16 research outputs found

    Evaluating Multiple WRF Configurations and Forcing over the Northern Patagonian Icecap (NPI) and Baker River Basin

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    The use of numerical weather prediction (NWP) model to dynamically downscale coarse climate reanalysis data allows for the capture of processes that are influenced by land cover and topographic features. Climate reanalysis downscaling is useful for hydrology modeling, where catchment processes happen on a spatial scale that is not represented in reanalysis models. Selecting proper parameterization in the NWP for downscaling is crucial to downscale the climate variables of interest. In this work, we are interested in identifying at least one combination of physics in the Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model that performs well in our area of study that covers the Baker River Basin and the Northern Patagonian Icecap (NPI) in the south of Chile. We used ERA-Interim reanalysis data to run WRF in twenty-four different combinations of physics for three years in a nested domain of 22.5 and 4.5 km with 34 vertical levels. From more to less confident, we found that, for the planetary boundary layer (PBL), the best option is to use YSU; for the land surface model (LSM), the best option is the five-Layer Thermal, RRTM for longwave, Dudhia for short wave radiation, and Thompson for the microphysics. In general, the model did well for temperature (average, minimum, maximum) for most of the observation points and configurations. Precipitation was good, but just a few configurations stood out (i.e., conf-9 and conf-10). Surface pressure and Relative Humidity results were not good or bad, and it depends on the statistics with which we evaluate the time series (i.e., KGE or NSE). The results for wind speed were inferior; there was a warm bias in all of the stations. Once we identify the best configuration in our experiment, we run WRF for one year using ERA5 and FNL0832 climate reanalysis. Our results indicate that Era-interim provided better results for precipitation. In the case of temperature, FNL0832 gave better results; however, all of the models’ performances were good. Therefore, working with ERA-Interim seems the best option in this region with the physics selected. We did not experiment with changes in resolution, which may have improved results with ERA5 that has a better spatial and temporal resolution

    Effects of Tectonic Setting and Hydraulic Properties on Silent Large-Scale Landslides: A Case Study of the Zhaobishan Landslide, China

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    Abstract Unlike strong earthquake-triggered or heavy rainfall-triggered landslides, silent large-scale landslides (SLL) occur without significant triggering factors and cause unexpected significant disaster risks and mass casualties. Understanding the initiation mechanism of SLLs is crucial for risk reduction. In this study, the mechanism of the Zhaobishan SLL was investigated, and the SLL was jointly controlled by weak-soil (fractured rock mass) and strong-water (abundant water replenishment) conditions under the impact of active tectonism and complex hydraulic properties. Strong tectonic uplift, high fault density, and historical earthquakes led to weak-soil conditions conducive to the Zhaobishan SLL. The combined effect of unique lithology, antiform, and cultivated land contributed to the water replenishment characteristics of extensive runoff confluence (3.16 times that of the landslide body) and supported long-distance groundwater replenishment, thereby forming strong-water conditions for the landslide. The amplified seepage amount caused the strength of the soil mass on the sliding surface to decrease to 0.4 times its initial strength, eventually triggering the Zhaobishan SLL, which occurred 4.6 days after the peak rainfall. Moreover, the landslide deposits have accumulated on the semi-diagenetic clay rock, thereby controlling the subsequent recurring debris flows in the Lengzi Gully. To reduce disaster risk of SLL in vulnerable mountainous regions, the water confluence area behind the main scarp of the landslides and the hysteresis characteristics between landslides and peak rainfall should be further considered, and recurring debris flows following massive landslides also should be focused

    Glacier geometry limits the propagation of thinning in Patagonian Icefields

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    Climate change is causing a decline in glaciers globally, with the possibility that some may disappear during this century. Recent findings postulate that the geometric glacier-topography configuration has the capacity to limit glacier thinning upstream. The Patagonian Icefields (PI), with 15,900 km² of glaciers, are the world's largest glacial freshwater reservoir after Antarctica and Greenland. In recent decades, it has been one of the areas with the greatest mass loss worldwide due to climate change. Our research explores the relationship between glacier geometry and changes in PI glaciers to determine regions vulnerable to thinning. We studied 45 major marine- and lake-terminating glaciers in PI using the Péclet number (Pe) based on the diffusive kinematic wave model to determine the geometric state of glaciers and as a metric of vulnerability to diffusive thinning. Locations with Pe ≤ 8 experienced greater thinning and retreat, suggesting an empirical limit that encompasses more than 90 % of ice thinning. The empirical limit is related to a significant change in the slope gradient and roughness of the subglacial topography at PI due to a knickpoint in the subglacial bed. On average, ~53 % of the total ice flow of PI glaciers is below the thinning limit. Therefore, due to the current geometric state and evolution, lake-terminating glaciers may propagate frontal thinning deep inland. The empirical thinning limit provides signals of priority glaciers to investigate considering current climate change projections