158 research outputs found

    Distribution of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg, As) and essential elements (Fe, Se) in forest soil and plant communities of the state open hunting area ĖKrndija IIĖ XIV/23

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    Elementi poput Pb, Cd, Hg i As sastavnim su dijelom Zemljine biosfere, oni se ne razgrađuju već kruže u prirodi u različitim oksidacijskim i kemijskim oblicima. Čovjek svojim djelovanjem povećava prirodno prisutne razine tih elemenata u okoliÅ”u. Divlje životinje koje žive u prirodnim ekosustavima posebno su izložene raznim čimbenicima okoliÅ”a. Upravo je okoliÅ” glavni čimbenik koji određuje zdravlje, stanje i populaciju divljači. Stoga je je cilj ovog istraživanja utvrditi koncentraciju teÅ”kih metala (Cd, Pb, As i Hg) i esencijalnih elemenata (Fe i Se) u tlu, komponentama biljne zajednice Å”ume (listinac i prizemna flora) u uvjetima staniÅ”ta tijekom dvije godine. Na području državnog otvorenog loviÅ”ta ĖKrndija IIĖ XIV/23 uzeto je 14 uzoraka tla, te uzorci listinca i prizemne flore sa četiriju područja loviÅ”ta. Urađena je kemijska analiza tla te analiza teÅ”kih metala (Pb, Cd, As, Hg) i esencijalnih elemenata (Fe, Se) u uzorcima tla, listinca i prizemne flore. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da područje istraživanja karakteriziraju kisela tla koja su srednje humozna do humozna, siromaÅ”na kalijem i fosforom i osrednje opskrbljena željezom i deficitarna selenom. Utvrđene koncentracije teÅ”kih metala u tlu bile su manje od maksimalno dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija propisanih Pravilnikom o onečiŔćenju tala. Povećana koncentracija kadmija i manja koncentracija željeza i selena od poželjne koncentracije utvrđena je u uzorcima listinca i prizemne flore.Elements such as Pb, Cd, Hg, and As, are an integral part of the biosphere, they do not decompose but circulating in nature in different oxidation and chemical forms. Human activity increases the naturally occurring levels of these elements in the environment. Wild animals that live in natural ecosystems are particularly exposed to the various environmental factors. The environment is the main factor that determines health status and population of wildlife. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As and Hg) and essential elements (Fe and Se) in the soil and plant communities of the forests (litter and ground flora) in habitat conditions for two years. In the state open hunting area ĖKRNDIJA IIĖ XIV/23 was taken 14 samples of soil and samples of litter and ground flora from four areas of hunting grounds. We performed a chemical analysis of the soil and analysis of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Hg) and essential elements (Fe, Se) in samples of soil, litter and ground flora. It was found that the area of research is characterized by acid soils that are medium humus to humus, poor in potassium and phosphorus and medium provided with iron and deficient with selenium. The determined concentrations of heavy metals in soil were lower than the maximum permissible concentrations. Increased concentrations of cadmium and lower concentrations of iron and selenium from the desired concentration was determined in samples of litter and ground flora

    Nutritive value of fodder mixes for nutrition of cattle in territory of Republic of Serbia

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    Over a period of five years (2005-2009), the laboratory of the Department for Nutrition and Botanic analyzed 22 samples of mixes from the territory of Serbia, intended for the diet of two categories of cattle (fattening calves I and dairy cows with over 20 liters of milk). The analysis was performed using standard methods, and the obtained results were compared with the quality conditions prescribed under the Regulations on quality and other requirements for animal feed (SRY Official Gazette numbers 20/00 and 38/01). Intensive breeding of cattle implies the use of concentrated mixes for all categories which are adapted to the age and purpose of maintenance of the animals. The mixes are products of the animal food industry, and they are obtained through an established technological procedure using the required raw materials. The inadequate quality of raw materials causes problems involving the quality of the finished products, so that strict adherence to the established recipes does not necessary result in a satisfactory quality of the mixes. All of the above imposes the need for the constant monitoring of the nutritive value of the mixes, and consequently also of their quality. On the grounds of the analysis of the presence of the elementary nutritive matter, no significant differences were established with regard to the prescribed quantity of nutritive matter, so that the use of the examined mixes in the diets of the respective categories of cattle can be expected to yield satisfactory production results.


