12 research outputs found

    La política científica en la formación de profesionales en las ciencias médicas. Una mirada reflexiva

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    El ambiente académico debe convertirse en la primera vía de incorporación del estudiante al movimiento investigativo, como parte de la misión social de la universidad. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo debatir acerca de las funciones sustantivas de la universidad y la concepción del currículo universitario, destacando la actividad investigativa desde el pregrado. Se reflexiona en torno a la política científica en la formación de profesionales de las ciencias médicas. Se ofrecen algunas consideraciones que pueden contribuir a que la actividad investigativa se inserte en el proceso de formación de profesionales, en articulación con todo el proceso

    Prevalence of naso-pharyngeal Pneumococcal colonization in children between 1 to 5 years old in pre-school educative centers. 2014-2015

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    Foundation: Streptococcus pneumoniae is part of the normal bacterial flora of the nasal and pharingeal mucosa. Naso-pharyngeal colonization precedes the pneumococcal disease and affected individuals are a reservoir at the community level.Objective: to determine the prevalence of global naso-pharyngeal colonization and by serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae in children of pre-school age before anti pneumoccocal vaccination.Methods: a cross descriptive study in the Cienfuegos Municipality, within the period of June 2014 and April 2015. in children aged between 1 and 5 years attending preschool educative centers (N=1 129). Samples of naso-pharyngeal exudates were taken following the set guidelines. The prevalence of colonization was estimated and the most frequent serotypes were identified.Results: the global prevalence of naso-pharyngeal colonization was 32,32 %. The most frequent vaccine serotypes were 19F (6,02 %) and 6B (3,99 %); of those related with the vaccine, 6A predominated (5,49 %) and of the not related to the vaccine the most frequently observed was 14B.Conclusion: naso-pharyngeal colonization in preschool children not vaccinated against pneumoccocus presented a high prevalence at the expense of the serotypes included in the conjugated anti-peumococcal vaccines.</p

    Consejo de carreras universitarias: un espacio para gestionar la calidad académica en las universidades médicas

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    La mejora de la calidad del servicio que presta la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas a la sociedad y su participación en la solución de los problemas de salud, es sin dudas el reto más importante que esta institución debe afrontar. Con el objetivo de socializar los resultados de la implementación del consejo de carreras universitarias como espacio para gestionar la calidad académica, se presentan los principales resultados derivados de la implementación de este espacio. Los consejos de carreras universitarias constituyen una vía para contribuir a fomentar sistemáticamente una cultura de calidad en el ambiente universitario, particularmente en la formación de profesionales. Se presentan las orientaciones metodológicas para su implementación

    La evaluación de la actividad de ciencia y tecnología en la Atención Primaria de Salud: una aproximación al tema

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    La Atención Primaria de Salud es la estrategia para organizar la gestión del sistema de salud, que garantiza el acceso universal a servicios sanitarios mínimos mediante una distribución equitativa de los recursos, la participación comunitaria y la implicación de las políticas de otros sectores; por tanto, el desarrollo del Sistema de Ciencia y Tecnología a este nivel reviste una vital importancia. La política y la gestión de la ciencia y la tecnología son decisivas en el desarrollo estratégico de cada país. Por eso, tener en cuenta la convergencia de la actividad de la ciencia y la tecnología con el desarrollo social se convierte en una necesidad particularmente importante para los países en desarrollo. El propósito de esta revisión bibliográfica es realizar una reseña del desarrollo de esta modalidad en Cuba y el mundo, de manera que sirva de ayuda las personas que necesiten información sobre el tema

    Anti-pneumococcal vaccination in Cuba. Challenges

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    Medicine development has shown the need of preventing transmissible diseases by means of Vaccines. After a description of the role of pneumococcus in the origin of diseases, a career towards preventing them was started. In the current century, the first conjugated vaccine was certified against Streptococcus pneumonia to be used in children. In Cuba, in spite of the efforts, the anti-pneumococcal vaccine has not been introduced and for more of a decade time scientists have been working in a heptavalent conjugated vaccine, currently in an advanced clinical evaluation. In this work, considerations in this regard are made

    Relationship of Determined Risk Factors with Hearing Disorders in Children

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    Foundation: studying risk factors, which contribute to the appearance of deafness, is a need so that prophylactic and preventive control can be developed during the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal periods. Objective: to determine the association of certain risk factors with hearing loss in children. Method: correlational cross-descriptive study at the University Pediatric Hospital Paquito González Cueto de Cienfuegos, from May the 2nd 2016 to May the 1st 2016. A number of 149 patients were studied with present risk factors of hearing loss, who were referred and attended the consultation at the neuro-physiology department of the pediatric hospital. Descriptive statistic calculations were done with absolute and relative frequency of variables. The relationship of the determined risk factors, with the result of hearing sift, by Odd ratio confidence interval of 95 %. A data base was designed in SSPS 1.5 statistic package for data processing. The obtained data were presented in tables. Results: hearing loss was detected in 14.1 % of the studied cases. A relation statistically significant was found among some risk factors with an abnormal result of the hearing shift. Conclusion: risk factors, which were related with hearing loss, were: fetal suffering, use of ear toxic drugs in the child and malformations of face or neck

