538 research outputs found

    Sport (and Exercise) Pedagogy and its interest in the fields of PE teaching, sport coaching and physical activity/health

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    Within the specialist seminar, the aims of this presentation were to share a personal conception of Sport (& Exercise) Pedagogy, to illustrate some current challenges for researchers of this specific field of Sport Sciences, and to suggest some approaches to develop in the future. In the first part, an emphasis will be set on the analysis of the papers presented during the ARIS' congresses. It will be the opportunity to bridge the gap between Anglo-Saxon authors and those from the French speaking world, in order to underline the existence of a research corpus that is unknown by those who are not able to read another language than English

    L’accessibilité aux activités physiques et sportives: un droit difficile à respecter

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    L'activité physique constitue une source de bien-être qui devrait être accessible à tous. L'exposé se centre sur les points suivants: présentation des notions de base relatives à l’activité physique; définition du concept d’accessibilité; identification des groupes « à risque »; identification des actions susceptibles d’améliorer l’accès; illustration des démarches entreprise

    Current research in Sport Pedagogy

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    Sport pedagogy is a discipline aimed at providing scientific data on the education and training in the different contexts in the field of sport and physical activity: education, coaching, recreation, rehabilitation … Using traditionally descriptive, correlational and experimental approaches, it is focused as much on the main actors (participants and educators) than on contents or on curricula. Its main objectives consist to improve the knowledge and the field practice of the physical educators and their trainers. Most studies in sport pedagogy are conducted in the school context as physical education remains a central concern of researchers. Nevertheless, since two decades, the place of the science of coaching grows slowly while researches in leisure and rehabilitation are still quite rare. In parallel, physical activity and the fight against one sedentary lifestyle became really important in the preoccupations of most of the researchers. Moreover, two important concepts are developing nowadays: accountability and literacy. This underlines that physical educators are expected to meet the goals that modern society emphasizes: efficiency and effectiveness. Quality is now regularly identified as a priority or even a prerequisite. Current researches in sport pedagogy is become complex as they mobilize more and more often complementary approaches taking into account all the involved actors and environment. Moreover, subjects became central with the development of action researches and communities of practices

    Motivation in the Gym: A Qualitative Approach

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    peer reviewedStudents’ motivation is a major concern of physical education teachers as well as it interest the others educators. Understanding of that complex variable increased during the last two decades. In the physical education domain, many studies were focused on isolated variables related to motivation and on their relationship with pupils’ behaviours. More recently, qualitative researches were conducted to enter in the class specificity and to integrate the complexity and diversity of the variables that influence students’ motivations. Combining questionnaires interviews and observation, some researchers have confirmed that student’s motivation depends on a package of dispositional as well as individual and collective situational factors. They pointed out also the determining role of the teacher in the development of a motivated class climate. This paper will describe a couple of qualitative studies designed to analyse students’ motivation and will underline their contribution in the understanding of the phenomena related to the development of motivation by students. Moreover, as teachers need research directly focused to their concerns, we must now provide them more support helping them to apply research data. The action research design is proposed as an appropriate approach in that way. The description of a pilot action research focused on the improvement of the students’ motivation in a secondary school level girls class will also proposed. The main results should provide the starting point of a reflective process about the strategies that teachers could plan on the gym. As it has been underlined above, the goal of the paper was to share useful information with practitioners and researchers and to encourage them to involve themselves in personal research on students’ motivation

    Meer samen, beter toegankelijk. De maatschappelijke kracht van de sport verkend

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    This book aimed to propose policies designed to develop social links through sport and to improve the access to sport and physical activity

    School- and community-based PE & HEPA networks for daily physical activities

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    A selected collection of international and European based reviews and reviews of reviews on PE and on school based PA intervention studies (focused on Cochrane Systematic Reviews between 2007 and 2015) will be analyzed according their design of intervention components (single PE /PA component vs. multiple-components) and sector interventions (single school-based vs. cross-sectoral setting approach). Reviews and meta-analysis show effectiveness of different factors, however with ambiguity, if minutes of PE at school and/or for extra-curricular time of PA are extended.The linkage of PE with other components of an active lifestyle and the extension of the school setting with other stakeholder moves on the Public Health Agenda and can achieve an evidence-based outcome of health-related benefits of PE at school

    Qualitative analysis of the interactive decisions of three coaches involved in a “start to run” session