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    Leptin je genetski produkt Lep gena, odnosno gena odgovornog za izazivanje pretilosti kod domaćih životinja. Leptin proizvode adipociti, a u organizmu djeluje kao adipostat. Signalizira o dostupnim količinama energije i na taj način utječe na rast, razvoj, razmnožavanje i metabolizam. Predstavlja metabolički signal izravno povezan s reproduktivnim sustavom. Starenjem životinja dolazi do povećavanja količine sintetiziranog leptina i pohranjenih triacilglicerola u masnome tkivu. To signalizira mozgu smanjenje unosa hrane, te povećanje potroÅ”nje energije organizma. U slučaju ujednačene potroÅ”nje energije, udio leptina jednak je količini pohranjenih triacilglicerola u masnom tkivu. Djelovanje leptina na hipotalamus očituje se u kontroli unosa hrane, termogenezi te regulaciji ekspresije i sekrecije neurotransmitera, neuropeptida te hormona hipotalamusa koji uključuju hormone oslobađanja gonadotropina (GnRH), galanin (GAL), neuropeptid Y, hormone oslobađanja hormona rasta (GHRH), somatostatin (ST), hormone oslobađanja tireotropina (TRH) i hormone oslobađanja kortikotropina (CRH). Djelovanje leptina izraženo je preko leptinskog receptora koji pripada skupini citokinskih receptora. Otkriće leptina omogućilo je bolje razumijevanje povezanosti funkcije masnoga tkiva i održavanja homeostaze kod svinja. Leptin povećava razinu gonadotropina, a njegovo izlučivanje reguliraju GnRH ili steroidni hormoni gonada, čini se, neovisno o izlučivanju LH.Leptin is a gene product of Lep gene which is responsible for causing obesity in domestic animals. It is a hormone which is synthesized in adipocytes and signaly to the body about available amounts of energy and in that way he affects the growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism. It is metabolic signal directly associated with the reproductive system. The amount of leptin and synthesized triglycerides stored in fatty tissue are increasing by the animals aging. It serves as the signal to the brain which will send information about reducing food intake and increasing energy consumption of the body. In the case of uniform consumption of energy proportion of leptin is equal to the amount of stored triglycerides in fatty tissue. The action of leptin in the hypothalamus is reflected in the control of food intake, thermogenesis and regulation of expression and secretion of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and hormones of the hypothalamus, which include gonadotrophic releasing hormone (GnRH), galanin (GAL), neuropeptide Y, releasing growth hormone, somatostatin, thyroid releasing hormone and corticotropin releasing hormone. Its activity expressed through a leptin receptor that belongs to the cytokine family of receptors.The discovery of leptin has enabled a better understanding of the correlation between function of adipose tissue and the maintenance of homeostasis in pigs. Except leptin impact on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis have other mediators such as glucose and insulin, free fatty acids and adrenal hormones. The aim of this paper is to provide insight on the impact of leptin on hormonal status of reproductive system sows


