1 research outputs found

    Depression and family support in breast cancer patients

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    MTS, migration and invasion assays in DCIS.COM cells that were previously transduced with scrambled control (Control) or BCL9 KD shRNA. The control cells and BCL9 KD cells were re-transduced with empty vector (EV), BCL9 overexpression (BCL9-OE) and BCL9 KD. BCL9-OE was achieved by transduction using the PCDH-BCL9 (BCL9-OE) acquired from Dr. Carrasco [11]. A Western blot analysis was performed using anti-BCL9, anti-vimentin, anti-E-cadherin antibodies, and anti-β-actin as a loading control. B MTS assay on control cells transduced with EV (control + EV), or BCL9-OE (control + BCL9-OE), BCL9-KD transduced with EV (BCL9 KD + EV), and BCL9-KD transduced with BCL9-OE (BCL9 KD + BCL9-OE). Bar graphs represent mean absorbance at 490 nm normalized to control ± standard error of the mean (SEM) (n = 6). C, D Representative images of the migration and invasion assays. Bar graph represents percent area of cells migrated (left) and invaded (right) under the membrane after 24 h. Invasion and migration were determined by ImageJ analysis of microscopic images per sample, the data are mean values normalized to control ± SEM (n = 3). E TopFlash and FopFlash reporter activity in DCIS.COM transduced as above that were either treated with Wnt3A or control conditioned medium (CM). Data represent mean ± SEM (n = 3, letters indicate statistically significant difference). (PDF 964 kb