97 research outputs found

    An Integrated Data Mining Approach to Real-time Clinical Monitoring and Deterioration Warning

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    Clinical study found that early detection and intervention are essential for preventing clinical deterioration in patients, for patients both in intensive care units (ICU) as well as in general wards but under real-time data sensing (RDS). In this paper, we develop an integrated data mining approach to give early deterioration warnings for patients under real-time monitoring in ICU and RDS. Existing work on mining real-time clinical data often focus on certain single vital sign and specific disease. In this paper, we consider an integrated data mining approach for general sudden deterioration warning. We synthesize a large feature set that includes first and second order time-series features, detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), spectral analysis, approximative entropy, and cross-signal features. We then systematically apply and evaluate a series of established data mining methods, including forward feature selection, linear and nonlinear classification algorithms, and exploratory undersampling for class imbalance. An extensive empirical study is conducted on real patient data collected between 2001 and 2008 from a variety of ICUs. Results show the benefit of each of the proposed techniques, and the final integrated approach significantly improves the prediction quality. The proposed clinical warning system is currently under integration with the electronic medical record system at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in preparation for a clinical trial. This work represents a promising step toward general early clinical warning which has the potential to significantly improve the quality of patient care in hospitals


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    Background: Mobile phone addiction among adolescents has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Previous researches revealed a significant relation between low social support and addiction. This study aim to investigated the association between social support and mobile phone addiction, and the mediating effects of depression and loneliness. Subjects and methods: A total of 1,400 Chinese adolescents aged from 12 to 23 years old was recruited from two middle schools and a college in Hunan Province, China. Participates were selected using the cluster random sampling method. They completed the Mobile Phone Addiction Index, the Self-Rating Depression Scale, the UCLA Loneliness Scale, and the Adolescent Social Support Scale. The study analyzed the correlations between the study variables and the mediating role of depression and loneliness in the relationship between social support and mobile phone addiction. Results: There were significant negative correlation between social support and depression, loneliness, and mobile phone addiction (p<0.001). Both depression and loneliness demonstrated significant positive correlation with mobile phone addiction (p<0.001). Structural equation modeling revealed that both depression and loneliness mediated the association between social support and mobile phone addiction (p<0.001). Depression and loneliness sequentially mediated the association between social support and mobile phone addiction (p<0.001). However, the relation between social support and mobile phone addiction was not significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: Social support can lower levels of mobile phone addiction among adolescents by reducing depression and loneliness. This study sheds light on the underlying mechanisms between social support and mobile phone addiction, which has profound implications for the prevention and interventions of adolescent problematic mobile phone use

    Development of Food-Luring Baited Traps for Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Monitoring in the Field in Southern China

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    Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a red imported fire ant that originated from South America, is a worldwide invasive pest. This study investigated the efficacy of the newly designed baited trap to detect red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, under field conditions in China. Among the five food lures tested for red imported fire ants, the ants preferred ham sausage and fish powder, followed by mixed powder (50% fish powder + 50% black soldier fly powder) and black soldier fly powder. These lures were compared to sugar water (control) to determine their efficacy in trapping red imported fire ants. Field data revealed that the ham sausage powder trap was more efficient than the fish powder trap based on its ability to trap more red imported fire ants under field conditions and ease of use. Thus, it was concluded that the baited traps are efficient for longterm red imported fire ants monitoring

    The influence of model quality on self-other mate choice copying

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    We explored, through two experiments, the influence of model quality and gender on mate choice copying (MCC) behavior for oneself and for others. In the first experiment, we used a 3 (decision-making role: self, stranger, close friend) × 2 (gender: male, female) between-subjects design. The phenomenon of MCC was only found in females. There was no significant difference between making decisions for oneself and for close friends, but there was a significant difference between making decisions for oneself and for strangers. In the second experiment, we used a 2 (model quality: higher, lower) × 3 (decision-making role: self, stranger, close friend) × 2 (gender: male, female) mixed experimental design. Results showed an MCC effect under the condition of high-quality models for both males and females, but no MCC effect for low quality models, either for males or females. Again, there was no significant difference between making decisions for oneself and for close friends, but there was a significant difference between making decisions for oneself and for strangers. These results reveal that context is important for the manifestation of MCC behavior: both women and men are influenced by the choices of high quality models, but ignore the behavior of low quality models

    Investigating the relationship between person–environment fit and safety behavior: A social cognition perspective

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    Introduction: This study explored the relationship between person–job fit and safety behavior, as well as the mediating role played by psychological safety, from the perspective of social cognitive theory and person–environment fit theory. Method: A total of 800 employees from petroleum enterprises were recruited, with cluster random sampling used to collect data in two stages. Results: The results showed that employees’ safety behavior is higher under the condition of ‘‘high person–job fit—high person–organization fit” than under that of ‘‘low person–job fit—low person–organization fit.” In other words, the more congruent the level of person–job fit and person–organization fit for a given employee, the higher their level of safety behavior. Practical Applications: Psychological safety plays a mediating role between the congruence of both person–job fit and person–organization fit and employees’ safety behavior

