20 research outputs found

    Compatibility of polymerases with qPCR.

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    <p>Inhibitory substances extracted from the SPC sample prevented amplification of spiked DNA in all reactions not including BSA, except for Omni Klentaq in 0.1% inhibitors (not shown). Unsuccessful amplifications, including PfuTurbo C<sub>x</sub> Hotstart in 5% inhibitors, are not included in figure.</p

    Error rates of most frequent substitution types.

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    <p>High-low chart depicts the maximum and minimum error rates within the three tested samples. Median values, represented by circles, are not included for PfuTurbo C<sub>x</sub> because only two samples were amplified.</p

    DNA yield from extractions, phase 2.

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    <p>Maximum amount of DNA recovered in each specimen listed by corresponding symbol.</p

    Overall substitution error rates on endogenous aDNA.

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    <p>Shorter bars represent fewer nucleotide misincorporations (higher polymerase fidelity). Sequencing reads that differed from the expected <i>rbcL</i> sequence by >3 nucleotide substitutions were omitted prior to tallying nucleotide calls and errors. As stated, the PfuTurbo C<sub>x</sub> polymerase did not amplify the LUG sample.</p

    Results of the ADMIXTURE analysis (<i>k</i> = 4) with North African populations.

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    <p>ADMIXTURE was performed on a set of European, North African, Near Eastern and Sub-Saharan populations in order to account for the different admixture proportions in North Africa. Tunisians and Saharawi are the North African populations with highest proportion of autochthonous component, whereas the rest of the populations have greater amounts of admixture with neighboring populations.</p