2 research outputs found

    Optimasi Pengaruh Variasi Koagulan terhadap Efisiensi Dewatering Lumpur Limbah Aktif Menggunakan Plate and Frame Filter Press (Optimization Effect of Coagulan Variation on Dewatering Efficiency of Activated Sewage Sludge Using Plate and Frame Filter Press)

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    ABSTRAK Optimasi Pengaruh Variasi Koagulan terhadap Efisiensi Dewatering Lumpur Limbah Aktif Menggunakan Plate and Frame Filter Press Maranatha Sembiring’* 21030116060034 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan skema proses filtrasi untuk analisa tahanan medium filter (Rm), specific resistance to filtration (SRF), kadar air (moisture content) serta yield pada dewatering lumpur limbah. Target yang ingin dicapai berupa optimasi jenis koagulan pada proses dewatering lumpur limbah. Kajian dilakukan pada berbagai variabel diantaranya variabel bebas meliputi variasi koagulan (Tawas 50 gr/lt, 100 gr/lt, 150 gr/lt dan FeCl3 50 gr/lt, 100 gr/lt, 150 gr/lt) dan variasi tekanan (30 kg/cm 2 , 50 kg/cm 2 , 70 kg/cm 2 ). Sedangkan variabel tetap meliputi volume lumpur, volume pelarut, kecepatan dan lama pengadukan, serta volume filtrat. Percobaan menunjukkan jenis koagulan yang optimum diperoleh yaitu pada koagulan FeCl3. Untuk analisa SRF sebesar 3,1E+09 m/kg ; analisa Rm sebesar 6,75E+12 1/m ; analisa kadar air sebesar 65,854 % ; analisa yield sebesar 49,651 kg/m 2 h. Kata kunci : filtrasi, lumpur limbah, dewatering ABSTRACT OPTIMIZATION EFFECT OF COAGULAN VARIATION ON DEWATERING EFFICIENCY OF ACTIVATED SEWAGE SLUDGE USING PLATE AND FRAME FILTER PRESS Maranatha Sembiring’* 21030116060034 This research aims to develop the filtration process scheme for the analysis of resistance associated with the filter medium (Rm), specific resistance to filtration (SRF), moisture content and yield for sewage sludge dewatering. The target to be achieved is optimization the type of coagulant in the sewage sludge dewatering process. The study was conducted on various variables including coagulant various (Tawas 50 gr/lt, 100 gr/lt, 150 gr/lt and FeCl3 50 gr/lt, 100 gr/lt, 150 gr/lt) and pressure various (30 kg/cm 2 , 50 kg/cm 2 , 70 kg/cm 2 ). The experiment showed that the optimum coagulant of the influence of FeCl3 coagulant. Value for analysis of SRF was 3,1E+09 m/kg ; analysis of Rm was 6,75E+12 1/m ; analysis of moisture content was 65,854% ; analysis of yield was 49,651 kg/m 2 h. Keyword : filtration, sewage sludge, dewaterin