15 research outputs found

    Detection of NO produced in explanted murine carotid arteries <i>ex</i><i>vivo</i> using Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E (20 µM) after precontraction.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Detection of NO in response to NA (ECs and SMCs are not apparent), (<b>b</b>) Detection of NO in post NA and ACh stimulation (2.5min) (ECs and SMCs are apparent), (<b>c</b>) Syto 41 staining of nucleus of ECs and SMCs, (<b>d</b>) plot of fluorescence intensities of the ECs and SMCs (from carotid artery) measured with NA and ACh stimulation for 15min.</p

    Sensitivity and specificity of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) Fluorescence response of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E (2 µM) to various concentrations of NO after 1 min of SNAP administration. n = 5 for each concentration, (<b>b</b>) Linear regression curve plotted from (a), (<b>c</b>) Fluorescence response of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E to NO (50 µM SNAP in PBS at 37°C, pH 7.4) and H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (150 µM). The spectra were obtained 1 min after SNAP addition n = 5. Error bars indicate s.d., (<b>d</b>) Cytotoxicity assay with different concentrations Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E.</p

    Detection of NO with Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E produced by endothelial cells <i>in</i><i>vitro</i>.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) NO detection in porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAECs); Left: 45 min incubation of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E (20 µM). Right: 45 min incubation of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E (20 µM) and H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (150 µM). Top: bright-field images of cells. Bottom: fluorescence images of cells. Scale bar is50 µm. (<b>b</b>) Quantification of fluorescence intensity plotted against incubation time. (<b>c</b>) Detection of NO with Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E in HCAECs cells, with or without NO-inhibitor (L-NAME). Shown are the fluorescence images after 45min co-incubation of the probe (Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E =2 µM) with H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (150 µM), L-NAME (100 µM), and/or ACh (10 µM) according to scheme. Scale bar is 75 µm. (<b>d</b>) Quantification of fluorescence intensity from (c) plotted against each condition mentioned in (c) (n = 5). Error bars indicate s.d.</p

    Functional imaging of NO.

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) 3D reconstruction of vessels with Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E (20 µM) without/ with stimulus (here ACh), (<b>b</b>) luminal diameter measured from arteries with conditions mentioned in (a), (<b>c</b>) normalized fluorescence intensities of the arteries with conditions mentioned in (a), (<b>d</b>) 3D reconstruction of vessels with Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E without/ with stimulus (here ACh) and also in combination with L-NAME, (<b>e</b>) luminal diameter measured from arteries with conditions mentioned in (d), (<b>f</b>) normalized fluorescence intensities of the arteries with conditions mentioned in (c), error bars indicate s.d. (n=5).</p

    Functional imaging of NO in pre-contracted arteries.

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    <p>3D reconstruction and luminal diameter measured from explanted murine carotid arteries <i>ex </i><i>vivo</i> using Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E (20 µM) (<b>a</b>) before precontraction (<b>b</b>) after precontraction with NA, (<b>c</b>) in post NA and ACh stimulation (2.5min), error bars indicate s.d. (n=3), (<b>d</b>) luminal diameter measured from arteries with conditions mentioned in a, b and c, error bars indicate s.d. (n=3).</p

    Detection of NO produced in explanted murine carotid arteries <i>ex</i><i>vivo</i> using Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E (20 µM).

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    <p>(<b>a</b>) & (<b>b</b>) Magnified images of vessel showing basal NO signal detected after 5 min incubation of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E without any stimulus at medial and intimal focal planes, respectively. (<b>c</b>) NO signal detected in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and (<b>d</b>) endothelial cells (ECs) of the tissue with 5 min incubation of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2Eand, subsequently 45min incubation of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (150 µM). Scale bar is 50 µm, (<b>e</b>) & (<b>f</b>) Magnified images of vessel showing NO signal detected after 5 min incubation of Cu <sub>2</sub>FL2E and subsequently, 45 min incubation of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (150 µM) in SMCs at medial plane and in ECs at intimal plane respectively, (<b>g</b>) Quantification of spatial distribution of fluorescence intensity as measure of NO in cells of vessel wall stimulated with H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (n = 5). (<b>h</b>) Quantification of spatial distribution of fluorescence intensity as measure of NO in cells of vessel wall stimulated with flow (flow rate= 2.1 Pa, time=45min), (n = 5).</p

    Plasma arginine, citrulline and ornithine amino-acid concentrations in control and <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice under basal and endotoxemic conditions.

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    <p>Plasma concentrations are displayed in µmol/L. Values are represented as mean ± SEM. Significance: *p<0.05 vs. control during basal conditions; $p<0.001 vs. <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i>during basal conditions; <sup>#</sup>p<0.001 vs. <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup>+ LPS</i>.</p

    Relative mRNA expression in control and <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice under physiological and endotoxemic conditions.

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    <p>(A) Relative <i>Arg1</i> mRNA expression was significantly higher in the control + LPS group than in basal and <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> + LPS groups. As expected, <i>Arg1</i> expression was low in <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice. (B) Interestingly, the relative <i>Arg2</i> mRNA expression was significantly higher in the <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice after LPS infusion compared to control mice during endotoxemic conditions. (C) LPS infusion resulted in increased <i>Nos2</i> expression in both mouse strains compared to basal conditions. (D) <i>Nos3</i> mRNA expression was significantly higher in the <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice compared to control animals under basal and LPS-infused conditions (p<0.05). The relative expression of the two household genes <i>Actb</i> and <i>Ppia</i> were used to calculate the geometric mean, which served as a normalization factor.</p

    Jejunal NO production and NOS3 activity in control and <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice.

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    <p>(A) In the jejunum, LPS treatment decreased <i>in vivo</i> NO production (measured as pmol mono-nitrosyl-iron complexes (MNIC)/mg wet tissue weight) in control mice to ∼50% (Basal vs. LPS, P<0.05; n = 5), whereas it increased NO production ∼3-fold in <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> (Basal vs. LPS; P<0.001, n = 5). (B) Jejunal NOS3 protein concentration did not differ between basal and LPS-treated control or <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice. (C) The degree of phosphorylation of NOS3 protein on Ser1177 decreased upon LPS treatment in control mice (P<0.01), but tended to increase in <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice, so that the degree of jejunal NOS phosphorylation in LPS-treated <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice was ∼5-fold higher than in control mice (p<0.01). (D) The degree of phosphorylation of NOS3 protein on Thr495 was significantly decreased during basal conditions in <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice. (E) LPS treatment increased NOS2 protein concentration ∼2-fold in control and <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice. NOS2 protein content was normalized with β-actin. (F) Representative Western blots of β-actin, NOS3, phosphorylated NOS3 (Ser 1177), phosphorylated eNOS (Thr495) and NOS2 (bottom) are shown. In all graphs, protein content was normalized with β-actin. <i>Arg1<sup>fl/fl</sup>/Tie2-Cre<sup>tg/−</sup></i> mice are described as Arg1<sup>-/-</sup> in the legend above the lanes.</p