6 research outputs found

    Vloga igralnih oblik v sodobnem nogometu in vprašanje njihove celovitosti

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    In the modern soccer, small-sided games (SSG) present a significant proportion of the whole training process. SSG are introduced regularly and with different emphases, depending on the players\u27 basic technical skills and on the training objectives, but also according to different (sports) cultural contexts. SSG immersed into the wider soccer area at different speeds and with different emphases, often with rather modified designs. Due to their extraordinary adaptability and efficiency, SSG as a working method have undergone a great expansion. Their design and (possible) versatility are explained in this paper from a somewhat unusual perspective of the systemic theories as the theories of achieving the greatest possible holism of our reflections and actions. In the foreground of this paper there is the question of SSG integrity (as the prevailing practical methods of work in modern football practice), through the analysis of the conditions required in order to classify the use and further development of SSG in practice as an innovation, taking into account the laws of requisite holism and innovation.Igralne oblike (IO) tvorijo v sodobnem nogometu precejšen delež celotnega procesa vadbe. Vanj se IO vnašajo redno in z različnimi poudarki, glede na osnovno tehnično znanje igralcev in na cilje treninga, vendar tudi glede na različne (športno)kulturne kontekste. Igralne oblike so se z različno hitrostjo in z različnimi poudarki vsidrale v širši nogometni prostor, pogostokrat tudi s precej spremenjeno zasnovo. Zaradi izjemne prilagodljivosti in učinkovitosti so igralne oblike, kot metoda dela, doživele velik razmah. Njihova zasnova in (možna) vsestranskost bo v tem prispevku pojasnjena z nekoliko bolj neobičajnega vidika, to je z vidika sistemskih teorij kot teorij o doseganju čim večje celovitosti razmisleka in ravnanja. V prispevku je v ospredju vprašanje celovitosti igralnih oblik (kot prevladujoče praktične metode dela v sodobni nogometni praksi), preko analize pogojev, ki so potrebni zato, da uvrščamo uporabo in nadaljnji razvoj igralnih oblik v praksi kot inovacijo, ob upoštevanju zakonov o potrebni in zadostni celovitosti ter inovativnosti

    Relationship of Basic Motor and Functional Abilities with Dribbling Speed in 10–17 Years Old Soccer Players

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of selected motor and functional abilities with dribbling and changing direction with the ball in 183 young soccer players between 10 and 17 years of age (age 13,0 ± 1,8 years; body height 161,8 ± 13,3 cm; body mass 53,3 ± 14,7 kg). Based on the obtained data and results it was found that after the age of 13, in addition to other skills important for soccer game, it would be necessary to emphasise the elastic power of lower extremities and after the age of 16 additional emphasis should be put on high-speed and quality of execution of specific speed and agility type soccer movements. The most important ability related to dribbling and changing direction with the ball at the age 10-11 is agility. At the age 12-13 these are agility, aerobic-anaerobic endurance and relative elastic power of lower extremities, at the age 14-15 mainly aerobicanaerobic endurance and at the age 16-17, in addition to agility also acceleration and maximum running speed


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    In the modern soccer, small-sided games (SSG) present a significant proportion of the whole training process. SSG are introduced regularly and with different emphases, depending on the players' basic technical skills and on the training objectives, but also according to different (sports) cultural contexts. SSG immersed into the wider soccer area at different speeds and with different emphases, often with rather modified designs. Due to their extraordinary adaptability and efficiency, SSG as a working method have undergone a great expansion. Their design and (possible) versatility are explained in this paper from a somewhat unusual perspective of the systemic theories as the theories of achieving the greatest possible holism of our reflections and actions. In the foreground of this paper there is the question of SSG integrity (as the prevailing practical methods of work in modern football practice), through the analysis of the conditions required in order to classify the use and further development of SSG in practice as an innovation, taking into account the laws of requisite holism and innovation