10 research outputs found

    Characterization of under-expressed genes in the CRD signature.

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    <p>A) Tree analysis of the CRD signature. Identification of the most representative genes by Gominer, PAM, IPA analysis and validation of the candidate genes in the validation cohort by qPCR; B) Network generated by IPA on the most significant GO categories in the CRD signature. Solid lines indicate <i>direct</i> interactions and dashed lines represent <i>indirect</i> interactions. Under-expressed genes in CRD are in gray. C) PAM analysis based on the most representative GO categories of Cluster A and B. Green represents relatively low expression, and red indicates relatively high expression. D) List of 9 genes able to classify correctly CRD and HC. E) The PCA graph of the 9 genes identified by PAM analysis indicated a clear separation between HC and patients with CRD (CF and PAH).</p

    Unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis.

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    <p>A) Tree analysis. Clustering analysis based on the 30,146 probes corresponding to 17,163 unique genes expressed in PAH, CF patients and Healthy Controls (HC). 3 signatures were found: 1 common between CF and PAH (named CRD signature), 1 specific to CF and 1 to PAH; B) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) displayed a clear separation between HC and patients with CRD, whereas CF and PAH patients were less distinct; C) 5 groups of genes (or clusters) were selected, A to E, based on a combined approach: selected genes were clustered together and exhibited a t-test p-value below 1% between the CRD group (PAH+CF), CF or PAH versus HC. Green represents relatively low expression, and red indicates relatively high expression.</p

    Validation of the most representative genes in the validation cohort.

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    <p>A) Quantitative PCR validation of 3 genes from the PAM analysis (<i>IL-7R</i>, <i>TCF-7</i> and <i>CD6</i>) using the validation cohort; B) based on these qPCR values, <i>IL-7R</i> and <i>TCF-7</i> enabled good discrimination between patients with CRD and HC, according to a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis (AUC = 89.6% with p<0.001 and AUC = 89.4% with p<0.001, respectively); C) Median intensity fluorescence (MFI) and mRNA expression of <i>IL-7R</i> in PBMCs from healthy controls (HC) cultivated 12 hours under hypoxic and normoxic condition; D) MFI of IL-7R on PBMCs from CRD patients compared to HC; E) <i>TCF-7</i> expression in PBMCs from HC under hypoxia or normoxia.</p

    Characterization of over-expressed genes in the PAH signature.

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    <p>A) Tree analysis of the PAH signature. Identification of the most representative genes by Gominer, PAM, IPA analysis and validation by qPCR of the candidate genes in the validation cohort; B) Network generated by IPA on the most significant GO categories in PAH signature. Over-expressed genes in PAH are in gray. C) PAM analysis based on the cluster, <i>Green</i> represents relatively low expression, and <i>red</i> indicates relatively high expression; D and E) Validation by qPCR of <i>MDK</i> and <i>LGALS3</i> in the validation cohort, respectively.</p

    Strategy for selecting patients from the COLT (COhort of Lung Transplantation).

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    <p>*Emphysema, Sarcoïdosis, Lymphangiomatosis, Secondary PAH, histiocytosis, fibrosis, bronchiectasis and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). CF: Cystic Fibrosis; PAH: Pulmonary Arterial hypertension; COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Patients were excluded during the RNA process following specific qualities criteria.</p

    Characterization of over-expressed genes in the CF signature.

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    <p>A) Tree analysis of CF signature. Identification of the most representative genes by Gominer and IPA analysis and validation by qPCR of these genes in the validation cohort; B) Network generated by IPA on the most significant GO categories in CF signature. Over-expressed genes in CF are in gray; C, D, E) qPCR validation on the new cohort for <i>NLRC4</i>, <i>TLR8</i> and <i>TLR4</i> genes.</p

    Summary of clinical data of patients included in the microarray (A) and in the validation (B) cohorts.

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    <p>PAH = pulmonary arterial hypertension; CF = cystic fibrosis; HC = healthy controls; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; BMI = Body Mass Index; FEV1 = Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second; PaO2 = arterial oxygen tension; PAPm = mean pulmonary artery pressure (mmHg);</p><p>*2/23 are wean smokers; <sup>φ</sup>2/13 are wean smokers; <sup>£</sup>1/7 is a wean smoker; <sup>§</sup>12/12 are wean smokers.</p><p>Summary of clinical data of patients included in the microarray (A) and in the validation (B) cohorts.</p