16 research outputs found

    What is the essential neurological examination?

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    In order to determine which aspects would be essential to the neurological examination (NE) in a given specific situation (a patient referred with a potential neurological complaint, but the history suggests that a neurological problem is unlikely), we presented the same questionnaire used by Moore and Chalk in Canada to 19 neurologists in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We considered significant aspects of NE, whose average responses were greater than or equal to 3.5: visual fields, fundoscopy, pursuit eye movements, facial muscle power testing, gait, pronator drift or rapid arm movement in upper limbs, finger-nose, tone in arms and legs, five tendon reflexes, and plantar responses. We concluded that, despite geographical and economical differences between Brazil and Canada, neurologists from both countries agree about the essential NE in the proposed scenario

    Bilateral ptosis and supranuclear downgaze paralysis Ptose bilateral e paralisia supranuclear do olhar conjugado para baixo

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    The purpose of this article is to highlight an uncommon combination of supranuclear downward gaze paralysis with bilateral eyelid ptosis in a 53-years-old man with a radiation induced midbrain tumor and to discuss the aspects regarding the centers and pathways that mediate supranuclear vertical gaze movements.<br>O objetivo deste artigo é ressaltar uma rara condição caracterizada por paralisia supranuclear do olhar conjugado para baixo associada a ptose palpebral bilateral em um homem de 53 anos, causada por tumor mesencefálico radio-induzido, e discutir os aspectos relacionados ao controle supranuclear dos movimentos oculares verticais