17 research outputs found

    Luminescence properties of R 2

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    Facile Synthesis of Highly Uniform Fe-MIL-88B Particles

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    Highly uniform Fe-MIL-88B micron particles with shape evolution from hexagonal bipyramids to bipyramidal hexagonal prism were obtained by a surfactant (polyvinylpyrrolidone, PVP) assisted modified solvothermal method. The modified solvothermal method further demonstrated its feasibility to produce highly uniform micron or nanosized MOF, which provides great opportunities for fabrication of new MOFs and investigation their potential applications in versatile research fields

    A Crucial Wave Detection and Delineation Method for Twelve-Lead ECG Signals

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    Delineating the crucial waves in electrocardiogram records is a paramount work for the automatic diagnosis system of heart diseases. In this paper, a novel method is described to determine the boundaries and the peaks of P waves, QRS complexes and T waves by utilizing twelve-lead electrocardiogram signals. It avoids the difficulty of setting the thresholds when determining the boundaries of crucial waves and also the trouble of selection of wavelet basis as the wavelet-based method does. The signals are first preprocessed by a bandpass filter. After that, the locations of QRS complexes are identified. And based on the QRS locations, adaptive search windows are set to detect the locations of P waves and T waves. Then, a method called local distance transform decides the wave boundary in each lead. Finally, the final boundary determination rule is applied to obtain reliable boundaries. We justify the performance of our algorithm on LUDB database. When the tolerance window interval is 40ms, the peak accuracies of P wave, QRS complex and T wave are all beyond 98% and their boundary accuracies are all above 96%. Compared with the derivative threshold method and the wavelet-based method where the tolerance window interval is 150ms, the algorithm shows a sensitivity and a positive predictive value of peaks and boundaries greater than or equal to 98.43% and 96.44% for the P wave, 99.89% and 99.86% for the QRS complex and 99.21% and 99.85% for the T wave. For the critera of average error and standard deviation, our method has the performance similar to those methods. In addition, our algorithm can also handle such several situations where the boundary determination of crucial waves is tough as high T wave, high noise and baseline wandering well

    Highly Monodisperse M<sup>III</sup>-Based <b>soc</b>-MOFs (M = In and Ga) with Cubic and Truncated Cubic Morphologies

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    In this work, we carry out an investigation on shape-controlled growth of In<sup>III</sup>- and Ga<sup>III</sup>-based square-octahedral metal–organic frameworks (<b>soc</b>-MOFs). In particular, controllable crystal morphological evolution from simple cubes to complex octadecahedra has been achieved, and resultant highly uniform crystal building blocks promise new research opportunities for preparation of self-assembled MOF materials and related applications

    Synthesis and Integration of Fe-soc-MOF Cubes into Colloidosomes via a Single-Step Emulsion-Based Approach

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    Bottom-up fabrication of complex 3D hollow superstructures from nonspherical building blocks (BBs) poses a significant challenge for scientists in materials chemistry and physics. Spherical colloidal silica or polystyrene particles are therefore often integrated as BBs for the preparation of an emerging class of materials, namely colloidosomes (using colloidal particles for Pickering stabilization and fusing them to form a permeable shell). Herein, we describe for the first time a one-step emulsion-based technique that permits the assembly of metal–organic framework (MOF) faceted polyhedral BBs (i.e., cubes instead of spheres) into 3D hollow superstructures (or “colloidosomes”). The shell of each resultant hollow MOF colloidosome is constructed from a monolayer of cubic BBs, whose dimensions can be precisely controlled by varying the amount of emulsifier used in the synthesis

    Non-epitaxial growth of highly oriented transition metal dichalcogenides with density-controlled twin boundaries

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    Twin boundaries (TBs) in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) constitute distinctive one-dimensional electronic systems, exhibiting intriguing physical and chemical properties that have garnered significant attention in the fields of quantum physics and electrocatalysis. However, the controlled manipulation of TBs in terms of density and specific atomic configurations remains a formidable challenge. In this study, we present a non-epitaxial growth approach that enables the controlled and large-scale fabrication of homogeneous catalytically active TBs in monolayer TMDs on arbitrary substrates. Notably, the density achieved using this strategy is six times higher than that observed in convention chemical vapor deposition (CVD)-grown samples. Through rigorous experimental analysis and multigrain Wulff construction simulations, we elucidate the role of regulating the metal source diffusion process, which serves as the key factor for inducing the self-oriented growth of TMD grains and the formation of unified TBs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this novel growth mode can be readily incorporated into the conventional CVD growth method by making a simple modification of the growth temperature profile, thereby offering a universal approach for engineering of grain boundaries in two-dimensional materials. Public summary: • Differences in diffusivity of metal sources trigger the non-epitaxial growth of twin boundaries. • The growth mechanism of high-density 1D twin boundaries on arbitrary substrates is revealed. • A possible universal strategy for grain boundary engineering in 2D materials is proposed. • Density-controllable twin boundaries provide a promising platform for exploring novel quantum states in 1D electronic systems