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    SveučiliÅ”ni udžbenik Peradarstvo - bioloÅ”ki i zootehnički principi temelji se na suvremenim spoznajama iz selekcije, uzgoja, hranidbe i tehnologije proizvodnje pri intenzivnom iskoriÅ”tava nju pojedinih kategorija kokoÅ”i, pura, gusaka i pataka. Posebno su prikazani pokazatelji kvalitete mesa peradi i jaja, kao i modificiranje njihovog prehrambenog sastava u pravcu proizvodnje funkcionalne hrane. Za maksimalno iskoriÅ”tavanje genetskog potencijala peradi potrebno je poznavati građu i funkciju organskih sustava. Tako je iscrpno obrađen kostur peradi, karakterističan u odnosu na ostale kralježnjake. Obrađeni su: diÅ”ni su stav, krvožilni i limfni sustav, probavni sustav, sustav organa za izlučivanje, spolni sustav, endokrini sustav i osjetila. Uz metaboličke procese koji su zajednički svim kralježnjacima iscrpno su opisane i objaÅ”njene specifične metaboličke prilagod be karakteristične za kralježnjake koji lete, poput peradi. U udžbeniku je opisana moderna tehnologija koja je sve viÅ”e prisutna u peradarskoj proizvodnji. Danas uzgoj peradi predstavlja potpuno automatizirani proces s minimalnim fizičkim naprezanjima zootehničara. Suvremena proizvodnja peradi složeni je proces koji zahtijeva stručnu i znanstvenu educiranost uzgajivača, zootehničke uvjete prilagođene genetskom potencijalu danaÅ”njih pasmina i hibrida peradi, kao i zadovoljavanje visokih standarda u pogledu zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a.The academic textbook Poultry Breeding ā€“ Biological and Zootechnical Principles presents up-to-date trends and knowledge on selection, breeding, nutrition and production technology in intensive exploitation of different types of poultry, i.e. hens, turkeys, geese and ducks. A special emphasis is put on presentation of poultry meat and egg quality indicators, as well as on modification of their nutritive composition for the purpose of production of functional food. In order to make advantage of the poultry genetic potential, it is necessary to understand anatomy and functioning of the animal organ system. With this respect, this handbook presents the poultry skeleton in detail, as it differs from skeleton of other vertebrates. Furthermore, the following organ systems: respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic, digestive, excretory, reproductive and endocrine, as well as sensory system, are elaborated in the handbook. Along with metabolic processes that all vertebrates have in common, additional attention has been given to specific metabolic adjustments of vertebrates that have the ability to fly, like poultry. This handbook also presents modern technology that is applied in poultry production. Modern poultry production is completely automated process that requires minimum physical engagement of zootechnicians. At the same time, it is also a very complex process that demands professional and scientific knowledge of breeders, as zootechnical conditions need to be adjusted to genetic potential of contemporary poultry breeds and hybrids, as well as to attain high standards of environment protection

    Different portion of thermally treated fodder pea in chickens fattening

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    Budući da stočni graÅ”ak kao krupnozrna leguminoza sadrži nekoliko antinutritivnih tvari u malim količinama, u sirovom stanju nije pogodan u većim koncentracijama kao komponenta za hranjenje peradi. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti 30 %, odnosno 60 % izobjelančevinaste zamjene sojine sačme i toplinski obrađenog stočnog graÅ”ka u kompletnim krmnim smjesama tovnih pilića. ZavrÅ”na tjelesna masa pilića pokazuje da su pilići pokusnih skupina na kraju pokusa bili za 14,6 % u P I i 15,3 % u P II skupini bolji od pilića kontrolne skupine, a razlike su statistički visoko opravdane (P<0,01). Drugi praćeni pokazatelj, prosječni dnevni prirast, tijekom pojedinih razdoblja tova potvrdio je također visoko značajne (P<0,01) bolje priraste pilića pokusnih skupina I i II u odnosu na piliće kontrolne skupine. Glede potroÅ”nje hrane i konverzije hrane, zabilježene su također značajno bolje vrijednosti u pilića pokusnih skupina prema pilićima kontrolne skupine. Tako je dnevna konzumacija hrane bila veća u prvom razdoblju tova od 25,5 % u pokusnoj I do 8,9 %, u pokusnoj II skupini, uz bolju konverziju hrane u istim pokusnim skupinama, za 6,7 %, odnosno 5,3 %. Kakvoća pilećih trupova dobivenih rasijecanjem, pokazala je veće vrijednosti relativnog udjela prsa i abdominalne masti u pilića pokusne II skupine, statistički visoko značajne (P<0,01) prema kontrolnoj skupini, a statistički značajne (P<0,05) manje vrijednosti za parametre batak i nadbatak, te krila. Analizom kemijskog sastava crvenog mesa pilića, potvrđena je bolja nutritivna vrijednost mesa u pokusnoj II skupini, s tim da utvrđene pozitivne razlike pokusne skupine nisu bile statistički značajne (P>0,05).Concerning the fact that fodder pea as a legume seed contains several antinutritive substances (in small amounts), it is not favourable in high concentrations as a component part of feeding fowls in a raw form. The aim of our research was to compare 30 %, and 60 % of isoprotein substitute of soybean meal and thermally treated fodder pea in the complete mixtures for fattening chickens. The final body mass of chickens shows that the chickens in the experimental group, at the end of the experiment, were 14.6 % in P I and 15.3 % in P II better than the chickens in the control group and the differences were statistically highly justified (P<0,01). The second indicator that we watched, the average daily gain, showed over certain fattening periods significantly better increase in the chickens of the experimental group I and II comparing to the chickens in the control group (P<0,01). Looking at the consumption and the conversion of feed, we also noticed better values in chickens in the experimental group than those in the control group. Therefore, the daily consumption of feed was higher in the first fattening period from 25.5 % in the experimental group I to 8.9 % in the experimental group II with better feed conversion in the same experimental groups by 6.7 % and 5.3 % respectively. The quality of chicken carcass, showed higher values of relative breast share and the abdominal fat in chickens in the experimental group II. They were statistically highly significant (P<0,01) in comparison to the control group with lower values to the thigh, drumstick and wing parametres (P<0,05). Dark meat chemical analysis confirmed better nutritive value of meat in the experimental group II, with the fact that the observed positive differences of the experimental group were not statistically significant (P>0,05)

