1 research outputs found

    The hidden symbiotic star SU Lyn-detection of flickering in U band

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    We report photometric observations of the hidden symbiotic star SU Lyn in the optical bands. In four nights we detect a weak flickering in U band with amplitude of about 0.05 magnitudes. No intranight variations are found in B, V, g’ and r’ bands. This is one more indication that the secondary component is a white dwarf accreting at a low accretion rate Ẇe also searched for intranight variability of a dozen related objects-RR Boo, RT Boo, AM Cyg, AG Peg, BF Cyg, NQ Gem, StHa190, V627 Cas, XX Oph, FS Cet and Y Gem-however no variability above the observational errors is detected