11 research outputs found

    Combinative Study of Urban Heat Island in Ascoli Piceno City with Remote Sensing and CFD Simulation—Climate Change and Urban Health Resilience—CCUHRE Project

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    This paper presents a new methodological approach for analysing the impacts of climate change on the urban habitat and improving the quality of life for citizens. The study falls within the diagnostic phase of the Climate Change and Urban Health Resilience (CCUHRE) research project applied to the rationalist neighbourhood of Monticelli, a suburb of Ascoli Piceno (Italy). The methodological approach tests innovative and multidisciplinary cognitive tools to quantify the impacts of climate change and create refined risk maps combining remote sensing, spatial data, satellite images, and thermal fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations. These tools created an atlas of green areas and surfaces using scientific indexes that describe the relationship between the urban form and heat and between the type of ground and materials. The information yielded by geoprocessing will allow critical aspects in the context to be addressed with site-specific strategies. In fact, through downscaling, it is possible to analyse the thermal fluid dynamics characteristics of the most significant urban areas and identify the related weather/climate characteristics, perceptual scenarios, and thermal stressed regions. The results have provided a dataset that defines the degree of vulnerability of the neighbourhood and identifies the areas exposed to thermal risk

    Mass and lightness: urban quality along the Aurelian Walls in Rome. Walking through Walls.

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    Lo studio intende focalizzare la sua attenzione sul sistema delle Mura Aureliane, prendendo come riferimento il piano regolatore che ne indica il ruolo di infrastruttura verde al servizio delle aree immediatamente prossime al centro storico. Si propone un rafforzamento del sistema in chiave ambientale, come opportunità per rigenerare spazi aperti di relazione utilizzando la mas-sa muraria come dispositivo ambientale e, al tempo stesso, come memoria e simbolo della Roma storica. L’obiettivo è la rifunzionalizzazione dell’elemento murario come un’isopleta urbana capace di generare comfort termoigrometrico in virtù dell’inserimento di elementi verdi e dispositivi funzionali in zone della città pervase da materiale lapideo/cemento/asfalto. Parole chiave: Cambiamenti climatici; Outdoor Comfort; Isola di calore urbano; Rigenerazione urbana

    Inspired by the atmosphere: A procedural protocol that defines a meta-project based on atmospheric forces: Solar radiation and wind field

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    In recent years, environmental aspects and impacts have become increasingly crucial for architectural design. This research aims to use climate-related themes at the starting point of the design process and would ideally inspire architects to create a design concept that follows optimized energy solutions. The study named 'Inspired by the atmosphere' consists of the morphological research of different solutions influenced by environmental conditions in the urban context. This is a procedural protocol that defines a meta-project based on atmospheric forces (namely solar radiation and wind field) and provides architects not with final, restricted solutions but rather recommendations. The protocol develops multiple solutions arranged in a list sorted according to energy balance. The best solution may not consider all the aspects that are important for the architect. Instead, the designer must critically analyze all the results before the design proces

    Inspired by the Atmosphere. See the Invisible

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    This paper is proposed to investigate procedures which can deal with graphic formalize of numeric data relating to climatic and environmental conditions. In a scientific domain characterised by prevalence of mathematical models and statistical surveys, the possibility of making images as such becomes an additional tool for morphological research of architectural solutions influenced by environmental conditions. This methodology, along with new augmented reality technology, actually, promotes new way of dealing with the project immediately highlighting defects and weaknesses: as architectural pre-visualization has always been the architect’s domain, today, pre-visualization of environmental data becomes a useful tool for design

    Density - intensity. Material and immaterial elements in assessing urban quality

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    La ricerca si pone come obiettivo quello di pervenire ad un bilancio critico scientifico su alcuni aspetti relativi al tema della “resilienza urbana”, per offrire a pianificatori e decisori uno strumento agile di intervento per la mitigazione delle temperature nelle aree urbane: densificazione, morfologia, materiali sono criteri utilizzati per suggerire strategie volte a migliorare la qualità della vita nelle città. Il punto di vista indagato analizza il cambiamento climatico e la sua connessione antropica, la densità urbana e la sua valenza energetica, l’evoluzione materica e la gestione del comfort ambientale, considerando il rapporto orizzontale/ verticale come uno dei parametri morfologici capaci di determinare la relazione tra densità, forma degli spazi e isola di calore urbana. Parole Chiave: Cambiamenti climatici; Tecnologie per l’ambiente costruito; Isola di calore urbano