    Enhancing the productive performances and broiler meat quality by phytogens

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    Sažetak Zbog svojih antioksidativnih svojstava, utjecaja na poboljÅ”anje okusa hrane, djelovanja na poboljÅ”anje funkcija probave, te sposobnosti povećanja imunoloÅ”kog odgovora organizma, fitogeni, u koje se ubrajaju eterična ulja i njihove komponente, imaju veliki potencijal za primjenu u tovu brojlera. Tome joÅ” viÅ”e doprinose i njihova antimikrobna svojstva, po čemu ih se smatra prirodnom i prihvatljivom zamjenom za antimikrobne promotore rasta. Mehanizam djelovanja, kompatibilnost s ostalim komponentama hrane, procjena sigurnosti i toksičnosti, područja su koja treba istražiti detaljnije prije nego Å”to se fitobiotike počne masovno koristiti u tovu peradi. Trenutno postoji interes za njihovom primjenom, ali su takvi proizvodi joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno poznati uzgajivačima peradi. Dokazan je pozitivan utjecaj uljnih ekstrakata timijana (timola i karvakrola) i cimeta (cinamaldehida) dodanih u hranu pilića (po 100 i 200 ppm) na povećanje tjelesne mase, unos hrane i konverziju hrane. Osim toga, veća količina eteričnih ulja (EU) u hrani značajno je utjecala na randman, količinu abdominalne masti i na veličinu unutraÅ”njih organa (jetre, srca i želuca), dok su tretmani s EU timijana i cimeta značajno smanjili količinu kolesterola u serumu, odnos heterofila i limfocita (engl. H/L ratio), a povisili broj eritrocita, hematokrit, leukocite i hemoglobin u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, kako bi upotreba eteričnih ulja u budućnosti bila Å”to uspjeÅ”nija, neophodno je, na međunarodnoj razini, standardizirati komercijalno dostupne komponente eteričnih ulja.Due to its antioxidant properties, ability to improve taste of feed, digestion function and to boost immune response, phytogens, which include essential oils and their components, have a great potential for use in broiler fattening. Furthermore, because of its antimicrobial properties they could be used as a natural and acceptable replacement for antimicrobial growth promoters. Before the considerable use of phytogens in broiler fattening, the mechanism of its action, compatibility with other feed components, safety and toxicological assessment should be explored more detailed. Despite the fact that phytogens can be applied in poultry production, breeders are still not well informed about their use. The positive effect of oil extract of thyme (thymol and carvacrol) and cinnamon (cinnamaldehyde) added to the chickens feed (at 100 and 200 ppm) demonstrated improved weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion. In addition, larger quantities of essential oils in feed, significantly affected feed conversation ratio, abdominal fat and internal organs percentage (liver, heart and gizzard), while treatments with essential oils of thyme and cinnamon significantly reduced cholesterol and H/L ratio, and raised erythrocytes count (RBC), PCV, Hb and white blood cell count (WBC) compared with the control group. On the international level is necessary to standardize commercially available components of essential oils to improve their everyday use
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