    Factores de riesgo asociados a colonización nasofaríngea en niños vacunados con vacunas antineumocócicas. Cienfuegos 2015-16

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    Introduction: Nasopharyngeal colonization by pneumococci is defined as the initial moment when the bacterium lodges in the nasopharynx of the person.Objective: To estimate the proportion of risk factors associated with nasopharyngeal colonization by pneumococci in children vaccinated with conjugate pneumococcal vaccines (CPV).Material and Methods:  One year after pneumococcal vaccination, a follow-up case-case-control study was conducted in children aged 1-5 years by means of a phase II/III controlled, randomized, double-blind clinical trial. The time horizon was from November 2015 to April 2016.  The study included 50 % of the total of children vaccinated during the experimental study.  The universe consisted of 1135 children who were vaccinated during the clinical trial.  A simple random sampling that included 555 persons was applied. A survey was conducted and nasopharyngeal exudate samples were taken. Tables of frequencies were presented.  Prevalence ratio was used as a measure of association.  Also, 95 % confidence intervals were calculated for each proportion.Results:  Being between the ages of 2-5 years acts as protective factor against nasopharyngeal colonization with respect to the young child.  Living with persons older than 65 years is a significantly associated risk factor with nasopharyngeal colonization. Conclusions: The introduction of pneumococcal vaccines in pre-school children can have a significant impact on colonization burden and the transmission of pneumococcal diseases.Introducción: La colonización nasofaríngea por neumococo se define como el momento inicial en el que la bacteria se aloja en la nasofaringe del individuo.Objetivo: Estimar la proporción de factores de riesgo asociados a la colonización nasofaríngea por neumococo en niños vacunados con vacunas conjugadas antineumocócicas (PCV).Material y Métodos: Un año después de la vacunación antineumócocica mediante un ensayo clínico fase II/III, controlado, aleatorizado y doble ciego en niños de 1 a 5 años, se ejecutó un estudio de seguimiento con un diseño casos y controles, tipo caso-caso. El horizonte temporal fue desde noviembre de 2015 hasta abril de 2016. Se incluyó 50 % del total de vacunados en el estudio experimental. El universo lo constituyó los 1 135 niños vacunados en el ensayo clínico. Se siguió un muestreo aleatorio simple y se incluyeron 555 sujetos. Se realizó una encuesta y una toma de muestra de exudado nasofaríngeo. Se presentaron tablas de frecuencias. Se utilizó la razón de prevalencia como medida de asociación. Se calcularon los intervalos de confianza a 95 % para cada proporción.Resultados: Tener entre 2 y 5 años actúa como factor protector para la colonización nasofaríngea con respecto al niño pequeño. Convivir con personas mayores de 65 años constituye un factor de riesgo significativamente relacionado con la colonización nasofaríngea.Conclusiones: La introducción de vacunas antineumocócicas en niños preescolares puede impactar de manera significativa la carga de colonización y en la trasmisión de la enfermedad neumocócica

    Resilience in mothers of children with cerebral palsy. Cienfuegos. 2018

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    Foundation: the family is the main link in stimulating their children, especially mothers, the first significant figure in the child's emotional life. Then, they will need adequate preparation to be resilient when facing the alterations of the neuro-development of their children, especially those who have suffered cerebral palsy. Objective: To describe the level of resilience and its modulating factors in mothers whose children suffer from cerebral palsy. Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study, supported methodologically in the research mixed approach, conducted at Paquito González Cueto University Pediatric Hospital, from September 2017 to March 2018. It included 24 mothers of children with cerebral palsy, from the municipality of Cienfuegos, who attended the Provincial Consultation of Early Assistance. The variables were analyzed: age, type of relationship, school level, occupation, resilience capacity, self-esteem level, optimism and emotional intelligence. Results: the most represented age group was from 26 to 35 years old (58.33%), consensual union was presented in 54.17%; predominantly pre-university school level (50%), housewives (54.17%); desired pregnancy was more representative (91.67%), as well as the low capacity of resilience with 66.66%, average level of self-esteem (50%); optimism was absent in 70.83% and low emotional intelligence in 58.33%. Conclusions: mothers studied had low resilience and modulating factors with a medium level of self-esteem, lack of optimism, and low levels of emotional intelligence