10 research outputs found

    CD3+CD8+CD28− T Lymphocytes in Patients with Lupus Nephritis

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    The results of studies on the CD3+CD8+CD28- cells in SLE are inconsistent since several analyses describe CD3+CD8+CD28- as either immunosuppressive or cytotoxic. The aim of this study is to inquire whether the quantitative changes of CD3+CD8+CD28- T lymphocytes subpopulation are related to the clinical status of patients with lupus nephritis. Evaluation of Foxp3 expression on CD3+CD8+CD28- cells may shed some light on functional properties of these cells. 54 adult SLE patients and 19 sex and age matched healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study. There were 15 patients in inactive (SLEDAI ≤ 5) and 39 in active (SLEDAI > 5) phase of disease. We determined absolute count of CD3+CD8+CD28- and CD3+CD8+CD28-Foxp3+ subpopulations by flow cytometry. We observed a statistically significant increase in absolute count and percentage of CD3+CD8+CD28- in SLE patients compared to HC (p<0.001). Moreover there was significant positive correlation between increasing absolute count of CD3+CD8+CD28- cells and disease activity measured by SLEDAI (rs = 0.281, p=0.038). Active LN patients had increased absolute count of CD3+CD8+CD28- cells compared to HC. Positive correlation of CD3+CD8+CD28- number with disease activity, and lack of Foxp3 expression on these cells, suggests that CD3+CD8+CD28- lymphocytes might be responsible for an increased proinflammatory response in the exacerbation of SLE

    Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein and Podocin mRNA as Novel Biomarkers for Early Glomerular Injury in Obese Children

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    Introduction: Obesity, which is a serious problem in children, has a negative impact on many organs, including kidneys, and obesity-related glomerulopathy (ORG) is an increasingly common cause of ESKD (end-stage kidney disease) in adults. Early-detected and -treated glomerular lesions are reversible, so it is important to find a useful marker of early damage. The study aimed to evaluate the albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR), urinary alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (α1-AGP), and mRNA of podocyte-specific proteins as indicators of glomerular injury and their relationship with the degree of obesity and metabolic disorders. Materials and Methods: A total of 125 obese children and 33 healthy peers were enrolled. Patients were divided into two groups, depending on SDS BMI values. ACR, α1-AGP, mRNA expression of nephrin, synaptopodin, podocin, and C2AP protein in urine sediment were measured. Results: ACR values did not differ between groups and were within the normal range. α1-AGP and mRNA expression were significantly higher in obese children compared with controls. mRNA expression of the remaining podocyte proteins was similar in both groups. No significant differences concerning all examined parameters were found depending on the degree of obesity. There was a positive significant correlation between α1-AGP and ACR. Conclusions: Increased α1-AGP before the onset of albuminuria suggests its usefulness as a biomarker of early glomerular damage in obese children. An increased podocin mRNA expression also indicates podocyte damage and may be linked to ORG development. The lack of increase in expression of other podocyte proteins suggests that podocin mRNA may be a more specific and sensitive biomarker. The degree of obesity has no impact on the tested parameters, but further studies are needed to confirm it

    Immune Cells Profiling in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Patients—Relation to Disease Activity

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    Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAV) are a group of necrotizing multiorgan autoimmune vasculitides that predominantly affect small blood vessels and are associated with the presence of ANCAs. The aim was to assess regulatory and effector cell populations accompanied by the suPAR biomarker level and link the so-defined immune state to the AAV disease activity. The research involved a multicomponent description of an immune state encompassing a range of B and T cell subsets such as transitional/regulatory B cells (CD19+CD24++CD38++), naïve B cells (CD19+CD24INTCD38INT), Th17 cells, T regulatory cells (CD4+CD25+FoxP3+) and cytotoxic CD4+CD28− cells by flow cytometry. The suPAR plasma level was measured by ELISA. The results indicate that AAV is associated with an increased suPAR plasma level and immune fingerprint characterized by an expansion of Th17 cells and T cells lacking the costimulatory molecule CD28, accompanied by a decrease of regulatory populations (Tregs and transitional B cells) and NK cells. Decreased numbers of regulatory T cells and transitional B cells were shown to be linked to activation of the AAV disease while the increased suPAR plasma level—to AAV-related deterioration of kidney function. The observed immune fingerprint might be a reflection of peripheral tolerance failure responsible for development and progression of ANCA-associated vasculitides

