3 research outputs found

    Aspek Kelembagaan, Pendanaan dan Akuisisi Lahan Di Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus

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    Institutional aspects  will effect the financial pattern at special economic zones. A combination of financial sources from government and private will optimize special economic zones operation. The acquisition of acricultural land to industry must be able to consider long and short term impact and economic and non economic aspects.Keywords: Institutional, financial, land acquisitio

    Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK), UMKM dan Kebijakan Pemerintah

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    KEK dapat memberikan spillover pada ekonomi lokal/ daerah, UMKM, investasi lokal, keunggulan bersaing dan eksport suatu daerah. Nilai nilai yang tinggi dalam human capital dan organisasi  bagi UMKM yang dapat dikembangkan oleh pemerintah, pengelola KEK, pemilik UMKM, asosiasi bisnis, akademisi, perbankan dan masyarakat serta stakeholder lainnya, dapat meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing UMKM di dalam KEK Kata Kunci: KEK, UMKM, Kebijakan Pemerinta

    Studi Prilaku Pasar Tanah di Daerah Pemekaran Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The result of this research shows that the buyer charactheristics and seller is effect on land price. From the supply side (seller) of the land and the demand side (buyer) of the land is create a behaviorin land market in autonomous region of North Sulawesi. The land price is significantly effect on land future price expactation. Topography of the land has effect on land price on both sides. Land distance or acces has effect on land price on both sides. Richness is the only one variable that effect on land price expactation on both sides. The crop has no significant effect on both sides. Education and earning has no effect significantly on land price expectation.Keywords: Land Market Behavior, Autonomous region, North Sulawes