20 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad social en el sistema universitario español: compromisos de las universidades

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    Aportación a congresoEste trabajo, es fruto de la investigación desarrollada dentro del Programa de Estudios y Análisis del Ministerio de Educación de España, en el proyecto EA 2011-0027, un grupo de diecisiete investigadores, abogados, economistas, ingenieros y psicólogos, analizó el papel de la Responsabilidad Social en el Sistema Universitario Español (BENAVIDES y col. 2013). Se presenta el marco referencial en el que se desenvuelven las universidades españolas en relación con la denominada Responsabilidad Social Universitaria. Las universidades, tanto públicas como privadas, realizan numerosas acciones que pertenecen a diferentes dimensiones de la responsabilidad social y están conformando unas instituciones que se comprometen con la salud, sostenibilidad y solidaridad, tres ejes a lo largo de los cuales las universidades españolas, cada vez, de una forma más intensa desarrollan su dimensión social y responden a las necesidades y expectativas de sus grupos de interés.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Research trends in occupational health and social responsibility: A bibliometric analysis

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    Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are domains of research char- acterised by a great complexity due to their interdisciplinary nature. Although the interest in Occupational Health & Safety issues in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility has recently increased, more effort is needed to address the complexity of both research areas and to understand the dynamic and implications of their relationship. This research describes and analyses the state of the art in the literature and potential areas for further research regarding OHS and CSR. In total, 289 articles published between 1995 and 2018 related to both CSR and OHS were identified in the most reliable database, Web of Science Core Collection. The publications cover 932 authors, 142 journals, 53 countries or territories and 489 institutions, which include 313 universities in the entire world. We employ bibliometric methods to describe the evolution of publication activity, the most relevant contributors, the methodologies applied as well as the content of the articles in order to examine the main topics and research trends. Moreover, we explore the mapping of bibliographic coupling, co-word analysis of keywords and clusters analysis, which provides maps of knowledge based on data of bibliographic nature. Our study allows us to identify potential avenues for future research that could be meaningful to advance in the consolidation of CSR as an integral framework to support OHS

    Safety culture, safety performance and financial performance. A longitudinal study

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    Safety Culture and managing employee relationships in a safe and socially responsible climate might help avoid risks at the workplace and reputational damage for companies. Drawing on the social approach and Occupational Health and Safety Management, this paper aims to gain further knowledge regarding the impact of safety culture through safety performance on financial performance in organisations. We test a set of hypotheses in a panel data of European companies from different activity sectors from 2005 to 2019. Our findings provide strong support for the premise that companies with policies aimed at improving employee health and safety, employee training, or having safety management systems positively influence safety performance, which in turn has a positive impact on financial performance. The development of safety culture in the company is necessary to meet the needs of employees, and thus improve safety performance. This study has implications for both theory and practice and offers some relevant implications for regulators and policy makers.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Bottom-of-the-pyramid innovations: the impact of gender diversity.

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    This study is aimed at exploring the factors that can promote the fulfilment of the “bottom-of-the-pyramid” approach (BoP). We focus on the intra-organizational dimensions that might impact inclusive innovation developed by firms. Given that managers and upper echelons are responsible for resource allocation and strategic decisions, they have a key role to play in fostering inclusive innovation. Therefore, we explore: (i) the influence of gender diversity in management positions and on the board of directors (BoD) in the deployment of inclusive innovation; (ii) the relationship between inclusive innovation and a company’s performance. Multiple theories support the effect of gender diversity on corporate governance. This study is based on the expectation states theory (EST), and the signalling theory. Drawing on the EST, we argue that the presence of women in management positions is identified with higher expectations given their competences and performance in social matters, such as inclusive innovation. In turn, the second theoretical lens, the signalling theory, explains inclusive innovation as an external signal for stakeholders. Thus, they identify inclusive innovation as a company's commitment to the BoP, allowing the firm to obtain better results. We study a panel dataset of European public manufacturing firms for the period 2008-2017. Our findings reveal that gender diversity in management positions and the presence of at least one woman on the BoD have a positive effect on inclusive innovation. Furthermore, our results also highlight the economic value of such strategy. By measuring its impact on business results, we provide evidence that inclusive innovation positively influences performance. This result is worthy to overcome the traditional assumption regarding the trade-off between social and economic value creation goals in firms.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mujer directiva y salida a bolsa de empresas de alta tecnología: un estudio del mercado de valores estadounidense

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    Este trabajo examina la relación entre la presencia de la mujer en los equipos de alta dirección y el éxito de las empresas de alta tecnología en su salida a bolsa. Asimismo, analiza cómo indicadores específicos de capacidad de innovación pueden mediar dicha relación. Una investigación empírica de una muestra de empresas biotecnológicas que salieron a bolsa en el mercado de valores estadounidense, indica un efecto negativo y significativo de la proporción de mujeres en la dirección ejecutiva, aunque confirma la influencia positiva de los indicadores de innovación que además median y hacen no significativo el efecto de la diversidad de género.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Corporate social responsibility and total quality management: As an antecedent of hotel performance

