17 research outputs found

    Selective Generation of Gut Tropic T Cells in Gut-associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT): Requirement for GALT Dendritic Cells and Adjuvant

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    In the current study, we address the underlying mechanism for the selective generation of gut-homing T cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT). We demonstrate that DCs in the GALT are unique in their capacity to establish T cell gut tropism but in vivo only confer this property to T cells in the presence of DC maturational stimuli, including toll-like receptor-dependent and -independent adjuvants. Thus, DCs from mesenteric LNs (MLNs), but not from spleen, supported expression of the chemokine receptor CCR9 and integrin α4β7 by activated CD8+ T cells. While DCs were also required for an efficient down-regulation of CD62L, this function was not restricted to MLN DCs. In an adoptive CD8+ T cell transfer model, antigen-specific T cells entering the small intestinal epithelium were homogeneously CCR9+α4β7+CD62Llow, and this phenotype was only generated in GALT and in the presence of adjuvant. Consistent with the CCR9+ phenotype of the gut-homing T cells, CCR9 was found to play a critical role in the localization of T cells to the small intestinal epithelium. Together, these results demonstrate that GALT DCs and T cell expression of CCR9 play critical and integrated roles during T cell homing to the gut

    Chemokine Receptor CCR9 Contributes to the Localization of Plasma Cells to the Small Intestine

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    Humoral immunity in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue is characterized by the production of immunoglobulin A (IgA) by antibody-secreting plasma cells (PCs) in the lamina propria. The chemokine CCL25 is expressed by intestinal epithelial cells and is capable of inducing chemotaxis of IgA+ PCs in vitro. Using a newly generated monoclonal antibody against murine CCR9, we show that IgA+ PCs express high levels of CCR9 in the mesenteric lymph node (MLN) and Peyer's patches (PPs), but down-regulate CCR9 once they are located in the small intestine. In CCR9-deficient mice, IgA+ PCs are substantially reduced in number in the lamina propria of the small intestine. In adoptive transfer experiments, CCR9-deficient IgA+ PCs show reduced migration into the small intestine compared with wild-type controls. Furthermore, CCR9 mutants fail to mount a regular IgA response to an orally administered antigen, although the architecture and cell type composition of PPs and MLN are unaffected and are functional for the generation of IgA PCs. These findings provide profound in vivo evidence that CCL25/CCR9 guides PCs into the small intestine

    A role for CCR4 in development of mature circulating cutaneous T helper memory cell populations

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    Expression of the chemokine receptor CCR4 is strongly associated with trafficking of specialized cutaneous memory T helper (Th) lymphocytes to the skin. However, it is unknown whether CCR4 itself participates in the development of cutaneous Th populations. We have addressed this issue via competitive bone marrow (BM) reconstitution assays; equal numbers of BM cells from CCR4+/+ and CCR4−/− donors were allowed to develop side-by-side within RAG-1−/− hosts. Cells from both donor types developed equally well into B cells, naive CD8 T cells, naive CD4 T cells, interferon-γ+ Th1 cells, and interleukin-4+ Th2 cells. In marked contrast, circulating cutaneous memory Th cells (i.e., E-selectin ligand+ [E-lig+]) were more than fourfold more likely to be derived from CCR4+/+ donors than from CCR4−/− donors. Most of this effect resides within the CD103+ subset of the E-lig+ Th population, in which donor CCR4+/+ cells can outnumber CCR4−/− cells by >12-fold. No similar effect was observed for α4β7+ intestinal memory Th cells or CD103+/E-lig− Th cells. We conclude that CCR4 expression provides a competitive advantage to cutaneous Th cells, either by participating in their development from naive Th cells, or by preferentially maintaining them within the memory population over time

    Impaired accumulation of antigen-specific CD8 lymphocytes in chemokine CCL25-deficient intestinal epithelium and lamina propria.

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    CCL25 and CCR9 constitute a chemokine/receptor pair involved in T cell development and in gut-associated immune responses. In this study, we generated CCL25(-/-) mice to answer questions that could not be addressed with existing CCR9(-/-) mice. Similar phenotypes were observed for both CCL25(-/-) and CCR9(-/-) mice, consistent with the notion that CCL25 and CCR9 interact with each other exclusively. We assessed the requirement for CCL25 in generating CCR9(high) CD8 intestinal memory-phenotype T cells and the subsequent accumulation of these cells within effector sites. TCR-transgenic naive CD8 T cells were transferred into wild-type or CCL25-deficient hosts. Oral sensitization with Ag allowed these naive donor cells to efficiently differentiate into CCR9(high) memory-phenotype cells within the mesenteric lymph nodes of wild-type hosts. This differentiation event occurred with equal efficiency in the MLN of CCL25-deficient hosts, demonstrating that CCL25 is not required to induce the CCR9(high) memory phenotype in vivo. However, we found that CCL25 deficiency severely impaired the Ag-dependent accumulation of donor-derived CD8 T cells within both lamina propria and epithelium of the small intestine. Thus, although CCL25 is not necessary for generating memory-phenotype CD8 T cells with "gut-homing" properties, this chemokine is indispensable for their trafficking to the small intestine