54 research outputs found

    The impact of submesoscales on the stratification dynamics in the Southern Ocean

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    Submesoscale dynamics O(1-10 km, hours to days) are considered to strongly affect the stratification of the upper ocean. In the Southern Ocean, studies of submesoscale dynamics are biased to regions preconditioned for strong frontal activity and topographical influence. This dissertation considers the role of submesoscales on the evolution of mixed layer depth and upper ocean stratification in the open-ocean Subantarctic Ocean. First, we present autonomous ocean glider measurements from spring to late-summer to show that transient increases in stratification within the mixed layer during spring result in rapid mixed layer shoaling events. A realistically-forced simulation using a one-dimensional mixed layer model fails to explain these observed stratification events. We show that during this time, baroclinic mixed layer instabilities periodically induce a restratification flux of over 1000 W. m2, suggesting that the unexplained restratification is likely a result of submesoscale flows. Second, we study four separate years of seasonal-length (mid-winter to latesummer) glider experiments to define how submesoscale flows may induce interannual variations in the onset of spring/summer mixed layer restratification. Sustained temporal increases of stratification above the winter mixed layer, which defines the onset of seasonal restratification, can differ by up to 28 days between the four years studied. To explain this discrepancy, equivalent heat fluxes of baroclinic mixed layer instabilities (restratification) and Ekman buoyancy flux (restratification or mixing) are parameterized into a one-dimensional mixed layer model. Simulations including the parameterizations reveal a seasonal evolution of mixed layer stratification which is significantly more comparable to the glider observations than model simulations using heat and freshwater fluxes alone. Furthermore, the parameterization dramatically improves the sub-seasonal variability of mixed layer stratification, particularly during the onset of seasonal restratification when the mixed layer remains deep despite a positive surface heat flux. Following this, we characterize the full seasonal cycle of submesoscale flows using a realistically-forced 1/36 NEMO simulation of the Atlantic Southern Ocean. We show that deep winter mixed layers enhance the upper ocean available potential energy, which through the release of baroclinic mixed layer instabilities drive increased vertical buoyancy flux and potential to kinetic energy. These processes are associated with strong vertical velocities within the mixed layer characterized by large instantaneous upwelling and downwelling fluxes at the location of fronts. The insights from the glider observations propose that baroclinic mixed layer instabilities lead to increased near surface restratification in winter to spring, but are regulated by the synoptic-scale increases in Ekman buoyancy flux, which can keep the mixed layer deep for up to a month after surface warming. We propose the balance between restratification by baroclinic mixed layer instabilities and strong Ekman buoyancy flux driven by the passing of Southern Ocean storms is key in setting the large inter-annual variations of seasonal mixed layer restratification in the Subantarctic Ocean. Finally, we constrain the ability of gliders to represent regional submesoscale dynamics to provide context to current observations and inform future field work operations. Virtual gliders simulated within the 1/36 simulation show that horizontal buoyancy gradients in the Subantarctic are largely isotropic. We show that increasing the number of gliders sampling simultaneously over one month from one to a swarm of six results in improving the representation of the total distribution of horizontal buoyancy gradients across the Subantarctic from 10% to 42%. Similarly, by having a single glider sampling for six consecutive months, the distribution of horizontal buoyancy gradients observed increases to 47% of the total distribution. The insights presented in this dissertation enhance our understanding of submesoscale flows in the open-ocean Southern Ocean. These results are likely to have direct implications for physical and biological processes related to the ocean’s role on climate

    Dynamics and variability of the Subantarctic mixed-layer as determined from a high resolution glider dataset

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    Traditional understanding of mixed-layer (ML) dynamics in the African sector of the Southern Ocean suggests that seasonal summer stratification and subsequent reduction in ML depth (MLD) is determined by the onset of a positive net heat ux. The impact of physical forcing mechanisms on the intra-seasonal variability of the ML is still relatively unknown. Recent research in the North Atlantic has highlighted the role that sub-mesoscale ML eddy dynamics has on ML stratification. It is now understood that large horizontal density gradients drive sub-mesoscale eddy formation which have been shown to result in the early onset of spring phytoplankton blooms at high latitudes. To date these ML eddies have been researched primarily in models with few observational studies available. To test the ML eddy hypothesis in the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) we use high-resolution (~3km, 4-hourly) glider measurements between austral spring to late summer

