272 research outputs found

    Quaternary Prevention, an Answer of Family Doctors to Overmedicalization

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    In response to the questioning of Health Policy and Management (HPAM) by colleagues on the role of rank and file family physicians in the same journal, the author, a family physician in Belgium, is trying to highlight the complexity and depth of the work of his colleagues and their contribution to the understanding of the organization and economy of healthcare. It addresses, in particular, the management of health elements throughout the ongoing relationship of the family doctor with his/her patients. It shows how the three dimensions of prevention, clearly included in the daily work, are complemented with the fourth dimension, quaternary prevention or prevention of medicine itself, whose understanding could help to control the economic and human costs of healthcare

    Drogue d'usage, drogue d'abus; le médecin et l'usager de drogue

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    Un titre provocateur, tant il engrisaille la limite entre l'usage et l'abus, entre le médicament et la drogue, entre l'utilisateur de produits pharmaceutiques et l'usager de drogue. Et pourtant c'est bien des limites de la thérapeutique médicale dont il s'agit quand il faut aborder les marchés détournés des opiacés thérapeutiques (codéine), des barbituriques (Vesparax®), des benzodiazépines (Valium®, Xanax®, Rohypnol®) et bientôt peut-être des sérotoninergiques (Prozac®, Seroxat ®). L’analogie d’usage entre les médicaments prescrits pour la sphère mentale et les drogues de rue est frappante. Les médicaments prescrits par les médecins et détournés de leur usage le sont-ils sans responsabilité aucune des producteurs, prescripteurs, délivreurs et autorités sanitaires

    Médico de familia, desviaciones y límites

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    El análisis del concepto de prevención, de acuerdo a un eje relacional y no a un eje cronológico, ha permitido poner en evidencia la existencia de cuatro tipos de atenciones del médico y en particular, del médico de familia, en respuesta a la demanda del paciente

    Séquelles post-aiguës de l'infection à SARS-CoV-2. Suivi d'une cohorte de patients atteints de Long Covid

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    suivi d'une cohorte de patients Long Covid en médecine de famille. Partage de savoir avec un groupe de médecin

    Long Covid in family medicine. Follow-up of a cohort of patients suffering from Long Covid in a family practice. Updated July 2022

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    Fifty-two patients who suffered from COVID-19, who were all still very ill after several months, with extreme fatigue, effort exhaustion, brain fog, anomia, memory disorder, anosmia, dysgeusia, and other multi-systemic health problems have been followed in a family practice setting between May 2021 and June 2022. Data extracted from the medical records of the 52 patients (38 women), mean age 43.2 (12 to 79 years), and a qualitative study of 6 of them using a semi-open-ended questionnaire allowed to highlight the clinical picture described by WHO as post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) also known as long COVID. We used brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT-CT) in thirty-one patients with a high severity index and a highly impaired functional status, demonstrating vascular encephalopathy in twenty nine patients and supporting the hypothesis of a persistent cerebral vascular flow disorder in post COVID-19 condition. The patients will benefit from the consortium COVID Human Genetic Effort to explore the genetic and immunological basis of their problem, as 20/52 cases don’t have immunological certainty of a COVID-19 infection. There is no known verified treatment. Three categories of patients appeared over time: 16 patients have fully recovered after 6 to 8 months, 15 patients were able to resume life and work after 12 to 18 months with some after-effects, 21 patients are still very ill and unable to resume their life after 18 months. The biopsychosocial consequences on patients’ lives are severe and family doctors are left out in the cold. It is necessary to test the reproducibility of this description, conducted on a small number of patients. Nevertheless, identifying, monitoring and supporting these patients is a necessity in family medicine. Data extracted from the medical records of the 34 patients (26 women, range 12 to 69 years) and a qualitative study of 6 of them using a semi-open-ended questionnaire allowed to highlight the clinical picture. Brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT-CT) has been used in fifteen patients with a high severity index and a functional status highly impaired. Vascular encephalopathy has been demonstrated in fourteen of the fifteen patients and supports the hypothesis of a persistent cerebral vascular flow disorder in Long Covid. The patients will benefit from the consortium COVID Human Genetic Effort to explore the genetic and immunological basis of their problem, as 14/34 cases don't have immunological certainty of a Covid infection. It is necessary to test the reproducibility of this description, conducted on a small number of patients. There is no known verified treatment and patients do not receive any specific help from Belgian health authorities. Neurocognitive rehabilitation and physiotherapy are not widely available. The biopsychosocial consequences on patients' lives are severe and family doctors left out in the cold.Cinquante-deux patients post Covid, présentant une fatigue extrême, un épuisement à l'effort, un brouillard cérébral, une anomie, un trouble de la mémoire, une anosmie, une dysgueusie et d'autres problèmes de santé multi-systémiques ont été suivis en médecine familiale entre 2020 et 2022

