fundamental units in charge of minors’ education: Family and School. Advanced teaching methods which can provide behavioural models and rules are to be strongly encouraged, without forgetting the essential dimension of playing, of research and also of individual personal growth. Nevertheless we must be aware that ‘breaking’ the rules with a sense of responsibility and discernment helps a young man to grow informed and responsible, able to renew his behavioural patterns often dated and deficient albeit mainly passively accepted

    Efficient Electron-promoted Desorption of Benzene from Water Ice Surfaces

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    We study the desorption of benzene from solid water surfaces during irradiation of ultrathin solid films with low energy electrons.</p

    Genetic structure and molecular variability of grapevine fanleaf virus in sicily

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    Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) is one of the main causes of grapevine fanleaf degeneration disease (GFDD) and is present in almost all areas where grapevine is cultivated. In this work, we ascertained the presence and spread of GFLV in different commercial vineyards in four Sicilian provinces (Italy), and its genetic structure and molecular variability were studied. In detail, a total of 617 grapevine samples of 11 autochthonous grapevine cultivars were collected in 20 commercial vineyards. Preliminary screening by serological (DAS-ELISA) and molecular (RT-PCR) analyses for ArMV (arabis mosaic virus) and GFLV detection were conducted. Results obtained showed the absence of ArMV in all the samples analyzed, while 48 out of 617 samples gave positive results to GFLV, for a total of 9 out of 11 cultivars analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses carried out on the GFLV-CP gene of 18 Sicilian GFLV sequences selected in this study showed a certain degree of variability among the Sicilian isolates, suggesting a different origin, probably as a consequence of the continuous interchange of GFLV-infected propagating material with other Italian regions or viticultural areas located in other countries

    First outbreak of Pepper vein yellows virus infecting sweet pepper in Italy

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    Sweet pepper (Capsicum annum) is an economically important crop worldwide, including Sicily where about 4,000 hectares are grown each year. In October 2015, severe symptoms not previously reported by growers in the horticultural area of the province of Trapani (Sicily, Italy) were observed on sweet pepper plants in eight different greenhouses. Symptoms included upward leaf curling, internodal shortening and interveinal yellowing. Symptoms were more evident in the upper part of the plants. These symptoms were reminiscent of those caused by poleroviruses. In the greenhouse, symptoms were evident in about 35% of the plants. Three samples per greenhouse (24 in total) were collected for analysis

    First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus affecting zucchini squash in an important horticultural area of southern Italy

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    omato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) is a bipartite begomovirus (family Geminiviridae) which infects species in the families Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae (Padidam et al., 1995; Mizutani et al., 2011). Begomoviruses are transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in a persistent manner (Rosen et al., 2015). In October 2015, severe symptoms not previously reported by growers in the horticultural area of the Province of Trapani (Sicily, Italy) were observed on zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo) in open fields. The symptoms included yellow mosaic, severe leaf curling, swelling of veins of young leaves, shortening of internodes, roughness of the skin of fruit and reduced fruit size; the symptoms were reminiscent of those caused by begomoviruses. Total DNA was extracted from young leaves of 22 plants by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. PCR was performed with the A1F/A1R primer pair (Mizutani et al., 2011) for the DNA-A component and the pair described by Ruiz et al. (2015) for the DNA-B component to amplify a ~1200-bp fragment of DNA-A and a ~890 bp fragment of DNA-B, respectively. All 10 samples were positive by PCR with both primer pairs. No amplification products were obtained using primers specific for the monopartite begomoviruses Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (Davino et al., 2008). DAS-ELISA analysis for Cucumber mosaic virus, Papaya ring spot virus and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (Loewe Phytodiagnostica, Germany) yielded negative results

    Requirements of the authorized examinator physician (AME) for class II: interpretative doubts and suggestions

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    The purpose of this document is to clarify the requirements that a doctor must have for carrying out the Authorized Examiner (AME) activity for class II workers. We have consulted the normative sources that indicate the requisite that the authorized physicians must possess and subsequently we have compared the norms, the European Union regulations and the national ones issued by the National Civil Aviation Body (ENAC), as well as the guidelines indicated by the EASA. Finally, Authors give suggestions that can be given to ENAC regarding the issue of the authorization as AME examiner for class II workers