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and total quality management (TQM) are considered potential sources in order to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage. This paper examines how the implementation of both TQM and CSR influences the results of hotels’ stakeholders as an antecedent of business performance. An empirical study of Spanish hotels from the Andalusian region shows that the adoption of such approaches improves the capacity of hotels to create benefits for their stakeholders, and these results have a positive effect on hotel performance. The study also provides evidence of the complementarity of both management philosophies as TQM can enhance the development of CSR.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Towards sustainable development: Environmental innovation, cleaner production performance, and reputation

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    The growing concerns regarding sustainability and a firm's effects on the environment explain the important role that environmental management may play in corporate reputation. Following the premises of the stakeholder approach and dynamic capability theory, we explore how a comprehensive environmental management (environmental innovation [EI] and cleaner production [CP]) impacts a firm's reputation. By analyzing a panel data of European manufacturing firms, we show that EIs benefit corporate reputation. Results also confirm that the higher effectiveness of CP initiatives, the higher a firm's reputation. Both dynamic capabilities improve the firm's legitimacy and stakeholders' perceptions concerning the firm's commitment to environmental sustainability. We offer relevant insights for the academic community as to how EI and CP represent proactive strategies that enhance reputation and provide practical implications for managers in order to respond to stakeholders' demands.Santander Center for Corporate SocialResponsibility, University of Málaga; Ministeriode Ciencia e Innovaci on, Grant/AwardNumber: PID2020-117313RB-I00; ProgramaOperativo Feder Andalucía 2014-2020, Grant/Award Number: B-SEJ-682-UGR20. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Boosting innovation through gender and ethnic diversity in management teams

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    Purpose: This study investigates the link between diversity in management and CEO positions and firm innovation. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect that women and ethnic diversity in management and CEO positions have on the development of outstanding innovation in firms. Design/methodology/approach: This paper conducts an empirical analysis to investigate these relationships over time using a large panel database of 1,345 publicly US traded firms. Findings: Results revealed that gender and ethnic diversity at all levels of management exhibited a robust positive association with superior innovation competence. This finding remains robust when alternative proxies for innovation are employed. In contrast, the authors found that women and ethnic minorities at the CEO level had no significant influence. Originality/value: Considering an output measure of innovation, the authors explore the effect of gender and ethnic minority groups in management positions as well as at the CEO level, rather than focusing only on top management teams or board of directors. The authors offer new practical insights regarding the manager selection process that are also useful to support public policy initiatives.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the COMPSOS Project (PID 2020-117313RB-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and of the SOSTEMPRE (B-SEJ-682-UGR20) Project, funded by PROGRAMA OPERATIVO FEDER ANDALUCIA 2014–2020. Additionally, the study has been partially supported by Santander Center for Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Málaga (Spain). // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Total quality, social responsibility and gender in the hospitality industry

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine how the implementation of total quality management and corporate social responsibility influences the results of hotels’ stakeholders as an antecedent of business performance. This study investigates the role of gender diversity in top management team and its impact in the implementation of corporate social responsibility. An empirical study of a sample of 122 Spanish hotels from the Andalusian region shows that the adoption of such approaches improves the capacity of hotels to create benefits for their stakeholders, and these results have a positive effect on hotel performance. Our findings also provide evidence of the complementarity of both management philosophies as TQM can enhance the development of CSR. Finally, our research demonstrates that a higher gender diversity in top managements teams increases the level of implementation of corporate social responsibility within the hotel industry.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Una aproximación al estudio de la formación de los precios en el mercado de acampamentosturísticos

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    The camping resort in Spain is a subsector of accommodation that has a growing dynamism. Despite this, and its quantitative importance in the Spanish tourism industry, there are very few scientific papers have paid attention. The aim of this paper is to analyze the mechanisms of price formation in this tourist activity, for which it has used a hedonic price model with semi-logarithmic functional form. The results highlight the importance of the geographical location of the establishment as well as its official classification in the valuation of its price by tourists.El acampamento turístico en España es un subsector de alojamiento que presenta un dinamismo creciente. A pesar de ello, y de su importancia cuantitativa en el turismo español, son muy escasos los trabajos científicos que le han prestado su atención. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar los mecanismos de formación de los precios dentro de esta actividad turística, para lo cual se ha empleado un modelo hedónico de precios con forma fun- cional semilogarítmica. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la ubicación geográfica del establecimiento así como la calificación oficial del mismo en la valoración de su precio por parte de los turistas