    Submesoscale processes promote seasonal restratification in the Subantarctic Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (2017): 2960–2975, doi:10.1002/2016JC012494.Traditionally, the mechanism driving the seasonal restratification of the Southern Ocean mixed layer (ML) is thought to be the onset of springtime warming. Recent developments in numerical modeling and North Atlantic observations have shown that submesoscale ML eddies (MLE) can drive a restratifying flux to shoal the deep winter ML prior to solar heating at high latitudes. The impact of submesoscale processes on the intraseasonal variability of the Subantarctic ML is still relatively unknown. We compare 5 months of glider data in the Subantarctic Zone to simulations of a 1-D mixing model to show that the magnitude of restratification of the ML cannot be explained by heat, freshwater, and momentum fluxes alone. During early spring, we estimate that periodic increases in the vertical buoyancy flux by MLEs caused small increases in stratification, despite predominantly down-front winds that promote the destruction of stratification. The timing of seasonal restratification was consistent between 1-D model estimates and the observations. However, during up-front winds, the strength of springtime stratification increased over twofold compared to the 1-D model, with a rapid shoaling of the MLD from >200 m to <100 m within a few days. The ML stratification is further modified under a negative Ekman buoyancy flux during down-front winds, resulting in the destruction of ML stratification and deepening of the MLD. These results propose the importance of submesoscale buoyancy fluxes enhancing seasonal restratification and mixing of the Subantarctic ML.South African NRF-SANAP Grant Number: SNA14071475720; NSF Grant Number: OCE-I4347882017-10-0

    Breaking down the barrier: dispersal across the Antarctic Polar Front

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    Our view of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) as a circum-polar biogeographic barrier is changing (Chown et al. 2015). The APF marks the convergent boundary between cold Antarctic water and warmer sub-Antarctic water, and has long been considered to prevent north-south dispersal in the Southern Ocean (reviewed by Clarke et al. 2005, Fraser et al. 2012). Our multi-year survey data provides evidence that rafting organisms readily cross the APF

    Southern Ocean Seasonal Restratification Delayed by Submesoscale Wind–Front Interactions

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    Ocean stratification and the vertical extent of the mixed layer influence the rate at which the ocean and atmosphere exchange properties. This process has direct impacts for anthropogenic heat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean. Submesoscale instabilities that evolve over space (1–10 km) and time (from hours to days) scales directly influence mixed layer variability and are ubiquitous in the Southern Ocean. Mixed layer eddies contribute to mixed layer restratification, while down-front winds, enhanced by strong synoptic storms, can erode stratification by a cross-frontal Ekman buoyancy flux. This study investigates the role of these submesoscale processes on the subseasonal and interannual variability of the mixed layer stratification using four years of high-resolution glider data in the Southern Ocean. An increase of stratification from winter to summer occurs due to a seasonal warming of the mixed layer. However, we observe transient decreases in stratification lasting from days to weeks, which can arrest the seasonal restratification by up to two months after surface heat flux becomes positive. This leads to interannual differences in the timing of seasonal restratification by up to 36 days. Parameterizing the Ekman buoyancy flux in a one-dimensional mixed layer model reduces the magnitude of stratification compared to when the model is run using heat and freshwater fluxes alone. Importantly, the reduced stratification occurs during the spring restratification period, thereby holding important implications for mixed layer dynamics in climate models as well as physical–biological coupling in the Southern Ocean

    Submesoscale Fronts in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone and Their Response to Wind Forcing

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    Submesoscale flows in the ocean are energetic motions, O(1–10 km), that influence stratification and the distributions of properties, such as heat and carbon. They are believed to play an important role in sea‐ice‐impacted oceans by modulating air‐sea‐ice fluxes and sea‐ice extent. The intensity of these flows and their response to wind forcing are unobserved in the sea‐ice regions of the Southern Ocean. We present the first submesoscale‐resolving observations in the Antarctic marginal ice zone (MIZ) collected by surface and underwater autonomous vehicles, for >3 months in austral summer. We observe salinity‐dominated lateral density fronts occurring at sub‐kilometer scales. Surface winds are shown to modify the magnitude of the mixed‐layer density fronts, revealing strongly coupled atmosphere‐ocean processes. We posture that these wind‐front interactions occur as a continuous interplay between front slumping and vertical mixing, which leads to the dispersion of submesoscale fronts. Such processes are expected to be ubiquitous in the Southern Ocean MIZ

    Submesoscale Fronts in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone and Their Response to Wind Forcing

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    Submesoscale flows in the ocean are energetic motions, O(1–10 km), that influence stratification and the distributions of properties, such as heat and carbon. They are believed to play an important role in sea‐ice‐impacted oceans by modulating air‐sea‐ice fluxes and sea‐ice extent. The intensity of these flows and their response to wind forcing are unobserved in the sea‐ice regions of the Southern Ocean. We present the first submesoscale‐resolving observations in the Antarctic marginal ice zone (MIZ) collected by surface and underwater autonomous vehicles, for >3 months in austral summer. We observe salinity‐dominated lateral density fronts occurring at sub‐kilometer scales. Surface winds are shown to modify the magnitude of the mixed‐layer density fronts, revealing strongly coupled atmosphere‐ocean processes. We posture that these wind‐front interactions occur as a continuous interplay between front slumping and vertical mixing, which leads to the dispersion of submesoscale fronts. Such processes are expected to be ubiquitous in the Southern Ocean MIZ

