301 research outputs found

    The True Cost of Pair Programming: Development of a Comprehensive Model and Test

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    This study aims to answer the following research question: compared to solo programming, is pair programming a more cost effective method for developing software? This paper proposes a research model based on theories and previous empirical studies. It discusses a multi-study approach to address the question in hand. The first study is a survey of practitioners in regards to their experience and perception of the cost of pair programming. Information acquired from the survey are then fed into simulation models as input parameters with the purpose to identify situations where pair programming is or is not more cost effective than solo programming

    Public-Private Partnership (P3) Success: Critical Success Factors for Local Government Services and Infrastructure Delivery

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    The Public-Private Partnership (P3) approach is a viable option to address the slow growth and burgeoning need to deliver infrastructure projects and services by state and local governments. This study focuses on identifying critical success factors (CSF) that influence the success of P3s for local government service and infrastructure delivery. A framework is presented for integrating relationship and project management CSFs identified from previous literature into P3s. In addition, public agency entrepreneurial orientation is introduced as a potential CSF – a focus that has been absent in previous P3 CSF literature. To empirically assess the influence of these CSFs on P3 success, we surveyed public administrators from municipalities and counties in Florida, asking about their perceptions of these success factors. The results show that the P3 relationship, project management, and public agency entrepreneurial orientation are critical to a project’s success. Moreover, government stakeholder influence significantly affects these factors. Private sector stakeholder influence also affects project management and public agency entrepreneurial orientation’s effect on P3 success. When applied in a managerial context, these findings can help public agencies to improve their P3 success rates and growth and help to solve the infrastructure and service delivery challenges facing local governments in the US today

    The Evolving Nature of the Computer Self-Efficacy Construct: An Empirical Investigation of Measurement Construction, Validity, Reliability and Stability Over Time.

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    This paper reports an empirical study intended to provide detailed comparisons amongst and between the varieties of available measures of computer self-efficacy (CSE). Our purpose is to ascertain their relative abilities to isolate the CSE construct from other related constructs and to capture variance in performance attributed to changes in CSE level. In addition, we investigate the importance of ensuring the measure being used is sufficiently aligned with the task domain of interest. Finally, we explore the stability of CSE measures as they relate to the current state of evolution within the computing domain. Marakas, Yi, and Johnson (1998) proposed a framework for the construction of instruments intended to measure the CSE construct that we have adopted as a basis for this series of investigations. To that end, we advance and test a set of hypotheses derived from the Marakas et al. (1998) framework. Results of the analyses support the need for adherence to the tenets of the proposed framework as well as provide evidence that CSE measures suffer from degradation of their explanatory power over time. Further, this study brings forth the importance of appropriately validating measures of CSE using approaches intended for a formative rather than a reflective construct. These results suggest that the common practices of instrument validation and reuse of long-standing instruments to measure CSE may not be the most effective approach to the study of the construct. Implications for future research are discussed

    The Multilevel Construct of Computer Self-Efficacy: An Empirical Investigation at the General and Task-Specific Levels

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    The purpose of this study is to empirically validate the proposed theoretical model that describes how SCSE and GCSE are interrelated and how they serve as cognitive mechanisms to impact individual task performance in both a specific and general computing domain (Figure 1). In addition, we develop a measure of GCSE and several highly focused measures of SCSE that demonstrate strong divergent validity in the presence of related constructs and represent the characteristics suggested by Bandura and others with regard to effective measurement of self-efficacy

    Effectiveness of Pair and Solo Programming Methods: a Survey and an Analytical Approach

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    We conducted two studies to further our understanding of the dynamics of the programming methods. One is a survey study. We surveyed software professionals of their views on the effectiveness of pair programming versus solo programming. In our second study, we adopted the analytical approach to compare the three modes of programming: solo only, pair only, and a mixture of solo and pair. The second study involves three steps. First, we replicated the study conducted by Dawande and colleagues (2008). Second, we applied the parameters collected from our survey to the same model. Third, we extended the analytical model to further study the effect of project complexity and pair composition on the effectiveness of the three different programming modes. Due to space limitations, in this paper, we only report: a) the survey research and its findings; b) partial results from step 2 and step 3 of the second study


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    This study aimed to answer two research questions. First, is pair programming more cost effective than solo programming in all situations? Second, in what situations is pair programming more cost effective than solo programming? We adopted and extended economic models specified by prior researchers. We examined two different scenarios and conducted simulations where we varied across a wide range of possible values. A couple of conclusions were drawn from the study. First, across the ranges of parameters studied, pair programming is more economically feasible in only a limited number of instances. Second, in order to achieve the economic benefit, pair programming either needs to have advantages in all of three areas (speed, defect, defect removing) or have substantial advantages in two areas if one area is roughly equivalent to solo programming. To address the second research questions, we identified specific parameter ranges for situations where a) pair programming is more economical, b) solo programming is more economical, and c) the two programming methods are equivalent

    Making the Business Case for IT Investments Through Facts, Faith, and Fear

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    This Teaching Note and the accompanying business cases (Consumer Products International and Biogenetica) were prepared Professors Bradley C. Wheeler and George M. Marakas of Indiana University (1999)Business cases are an essential document for organizational investments in information technologies (IT). Yet, many organizations lack formal methods for writing, understanding, and acting on business cases. Similarly, IS courses have often struggled to adequately teach what students how to write business cases. The following are two actual business cases that were drawn from work with a real company. They are unaltered in any way except for disguising the name of the company. The use of two cases allows students to learn by contrasting the merits of grounding IT investments in arguments of fact, faith, or fear. A detailed teaching note is also provided. The cases have been used effectively with multiple MBA and Executive Education audiences

    The Use of PLS When Analyzing Formative Constructs: Theoretical Analysis and Results From Simulations

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    Partial Least Squares (PLS) has become an increasingly popular approach to testing research models with multiple proposed causality links. Moreover, recent interest in the specification of constructs in a formative manner has accentuated this tendency, given the purported ability of PLS to handle this methodological development. While a review of the literature reveals an extensive use of PLS in this capacity, there is neither theoretical nor empirical evidence supporting this property of the technique. An examination of the inner workings of PLS shows several limitations of PLS when used in \u27formative\u27 (Mode B) estimation, and compares it to linear regression and covariance-based approaches. Results from Monte Carlo simulations comparing the performance of PLS and covariance-based techniques in estimating models with formatively specified constructs in either exogenous or endogenous positions reveals important biases for PLS, but not for covariance-based SEM. The results are discussed and recommendations for researchers are proposed
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