24 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Land Suitability to Arabica Coffee (Coffea Arabica) and Strawberry (Fragaria Vesca Linn.) in Pematang Sidamanik Subdistrict of Simalungun District.

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    The objective of this research is to evaluatethe land suitability arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) and strawberry (Fragaria vescaLinn.) in Pematang Sidamanik Subdistrict of Simalungun District.The methode of this research is the survay method. from the results of the overlay from the map of soil types, map of topography, and map of height place, retrieved 10 (ten) units of land use map. The result of the research showed that actual and potential land suitability class for arabica coffee and strawberry at SPL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 is Not Suitable (N) with restrain factor is rooting condition (rc). The actual land suitability class for arabica coffeeat SPL 7 is Not Suitable (N) with restrain factor is erosion hazard (eh). SPL 10 is Marginally Suitable (S3) with restrain factors water available, nutrient retention, and erosion hazard (wa, nr, eh), while the potential land suitability class at SPL 7 is Marginally Suitable (S3) with restraint factor water available and erosion hazard (wa, eh). SPL 10 is Marginally Suitable (S3) with restrain factor water available (wa).The actual land suitability class for strawberry at SPL 7 is Not Suitable (N) with restrain factor is erosion hazard (eh). SPL 10 is Marginally Suitable (S3) with restrain factor nutrient retention and erosion hazard (nr, eh), while the potential land suitability class for strawberry at SPL 7 is Marginally Suitable (S3) with restrain factor erosion hazard (eh). SPL 10 is Fairly Appropriate (S2) with restrain nutrient retention (nr, eh)

    Pengaruh Varietas Dan Bahan Organik Terhadap Jumlah Anakan Dan Produksi Padi Sawah Ip 400 Fase Vegetatif Musim Tanam I

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    This research was aimed to determine whether composting organic materials and varieties of riceplants of different IP 400 can reduce the rate of air temperature in rice vegetative phase and also toknow which varieties or organic matter are likely to be better in reducing the rate of air temperatureand increase rice production IP 400. This research was conducted in paddy fields and DevelopmentResearch Institute, Village Market District Leaning Fence Merbau Deli Serdang (30 29 '51.33 "Nand 980 54' 19.87" E) with a height of 30 meters above sea level where conducted from February2012 to complete. This research used a randomized block design factorial with six combinations oftreatments and three replications thus obtained eighteen experimental unit. Treatment consists ofV1B0 (Inpari 1 + Without Organic Materials), V1B1 (Inpari 1 + straw compost 9 kg), V1B2 (Inpari 1+ Cow Manure 9 kg), V2B0 (Ciherang + Without Organic Materials), V2B1 (Ciherang + Compoststraw 9 kg), V2B2 (Ciherang + Cow manure 9 kg). The results of this research indicate varieties ofrice IP 400 and composted organic materials that have been able to suppress the air temperature andincrease rice production IP 400, but did not suppress emission rate at 35 days after planting

    Klasifikasi Inceptisol Pada Ketinggian Tempat Yang Berbeda Di Kecamatan Lintong Nihuta Kabupaten Hasundutan

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    This research aims to classify inceptisol soil at sub-district of Lintong Ni Huta, Regency ofHumbang Hasudutan on the various elevation. On the elevation of 1200-1300, 1300-1400, 1400-1500, and >1500m on above sea level. The sampling of soil was took at 3 soil profile holes on FieldMap unit and Key to Soil Taxonomy 2010 . Of the result of this research, it obtain the classification ofprofile 1, 2, and 3 with Ordo, Sub Ordo, and Great Groupin the same is Inceptisol, Udept,and Dystrudept. OnSub Group category the classification of profile 1 is Psammentic Dystrudept. On Sub Group category theclassification of profile 2 is Pachic Dystrudept. On Sub Group category the classification of profile 3 isFluventic Dystrudept