    Superconductivity with TcT_c up to 30.7 K in air-annealed CaFeAsF

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    Exploring new unconventional superconductors is of great value for both fundamental research and practical applications. It is a long-term challenge to develop and study more hole-doped superconductors in 1111 system of iron-based superconductors. However, fifteen years after the discovery of iron-based superconductors, it has become increasingly difficult to discover new members in this system by conventional means. Here we report the discovery of superconductivity with the critical transition temperature up to 30.7 K in the parent compound CaFeAsF by an annealing treatment in air atmosphere. The superconducting behaviors are verified in both the single-crystalline and polycrystalline samples by the resistance and magnetization measurements. The analysis by combining the depth-resolved time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements show that the introduction of oxygen elements and the consequent changing in Fe valence by the annealing treatment may lead to the hole-type doping, which is the origin for the occurrence of superconductivity. Our results provide a new route to induce hole-doped superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Genetic characterization of Measles Viruses in China, 2004

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    Genetic characterization of wild-type measles virus was studied using nucleotide sequencing of the C-terminal region of the N protein gene and phylogenetic analysis on 59 isolates from 16 provinces of China in 2004. The results showed that all of the isolates belonged to genotype H1. 51 isolates were belonged to cluster 1 and 8 isolates were cluster 2 and Viruses from both clusters were distributed throughout China without distinct geographic pattern. The nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid homologies of the 59 H1 strains were 96.5%–100% and 95.7%–100%, respectively. The report showed that the transmission pattern of genotype H1 viruses in China in 2004 was consistent with ongoing endemic transmission of multiple lineages of a single, endemic genotype. Multiple transmission pathways leaded to multiple lineages within endemic genotype

    Single-cell transcriptomics reveals peripheral immune responses in non-segmental vitiligo

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    BackgroundVitiligo is a common autoimmune depigmented dermatology due to destruction of melanocytes. Much evidence suggests that vitiligo is associated with systemic immune activation. Previous studies have focused on immune cell infiltration in and around lesion areas, but few studies have investigated the cell types and function of circulating immune cells in peripheral blood. Here, single cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) was used to investigate the mechanisms of peripheral immune responses in vitiligo patients.MethodsPeripheral blood was collected from five patients with progressive non-segmental vitiligo and three healthy controls. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were obtained by Ficoll-Paque density gradient centrifugation, and scRNA-seq was performed on isolated cell populations to obtain single cell transcriptomes and characterize important genes and intracellular signaling pathways. The key findings were validated with qPCR and flow cytometry assays.ResultsWe identified 10 major cell types by scRNA-seq. Among these cell types, neutrophils were specifically observed in our scRNA-seq data from PBMCs. Peripheral blood effector CD8+ T cells from vitiligo patients did not show significant differences at the transcriptome level compared with healthy controls, whereas regulatory T cells showed pro-inflammatory TH1-like properties. Innate immune cells, including natural killer cells and dendritic cells, showed increased antigen processing and presentation as well as upregulated interferon responses. B cells, monocytes, and neutrophils all showed activation. B cells, especially memory B cells, had upregulated expression of genes related to humoral immunity. Monocytes showed production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Neutrophils showed strong chemokine ligand-receptor (L-R) pair (CXCR8-CXCR2) autocrine signaling pathway.ConclusionThis study revealed the genetic profile and signaling pathway characteristics of peripheral blood immune cells in vitiligo patients, providing new insights into its pathogenesis, which may facilitate identification of potential therapeutic targets

    Measles Resurgence Associated with Continued Circulation of Genotype H1 Viruses in China, 2005

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    Measles morbidity and mortality decreased significantly after measles vaccine was introduced into China in 1965. From 1995 to 2004, average annual measles incidence decreased to 5.6 cases per 100,000 population following the establishment of a national two-dose regimen. Molecular characterization of wild-type measles viruses demonstrated that genotype H1 was endemic and widely distributed throughout the country in China during 1995-2004. A total of 124,865 cases and 55 deaths were reported from the National Notifiable Diseases Reporting System (NNDRS) in 2005, which represented a 69.05% increase compared with 2004. Over 16,000 serum samples obtained from 914 measles outbreaks and the measles IgM positive rate was 81%. 213 wild-type measles viruses were isolated from 18 of 31 provinces in China during 2005, and all of the isolates belonged to genotype H1. The ranges of the nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence homologies of the 213 genotype H1 strains were 93.4%-100% and 90.0%-100%, respectively. H1-associated cases and outbreaks caused the measles resurgence in China in 2005. H1 genotype has the most inner variation within genotype, it could be divided into 2 clusters, and cluster 1 viruses were predominant in China throughout 2005
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