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    Introduction. A growing number of programs are implemented to enable a smooth resumption of physical activity. “Start to run” is a running program promoted by the athletics federation that has gained a great notoriety in Belgium. It proposes sessions of 10 weeks during which participants are trained to run 5 km without stop (10 km for those who are not beginners). No data seems to be available about the coaching process in this specific context of active leisure. The purpose of this study was to enlarge knowledge on this topic. Methods. Based on the principles of the qualitative research, we analyzed three sites: three groups involved in a Start to run session in different communities of the Liege’s area (Wallonia, Belgium). In all sites, data were collected before, during, at the end and 12 weeks after the session. They provided information on the context as well as on the process (coaches and participants behaviors and perceptions), and participants’ achievement and maintenance. In this paper, we will focus our analysis on the interactive decisions of the coaches. It will be based on the observation of three lessons in each site (2d, 5th and 8th weeks): one of the authors attended to the training session as participant observer. Moreover, we will also use data collected through interviews (description of the organization and content of the program) and questionnaires (feelings about the lessons). Participants were also requested to provide their perceptions about the lessons. As evidenced above, the validity of the analysis is guaranteed by the triangulation of the data. Results. The three coaches described a similar teaching model but only subject #2 pointed out technical drills. Only subject #3 respected the “official” program developed by the athletics federation. The two other adapted it according to their experience and purposes of their groups. All of them considered that they were providing enough feedback and were active. On the other hand, they thought themselves as needing to encourage more and to be more effective in group management. Globally, participants confirmed the opinions of their respective coaches but they seemed more critical in group #3, showing a lower satisfaction about the motivational behaviors and feedback. The observation pointed out some problems in the clarity of the explanations (subject #1) and some divergences were reported with the actors. Discussion. The triangulation of the data allows us to consider that the three coaches are doing a very good job and adapt themselves to the expectations and needs of the participants. The identification of the positive and negative aspects in each subject provides a basis to propose some recommendations. Moreover, we pointed out that encouraged to speak about their own teaching process, all coaches modified spontaneously their interactive decisions during the study. This underlines the interest of this systematic analysis.Peer reviewe

    Efficacy of a web-based, center-based or combined physical activity intervention among older adults

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    peer reviewedWith more social support and environment-centered interventions being recommended in web-based interventions, this study examined the efficacy of three intervention conditions aimed at promoting physical activity (PA) in older adults. The efficacy analyses included the self-reported PA level, stage of change for PA and awareness about PA among participants. Eligible participants (N = 149; M = 65 years old, SD = 6), recruited in a unique Belgian French-speaking municipality, were randomized in four research arms for a 3-month intervention: (i) web-based; (ii) center-based; (iii) mixed (combination of web- and center-based); and (iv) control (no intervention). Web-based condition included a PA website and monthly tailored emails whereas center-based condition comprised 12 sessions (1 per week) of group exercising. With a significant increase in PA, the PA stage of change and the PA awareness at 12 months, the mixed intervention condition seemed to include the key social and motivating elements for sustainable behavior change. Center-based intervention was more likely to produce significant improvements of the PA level and the stage of change for PA change whereas web-based intervention was more likely to extend the awareness about PA

    Un trivial sport‐santé

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    peer reviewedL’évolution de la société est telle que la sédentarité et le nombre de personnes en surpoids ne font qu’augmenter. En touchant la quasi-totalité des jeunes, l’éducation physique se trouve en première ligne pour agir. Toutefois, le temps hebdomadaire qui lui est imparti et le temps d’activité effectif dans une leçon ne peuvent être suffisants pour exercer un effet décisif sur leur santé. Il peut alors être intéressant que le professeur d’éducation physique endosse un rôle supplémentaire d’éducateur à la santé. Le principe est de faire acquérir les compétences (motrices, techniques, tactiques, etc.) prévues par le programme mais aussi et surtout, d’apporter aux élèves des informations importantes pour leur vie de citoyen, des idées, des astuces, des mises en garde qu’ils pourraient retenir et appliquer au quotidien. Ainsi la physical literacy (l’éducation de l’élève par le mouvement) et l’accountability (le fait d’amener un élément nouveau supplémentaire à l’élève lors de chaque cours) deviennent prioritaires donnant réellement à l’éducation physique l’ambition d’une formation de citoyens physiquement éduqués. Cela nécessite de faire évoluer les pratiques des enseignants et de faire que la dimension santé constitue un fil rouge tout au long de la scolarité des élèves. En effet, les approches liant santé et EPS reposent très souvent sur la motivation extrinsèque des élèves (points, sanction, évaluation certificative…) en contradiction avec l’ambition éducative visant « l’implication spontanée » des jeunes et le concept d’ancrage sociétal qui est actuellement privilégié dans certaines structures de formation. Nous avons donc envisagé un dispositif visant l’acquisition de connaissances théoriques en situation, avant, pendant ou après chaque leçon, au bénéfice de l’implication des élèves

    Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle at school, in WBF: A path that we trace ... all together

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    L'école est un des piliers de la promotion d'un style de vie actif et sain. En son sein, les enseignants en éducation physique constitue la pierre angulaire des initiatives susceptibles d'amener les jeunes à devenir des citoyens physiquement éduqués. Toutefois, il s'avère fondamental que l'ensemble des acteurs de l'école soient impliqués dans tout projet visant à transformer le mode de vie des jeunes. De plus, l'école devra s'associer à des acteurs extérieurs (famille, communauté de vie). Les directions scolaires n'ont pas toujours une représentation claire de leur rôle dans l'implémentation et la pérennité de projets concrets. Cet exposé permet de faire le lien entre des notions transversales développées par des intervenants invités et des praticiens qui illustreront les activités qu'ils ont mises en place dans leurs établissements scolaires.4. Quality educatio