1 research outputs found

    Educaci贸n h铆brida: desaf铆os de los modelos educativos universitarios

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    The health emergency as a result of COVID19 evidenced the need to rethink higher education, the new normal generated challenges for educational actors, and it was necessary to evaluate the Educational Models (EM) of universities. The objective of the research was to analyze ME of two universities in the city of Cusco and identify opportunities for improvement towards a hybrid education. The EM of the National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco (UNSAAC) and the EM of the Andean University of Cusco (UAC) were reviewed. The type of research was descriptive, explanatory and non-experimental design. The results present the characterization of the EM, their diagnosis, evaluation and relevance, considering opportunities for improvement, likewise, guiding principles, macro features and specific features of the educational evaluator that could contribute to restructuring them were identified. It was concluded that the EMs evaluated are outdated, therefore, inadequate to face post-pandemic challenges, they merit changes, not only due to the current situation, but also due to the emergence of new educational demands. The recommendations as opportunities for improvement of the ME could contribute, strengthen and contribute to the educational quality of the university, making it more functional, competent and sustainable over time.La emergencia sanitaria a consecuencia del COVID19 evidenci贸 la necesidad de repensar la educaci贸n superior, la nueva normalidad gener贸 retos para los actores educativos, y fue necesario evaluar a los Modelos Educativos (ME) de universidades. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue analizar ME de dos universidades de la ciudad del Cusco e identificar oportunidades de mejora hacia una educaci贸n h铆brida. Se revisaron los ME de la Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) y el ME de la Universidad Andina del Cusco (UAC). El tipo de investigaci贸n fue descriptivo, explicativo y dise帽o no experimental. Los resultados presentan la caracterizaci贸n de los ME, su diagn贸stico, evaluaci贸n y pertinencia, plante谩ndose oportunidades de mejora, asimismo, se identificaron principios rectores, macro rasgos y rasgos espec铆ficos del evaluador educativo que podr铆a contribuir a reestructurar los mismos. Se concluy贸 que los ME evaluados est谩n desfasados, por tanto, inadecuados para enfrentar desaf铆os pospandemia, ameritan cambios, no solo por la coyuntura, sino por el surgimiento de nuevas demandas educativas. Las recomendaciones como oportunidades de mejora de los ME podr铆an contribuir, afianzar y coadyuvar a la calidad educativa de la universidad, haci茅ndola m谩s funcional, competente y sostenible en el tiempo