    Evaluasi Status Bahan Organik Dan Sifat Fisik Tanah (Bulk Density, Tekstur, Suhu Tanah) Pada Lahan Tanaman Kopi (Coffea SP.) Di Beberapa Kecamatan Kabupaten Dairi

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    Evaluation Status of Organic Matter Content and Soil Physical Properties (Bulk Density, Texture and Soil Temperature) the Coffee Crop Land (Coffeea Sp.) in Some Districts Dairipurpose to makeevaluation status of the organic matter and soil physical properties (bulk density, texture and soil temperature) the coffee crop land (Coffeea Sp.) in some districts Dairi. Sampling using free methods tosurvey the level of review and analysis of data C- organic by Walkey and Black method, bulk densityby Ring Sample method, texture by Hydrometer method and soil temperature (oC) using the formula ofBraak, and interpret the nutrient status of the map through the program ArcMap 10. Parameters in the analysis are C-organik, bulk density, texture and soil temperature. The result of research showed thatthe nutrient status of the research area map C-organic consists of a very low criteria (3 sample), low(13 sample),being(12 sample) danhigh (10 sample). Bulk Density, porous criteria (13 sample) and solid (25 sample). Texture, very smoothcriteria (1 sample), smooth (6 sample), rather smooth (10 sample), being (9 sample), a bit rough (7 sample) dan rough (4 sample), andrezim Soil TemperatureIsohyperthermic (38 sample)

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Kulit Durian Dan Kompos Kulit Kakao Pada Ultisol Terhadap Beberapa Aspek Kimia Kesuburan Tanah

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    Ultisol is a quite large of soil and have many constraints to be used as agricultural soil. Some of theconstraints are: Low level of the organic content, soil acidity, high level of Al saturation and lowCEC so that this land productivity is quite low. To increase the productivity can be done by increasethe availability of nutrient by adding organic compost i.e. Durian Shell compost and Cacao Shellcompost. The experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Design methode with 3replications consistedof nine treatment. I.e by adding Durian's Shell compost and Cacao's Shellcompost consisting of ;1,5 g (Z1), 3,0 g (Z2), 4,5 g (Z3), 6,0 g (Z4)Durian's Shell compost in every300 g Ultisol, and 1,5 g (C1), 3,0 g (C2), 4,5 g (C3), 6,0 (C4) Cacao's Shell in every 300 g Ultisol,and Blanko treatment (Z0). The result shows that the addition of Durian's Shell Compost andCacao's Shell Compost give very real effect on Al-dd, and generally tend to increase the pH, CEC,Organic C, Total N of the soil and decrease the level of exchangeable Al

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Kopi Arabika (Coffea Arabica), Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Kubis (Brassica Oleraceae L.) Dan Jeruk (Citrus SP.) Di Kecamatan Harian Kabupaten Samosir

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman kopi arabika, kentang, kubis dan jeruk Di Kecamatan Harian Kabupaten Samosir. Diperoleh 9 (sembilan) SPL (satuan peta lahan) yang ditentukan berdasarkan peta jenis tanah, peta kemiringan lereng dan peta ketinggian tempat yang dihasilkan dari peta topografi dengan skala 1 : 50.000, kemudian dilakukan overlay. Penilaian kelas kesesuaian lahan berdasarkan kriteria Staf Pusat Penelitian Tanah Bogor Tahun 1993 dan metode evaluasi lahan adalah metode limit berdasarkan Djaenuddin, 2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelas kesesuaian lahan potensial tertinggi pada SPL 1 adalah jeruk (S1), pada SPL 2 adalah kubis S2 (wa) dan jeruk (S2 tc), pada SPL 3 adalah jeruk (S1), pada SPL 4 adalah kopi, kentang, kubis dan jeruk (S3 wa,rc,eh), pada SPL 5 dan 6 adalah tidak sesuai (N rc) SPL 7 adalah kopi, kentang, kubis dan jeruk (S3 wa, rc, eh), pada SPL 8 adalah jeruk (S1) dan pada SPL 9 adalah kopi, kentang, kubis dan jeruk (S3 wa, rc, eh)