5,142 research outputs found

    Detecting Lensing-Induced Diffraction in Astrophysical Gravitational Waves

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    Gravitational waves emitted from compact binary coalescence can be subject to wave diffraction if they are gravitationally lensed by an intervening mass clump whose Schwarzschild timescale matches the wave period. Waves in the ground-based frequency band f∼10f\sim 10--103 10^3\,Hz are sensitive to clumps with masses ME∼102M_E \sim 10^2--103 M⊙10^3\,M_\odot enclosed within the impact parameter. These can be the central parts of low mass ML∼103M_L \sim 10^3--106 M⊙10^6\,M_\odot dark matter halos, which are predicted in Cold Dark Matter scenarios but are challenging to observe. Neglecting finely-tuned impact parameters, we focus on lenses aligned generally on the Einstein scale for which multiple lensed images may not form in the case of an extended lens. In this case, diffraction induces amplitude and phase modulations whose sizes ∼10%\sim 10\%--20%20\% are small enough so that standard matched filtering with unlensed waveforms do not degrade, but are still detectable for events with high signal-to-noise ratio. We develop and test an agnostic detection method based on dynamic programming, which does not require a detailed model of the lensed waveforms. For pseudo-Jaffe lenses aligned up to the Einstein radius, we demonstrate that a pair of fully upgraded aLIGO/Virgo detectors can extract diffraction imprints from binary black hole mergers out to zs∼0.2z_s \sim 0.2--0.30.3. The prospect will improve dramatically for a third-generation detector for which binary black hole mergers out to zs∼2z_s \sim 2--44 will all become valuable sources.Comment: 14 pages including references; 8 figures; comments are welcom

    On the pinning strategy of complex networks

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    In pinning control of complex networks, a tacit believing is that the system dynamics will be better controlled by pinning the large-degree nodes than the small-degree ones. Here, by changing the number of pinned nodes, we find that, when a significant fraction of the network nodes are pinned, pinning the small-degree nodes could generally have a higher performance than pinning the large-degree nodes. We demonstrate this interesting phenomenon on a variety of complex networks, and analyze the underlying mechanisms by the model of star networks. By changing the network properties, we also find that, comparing to densely connected homogeneous networks, the advantage of the small-degree pinning strategy is more distinct in sparsely connected heterogenous networks
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