    La santé est un état de résistance

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    editorial reviewedL’exercice de la médecine est difficile, mais cela n’explique ni n’excuse certaines pratiques qui oublient que celui qui souffre est avant tout un humain. Il convient de les identifier, analyser et contrôler en partenariat avec le patient. Patients et médecins vivent, souffrent et résistent ensemble

    Ethics, epistemology and Long Covid. Belgium 2021-2024

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    Si des centaines de personnes présentent le même genre de symptômes, un médecin ne peut nier la parole de centaines de gens au prétexte que la technologie disponible en médecine actuellement ne peut les vérifier. Il doit remettre en question la médecine, pas les personnes qui souffrent.If hundreds of people present the same kind of symptoms, a doctor cannot deny the word of hundreds of people on the pretext that the technology currently available in medicine cannot verify them. He must question the medicine, not the sufferers

    Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection or Long Covid

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    Fifty-five patients who suffered from COVID-19, who were still very ill after several months, with extreme fatigue, effort exhaustion, brain fog, anomia, memory disorder, anosmia, dysgeusia, and other multi-systemic health problems have been followed in a family practice setting between May 2021 and July 2022. Data extracted from the medical records of the 55 patients (40 women), mean age 42.4 (12 to 79 years), and a qualitative study of 6 of them using a semi-open-ended questionnaire allowed to highlight the clinical picture described by WHO as post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) also known as long COVID. We used brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT-CT) in thirty-two patients with a high severity index and a highly impaired functional status, demonstrating vascular encephalopathy in twenty nine patients and supporting the hypothesis of a persistent cerebral vascular flow disorder in post COVID-19 condition. The patients will benefit from the consortium COVID Human Genetic Effort (covidhge.com) to explore the genetic and immunological basis of their problem, as 23/55 cases don't have immunological certainty of a COVID-19 infection. There is no known verified treatment. Analyzing the data from the first 52 patients, three categories of patients emerged over time: 16 patients made a full recovery after 6-8 months, 15 patients were able to return to life and work after 12-18 months with some sequelae, both groups being considered cured. In the third group, 21 patients are still very ill and unable to resume their work and life after 18 months. The biopsychosocial consequences on patients' lives are severe and family doctors are left out in the cold. It is necessary to test the reproducibility of this description, conducted on a small number of patients. Nevertheless, identifying, monitoring and supporting these patients is a necessity in family medicine

    3CGP Core Content Classification of General Practice / Family Medicine - Synopsis

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    Donne accès par hyperlien au contenu de ICPC-2 et des Q-Codes sur le serveur HeTop. L’ensemble forme un synoptique des principaux domaines de la profession médecin généraliste / medecin de familleProvides hyperlinked access to the content of ICPC-2 and Q-Codes on the HeTop server. Together, they form a synoptic overview of the main areas of the general practitioner/family doctor profession

    What is going on here and now when a patient meets a family doctor? A P4 minded cybernetic observation of the consultation process.

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    The consultation is a meeting between two human beings, where one is the patient, playing the part of the sick, while the other plays the therapeutic role. It is also a meeting between knowledge and feeling. The doctor's knowledge/thoughts (true or false) influences the thoughts/knowledge (true or false) of the patient, in a dialectical relationship. In a way, the patient-doctor encounter is a meeting between science and conscience fitted in the symbolic world of human beings. The term science, as it is used here, encompasses the knowledge of the biological, the mental and the social being, as well as the observation of what is going on here and now, a cybernetic observation of the consultation itself, in a manner of speaking. Through his or her training, the doctor inevitably confronts the patient with the disease. It is his or her job to reveal it. He or she will be gratified to have, at least, found the evil, by always pushing the limits of diagnostic exploration. In an attempt to know better about what we are doing, we will go through a recent work on the main themes discussed by GPs during congresses ( www.hetop.eu/Q ) to examine which ones are dealing with the Quaternary prevention concept. We will ask to the participants if and when Quaternary prevention could exert a deep influence throughout their consultation process and their patients care pathway