5 research outputs found

    Detection of the conformational changes of Discosoma red fluorescent proteins adhered on silver nanoparticles-based nanocomposites via surface-enhanced Raman scattering

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    Description of the relationship between protein structure and function remains a primary focus in molecular biology, biochemistry, protein engineering and bioelectronics. Moreover, the investigation of the protein conformational changes after adhesion and dehydration is of importance to tackle problems related to the interaction of proteins with solid surfaces. In this paper the conformational changes of wild-type Discosoma recombinant red fluorescent proteins (DsRed) adhered on silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)-based nanocomposites are explored via surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Originality in the present approach is to work on dehydrated DsRed thin protein layers in link with natural conditions during drying. To enable the SERS effect, plasmonic substrates consisting of a single layer of AgNPs encapsulated by an ultra-thin silica cover layer were elaborated by plasma process. The achieved enhancement of the electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the AgNPs is as high as 105. This very strong enhancement factor allowed detecting Raman signals from discontinuous layers of DsRed issued from solution with protein concentration of only 80 nM. Three different conformations of the DsRed proteins after adhesion and dehydration on the plasmonic substrates were identified. It was found that the DsRed chromophore structure of the adsorbed proteins undergoes optically assisted chemical transformations when interacting with the optical beam, which leads to reversible transitions between the three different conformations. The proposed time-evolution scenario endorses the dynamical character of the relationship between protein structure and function. It also confirms that the conformational changes of proteins with strong internal coherence, like DsRed proteins, are reversibl

    Microstructure and electrical properties of (Ba0.6Sr0.4)0.85Bi0.1TiO3 ceramics prepared by single-step, liquid-phase, solid-state reactive sintering

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    (Ba0.6Sr0.4)0.85Bi0.1TiO3 ceramics have been obtained by single-step, liquid-phase, solid-state reactive sintering in the temperature range 1250–1350 °C using stoichiometric amounts of BaTiO3, SrTiO3 and Bi4Ti3O12. Their microstructure and electrical properties have been studied by X-Ray diffraction and fluorescence, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and impedance spectroscopy. The relative density, Dr, relative permittivity, Δâ€Čr, and dissipation factor, tan ÎŽ, at room temperature and the bulk and grain boundary resistivity, Rb and Rgb, and activation energies, Eba and Egba, are approximately independent of the sintering temperature with values around e.g. Dr ~97.5 %, Δâ€Čr ~1790, tan ÎŽ ~0.06 %, R500oCb ~26 kΩ cm, Egba ~1.03 eV, R500oCgb ~217 kΩ cm and Egba ~1.41 eV. By contrast, the temperature coefficient of capacitance, TCC, increases linearly from ~10 ppm oC−1 to ~21 ppm oC−1 on increasing sintering temperature. Comments on the influence of the sintering temperature on the chemical composition of the ceramics are made

    Chemical ordering in bimetallic FeCo nanoparticles: From a direct chemical synthesis to application as efficient high-frequency magnetic material

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    Single-crystalline FeCo nanoparticles with tunable size and shape were prepared by co-decomposing two metal-amide precursors under mild conditions. The nature of the ligands introduced in this organometallic synthesis drastically affects the reactivity of the precursors and, thus, the chemical distribution within the nanoparticles. The presence of the B2 short-range order was evidenced in FeCo nanoparticles prepared in the presence of HDAHCl ligands, combining 57Fe Mössbauer, zero-field 59Co ferromagnetic nuclear resonance (FNR), and X-ray diffraction studies. This is the first time that the B2 structure is directly formed during synthesis without the need of any annealing step. The as-prepared nanoparticles exhibit magnetic properties comparable with the ones for the bulk (Ms = 226 Am2·kgÂż1). Composite magnetic materials prepared from these FeCo nanoparticles led to a successful proof-of-concept of the integration on inductor-based filters (27% enhancement of the inductance value at 100 MHz).This work was performed in the frame of TOURS 2015, and the project was supported by the French “Programme de l’économie numĂ©rique des Investissements d’Avenir”. We gratefully acknowledge the International Associated Laboratory (LIA)-M2OZART for financial support. Some of the HR-STEM and EELS studies were conducted at the Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas, Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain. R.A. gratefully acknowledges the support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through project MAT2016-79776-P (AEF/FEDER. UE). In IPCMS Strasbourg, the work was supported by the CNRS LIA “NANOFUNC” and the LABEX NIE (no. ANR-11-LABX-0058_NIE)