    Kidney Transplant Outcome Is Associated with Regulatory T Cell Population and Gene Expression Early after Transplantation

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    Successful long-term kidney allograft survival with parallel reduction of complications resulting from prolonged immunosuppressive treatment is a goal in kidney transplantation. We studied the immune changes in cell phenotypes and gene expression induced by kidney transplantation. Our goal was to find a phenotypic and/or transcriptional pattern that might be considered prognostic for the kidney transplant outcome. The analysis was performed prospectively on 36 KTx recipients sampled during the first year and followed for five years after transplantation and on 40 long-term KTx recipients (7.9±2.2 y. post-KTx). The research involved flow cytometry assessment of lymphocyte subpopulations (including Tregs and CD3+CD8+CD28− lymphocytes) and gene expression analysis of immune-related genes (CD4, CD8, CTLA4, GZMB, FOXP3, IL10, IL4, ILR2A, NOTCH, PDCD1, PRF1, TGFB, and TNFA). The analysis of patterns observed over the first post-KTx year was confronted with control, pretransplant, and long-term transplant results. Treg counts at months one and three post-KTx correlated positively with the current and future allograft function. FOXP3 gene expression at month one post-KTx was also associated with long-term allograft function. The KTx-induced CD3+CD8+CD28− population correlated with GZMB and PRF1 expression and suggested their cytotoxic properties. The size of the Treg population and regulatory FOXP3 gene expression in the early period after transplantation are associated with kidney transplant outcome. The outlined predictive power of the Treg population needs to be investigated further to be confirmed as one of the immune monitoring strategies that may help achieve the best long-term kidney allograft outcomes

    Immune Response to Vaccination against COVID-19 in Breastfeeding Health Workers

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    Background: Initially, there were no data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in lactating women. The aim of our study was to evaluate the immune response to COVID-19 vaccinations in breastfeeding women. Methods: The study included 32 breastfeeding women who, regardless of the study, had decided to be vaccinated. Maternal serum and breast milk samples were simultaneously collected on days 8 ± 1, 22 ± 2, 29 ± 3, and 43 ± 4 after the first dose of the vaccine. The immune response was assessed by determining the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA. Results: The breast milk IgG level was detectable (6.50 ± 6.74, median 4.7, and maximum 34.2 BAU/mL) and highly correlated to serum IgG level (rS 0.89; p &lt; 0.001). The breast milk ratio of IgA to the cut-off value was higher in serum IgA-positive (4.18 ± 3.26, median 2.8, and maximum &gt;10) than in serum IgA-negative women (0.56 ± 0.37, median 0.5, and maximum 1.6; p &lt; 0.001). The highest concentrations of serum and breast milk antibodies were observed on day 29 ± 3 with a decrease on day 43 ± 4. Conclusion: The immune response to the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 is strongest 7 ± 3 days after the second dose of the vaccine. Lactating mothers breastfeeding their children after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 may transfer antibodies to their infant

    Comparing Humoral and Cellular Adaptive Immunity during Convalescent Phase of COVID-19 in Hemodialysis Patients and Kidney Transplant Recipients

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    Background. It is still unclear whether COVID-19 convalescent kidney transplant recipients (KTR) and hemodialysis (HD) patients can develop anti-SARS-CoV-2 adaptive immunity. The aim was to characterize and compare the immune response to the virus in HD patients and KTR. Methods. The study included 26 HD patients and 54 KTR—both convalescent (14 HD, 25 KTR) and unexposed. The immune response was assessed by determining the anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in serum and specific T cell response via the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). Moreover, blood-morphology-derived parameters, immune cell phenotypes, and acute phase reactants were evaluated. Results. KRT and HD convalescents presented similar serum levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA. A negative correlation occurred between IgG and time after the infection was observed. There was a strong relationship between the prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 cellular and humoral responses in both groups. Convalescent IGRA response was significantly higher in HD patients compared to KTR. Conclusions. HD patients and KTR develop humoral and cellular responses after COVID-19. The antibodies levels are similar in both groups of patients. SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cell response is stronger in HD patients compared to KTR. The SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG level decreases with time while IgA and a cellular response are maintained. IGRA proved to be a valuable test for the assessment of specific cellular immunity in immunocompromised HD patients and KTR