    The importance of monitoring the Greater Agulhas Current and its inter-ocean exchanges using large mooring arrays

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    The 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, using CMIP5 and EMIC model outputs suggests that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) is very likely to weaken by 11–34% over the next century, with consequences for global rainfall and temperature patterns. However, these coupled, global climate models cannot resolve important oceanic features such as the Agulhas Current and its leakage around South Africa, which a number of studies have suggested may act to balance MOC weakening in the future. To properly understand oceanic changes and feedbacks on anthropogenic climate change we need to substantially improve global ocean observations, particularly within boundary current regions such as the Agulhas Current, which represent the fastest warming regions across the world’s oceans. The South African science community, in collaboration with governing bodies and international partners, has recently established one of the world’s most comprehensive observational networks of a western boundary current system, measuring the Greater Agulhas Current System and its inter-ocean exchanges south of Africa. This observational network, through its design for long-term monitoring, collaborative coordination of resources and skills sharing, represents a model for the international community. We highlight progress of the new Agulhas System Climate Array, as well as the South African Meridional Overturning Circulation programme, which includes the Crossroads and GoodHope hydrographic transects, and the South Atlantic MOC Basin-wide Array. We also highlight some of the ongoing challenges that the programmes still face

    Stirring across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current's southern boundary at the prime meridian, Weddell Sea

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    At the southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), relatively warm ACC waters encounter the colder waters surrounding Antarctica. Strong density gradients across the southern boundary indicate the presence of a frontal jet and are thought to modulate the southward heat transport across the front. In this study, the southern boundary in the Weddell Sea sector at the prime meridian is surveyed for the first time in high resolution over 2 months during an austral summer with underwater gliders occupying a transect across the front on five occasions. The five transects show that the frontal structure (i.e. hydrography, velocities and lateral density gradients) varies temporally. The results demonstrate significant, transient (a few weeks) variability of the southern boundary and its frontal jet in location, strength and width. A mesoscale cold-core eddy is identified to disrupt the southern boundary’s frontal structure and strengthen lateral density gradients across the front. The front's barrier properties are assessed using mixing length scales and potential vorticity to establish the cross-frontal exchange of properties between the ACC and the Weddell Gyre. The results show that stronger lateral density gradients caused by the mesoscale eddy strengthen the barrier-like properties of the front through reduced mixing length scales and pronounced gradients of potential vorticity. In contrast, the barrier-like properties of the southern boundary are reduced when no mesoscale eddy is influencing the density gradients across the front. Using satellite altimetry, we further demonstrate that the barrier properties over the past decade have strengthened as a result of increased meridional gradients of absolute dynamic topography and increased frontal jet speeds in comparison to previous decades. Our results emphasise that locally and rapidly changing barrier properties of the southern boundary are important to quantify the cross-frontal exchange, which is particularly relevant in regions where the southern boundary is located near the Antarctic shelf break (e.g. in the West Antarctic sector)

    SEAmester – South Africa’s first class afloat

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    publisher versionFrom Introduction: Marine science is a highly competitive environment. The need to improve the cohort of South African postgraduates, who would be recognised both nationally and internationally for their scientific excellence, is crucial. It is possible to attract students early on in their careers to this discipline via cutting-edge science, technology and unique field experiences. Through the engagement of students with real-life experiences such as SEAmester, universities supporting marine science postgraduate degree programmes can attract a sustainable throughput of numerically proficient students. By achieving a more quantitative and experienced input into our postgraduate degree programmes, we will, as a scientific community, greatly improve our long-term capabilities to accurately measure, model and predict the impacts of current climate change scenarios. The short-term goal is to attract and establish a cohort of proficient marine and atmospheric science graduates who will contribute to filling the capacity needs of South African marine science as a whole. The SEAmester programme, by involving researchers from across all the relevant disciplines and tertiary institutions, provides an opportunity to build a network of collaborative teaching within the marine field. In doing so, these researchers will foster and strengthen new and current collaborations between historically white and black universities (Figure 1). The long-term objective of SEAmester is to build critical mass within the marine sciences to ensure sustained growth of human capacity in marine science in South Africa – aligning closely with the current DST Research and Development strategies and the Operation Phakisa Oceans Economy initiative
