3 research outputs found

    The importance of the fresh water outflow on a station situated in front of the Po river (Po di Goro)

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    The fractions of dissolved organic and inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in sea water samples were monitored at the station S1, placed in front of the Po River mouth (44?44\u2770"N, 12?27\u2741"E). The aim was to extent our knowledge about the biochemical situation in an area that is highly influenced by fresh water loads by the .. 288 largest Italian river, and to estimate the portions of organic and inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus that were lost from the System due to physical and biochemical interactions. For this purpose, we chose to examine a sampling period with scarce river outflow (April 1995) and one with greater outflow (July 1995). Despite great nutrient loads in both sampling periods, our estimates revealed that almost the whole fraction of inorganic phosphorus (up to 92 % at April) and a part of the inorganic nitrogen (30 % at April and 42 % at July) was readily consumed at the station. Surprisingly the dissolved organic fraction of nitrogen (DON) was much greater at the station (up to 3120 % in April) than in the river water, and it constituted a conspicuous part of the total dissolved nitrogen in the study area. On the contrary, the dissolved organic fraction of phosphorus (DOP) did not accumulate in the coastal area, compared to the river water

    Acqua e salute: elementi di analisi di rischio in nuovi scenari ambientali e climatici. Roma: Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ ; 2020. (Rapporti ISTISAN 20/19). ISSN 1123-3117 (cartaceo); 2384-8936 (online)

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    This volume presents a composite review of emerging issues in the complex interaction between climateenvironment-water and health, with the aim of sharing knowledge and proposing actions based on preventing and managing risks, related to anthropogenic pressures on natural systems and water use, which are compromising universal access to safewater and sanitation and therefore many other sustainable development goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The contributions collected in the volume, many of which were presented during the third edition of the “Water quality and Health” Summer School which took place in Matera and Bari, June 24 to 28, 2019 and based on the most recent knowledge, deal also with relevant national preventing actions that are effectively tackling climate-environmentwater and health issues. A better management of water resources is fundamental for the success of adaptation and mitigation strategies to limit damage from climate change.Il volume presenta una rassegna composita di tematiche emergenti sulle complesse interazioni clima-ambienteacqua e salute, con l’obiettivo di offrire conoscenze e proporre azioni rispetto alla prevenzione e gestione dei rischi legati alle pressioni umane sui sistemi naturali e agli utilizzi delle risorse, che stanno compromettendo l’accesso universale all’acqua e ai servizi igienici e, di conseguenza, molti altri obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell’agenda ONU 2030. I contributi raccolti nel volume, molti dei quali presentati nel corso della terza edizione della Summer School “Qualità dell’Acqua e Salute” che si è svolta a Matera e a Bari, dal 24 al 28 giugno 2019, e aggiornati alle conoscenze più recenti, presentano anche iniziative italiane rilevanti che stanno efficacemente affrontando in prevenzione le tematiche clima-ambiente-acqua e salute. Una migliore gestione delle risorse idriche è una componente essenziale per il successo della mitigazione del clima e delle strategie di adattamento