3 research outputs found

    Proposal Bisnis untuk Proyek Hanapier Box

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    Kerajinan kemasan salah satunya Hamper box menjadi pilihan bisnis yang menguntungkan seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah bisnis di Indonesia. Melihat dari pertumbuhan industri bisnis online, salah satu nya adalah Hampers yang semakin maju dengan jumlah pelanggan yang semakin meningkat, dan memulai bisnis ini tidak membutuhkan dana yang besar. Selain produk utama, Hanapier Box juga akan berisi kartu ucapan, stiker, bunga kering, pita, dan potongan kertas Hampers. Produk ini akan didistribusikan melalui toko online kemudian akan dikirim langsung menggunakan pengiriman paket seperti JNE, Si Cepat Halu, dan J&T Express. Dengan mengutamakan keamanan produk, pelanggan akan merasa nyaman berbelanja kembali. Hanapier Box juga akan menggunakan sistem pre- order bagi pelanggan yang mempunyai permintaan khusus seperti pemesanan dalam jumlah banyak. Karena Covid-19, Hanapier Box akan mengikuti aturan protokol kesehatan yang wajib di taati oleh semua orang, maka Hanapier Box menyediakan masker serta hand sanitizer untuk staf yang bekerja pada jam kerja yang sudah di tentukan. Proses produksi Hanapier Box adalah harus memesan bahan dan perlengkapan packaging dan lainnya untuk Hampers. Kemudian, ketika pelanggan memesan produk melalui situs online atau toko offline, pemilik toko dan staf akan memeriksa metode pembayaran yang digunakan oleh pelanggan dan jika valid, pemilik dan staf akan menyiapkan daftar pesanan berdasarkan jenis paket. Penulis akan menggunakan perhitungan kebutuhan modal dan rencana keuangan lainnya untuk memasok produksi barang yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan nilai bagi perusahaan

    Housekeeping Department UMN Dormitory

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    In the third semester at Hotel Operations Program in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara all students are required to do an industrial Placement Program. The program asked the writer which hotel and the department to do for the Industrial Placement Program and the writer choose the Housekeeping Department in UMN Dormitory. The Industrial Placement Program has been started in July 2020 until October 2020 at UMN Dormitory. During the Industrial Placement Program, the writer hopes that have more experience and knowledge about the Hotel Industry. Furthermore, the reports contain the details of rules, regulations, technical arrangements during the Industrial Placement Program. The document describes all the details about activities done during the Industrial Placement Program. Hopefully can give detailed information about the activities and the job description in the industry works. In the year 2020, Indonesia is facing a pandemic situation that makes it difficult for students to find hotels for doing Industrial Placement Program. According to this situation, students can choose between a hotel, UMN Dormitory, or a Video Learning Project. This information can be a reference for juniors in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Especially from Hotel Operations who want to have an Industrial Placement Program in this dormitory

    Housekeeping Department UMN Dormitory

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    In the third semester at Hotel Operations Program in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara all students are required to do an industrial Placement Program. The program asked the writer which hotel and the department to do for the Industrial Placement Program and the writer choose the Housekeeping Department in UMN Dormitory. The Industrial Placement Program has been started in July 2020 until October 2020 at UMN Dormitory. During the Industrial Placement Program, the writer hopes that have more experience and knowledge about the Hotel Industry. Furthermore, the reports contain the details of rules, regulations, technical arrangements during the Industrial Placement Program. The document describes all the details about activities done during the Industrial Placement Program. Hopefully can give detailed information about the activities and the job description in the industry works. In the year 2020, Indonesia is facing a pandemic situation that makes it difficult for students to find hotels for doing Industrial Placement Program. According to this situation, students can choose between a hotel, UMN Dormitory, or a Video Learning Project. This information can be a reference for juniors in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Especially from Hotel Operations who want to have an Industrial Placement Program in this dormitory