12 research outputs found

    Pattern of pesticide storage before pesticide self-poisoning in rural Sri Lanka

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Deliberate self-poisoning with agricultural pesticides is the commonest means of suicide in rural Asia. It is mostly impulsive and facilitated by easy access to pesticides. The aim of this large observational study was to investigate the immediate source of pesticides used for self-harm to help inform suicide prevention strategies such as reducing domestic access to pesticides.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted in a district hospital serving an agricultural region of Sri Lanka. Patients who had self-poisoned with pesticides and were admitted to the adult medical wards were interviewed by study doctors following initial resuscitation to identify the source of pesticides they have ingested.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 669 patients included in the analysis, 425 (63.5%) were male; the median age was 26 (IQR 20-36). In 511 (76%) cases, the pesticides had been stored either inside or immediately outside the house; among this group only eight patients obtained pesticides that were kept in a locked container. Ten percent (n = 67) of the patients used pesticides stored in the field while 14% (n = 91) purchased pesticides from shops within a few hours of the episode. The most common reasons for choosing the particular pesticide for self-harm were its easy accessibility (n = 311, 46%) or its popularity as a suicide agent in their village (n = 290, 43%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Three quarters of people who ingested pesticides in acts of self-harm used products that were available within the home or in close proximity; relatively few patients purchased the pesticide for the act. The study highlights the importance of reducing the accessibility of toxic pesticides in the domestic environment.</p

    Acute Human Self-Poisoning with Imidacloprid Compound: A Neonicotinoid Insecticide

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    Background: Deliberate self-poisoning with older pesticides such as organophosphorus compounds are commonly fatal and a serious public health problem in the developing world. The clinical consequences of self-poisoning with newer pesticides are not well described. Such information may help to improve clinical management and inform pesticide regulators of their relative toxicity. This study reports the clinical outcomes and toxicokinetics of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid following acute self-poisoning in humans. Methodology/Principal Findings: Demographic and clinical data were prospectively recorded in patients with imidacloprid exposure in three hospitals in Sri Lanka. Blood samples were collected when possible for quantification of imidacloprid concentration. There were 68 patients (61 self-ingestions and 7 dermal exposures) with exposure to imidacloprid. Of the self-poisoning patients, the median time to presentation was 4 hours (IQR 2.3–6.0) and median amount ingested was 15 mL (IQR 10–50 mL). Most patients only developed mild symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache and diarrhoea. One patient developed respiratory failure needing mechanical ventilation while another was admitted to intensive care due to prolonged sedation. There were no deaths. Median admission imidacloprid concentration was 10.58 ng/L; IQR: 3.84–15.58 ng/L, Range: 0.02–51.25 ng/L. Changes in the concentration of imidacloprid in serial blood samples were consistent with prolonged absorption and/or saturable elimination. Conclusions: Imidacloprid generally demonstrates low human lethality even in large ingestions. Respiratory failure and reduced level of consciousness were the most serious complications, but these were uncommon. Substitution of imidacloprid for organophosphorus compounds in areas where the incidence of self-poisoning is high may help reduce deaths from self-poisoning

    The impact of pesticide suicide on the geographic distribution of suicide in Taiwan: a spatial analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pesticide self-poisoning is the most commonly used suicide method worldwide, but few studies have investigated the national epidemiology of pesticide suicide in countries where it is a major public health problem. This study aims to investigate geographic variations in pesticide suicide and their impact on the spatial distribution of suicide in Taiwan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Smoothed standardized mortality ratios for pesticide suicide (2002-2009) were mapped across Taiwan's 358 districts (median population aged 15 or above = 27 000), and their associations with the size of agricultural workforce were investigated using Bayesian hierarchical models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 2002-2009 pesticide poisoning was the third most common suicide method in Taiwan, accounting for 13.6% (4913/36 110) of all suicides. Rates were higher in agricultural East and Central Taiwan and lower in major cities. Almost half (47%) of all pesticide suicides occurred in areas where only 13% of Taiwan's population lived. The geographic distribution of overall suicides was more similar to that of pesticide suicides than non-pesticide suicides. Rural-urban differences in suicide were mostly due to pesticide suicide. Areas where a higher proportion of people worked in agriculture showed higher pesticide suicide rates (adjusted rate ratio [ARR] per standard deviation increase in the proportion of agricultural workers = 1.58, 95% Credible Interval [CrI] 1.44-1.74) and overall suicide rates (ARR = 1.06, 95% CrI 1.03-1.10) but lower non-pesticide suicide rates (ARR = 0.91, 95% CrI 0.87-0.95).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Easy access to pesticides appears to influence the geographic distribution of suicide in Taiwan, highlighting the potential benefits of targeted prevention strategies such as restricting access to highly toxic pesticides.</p

    Policymaking ‘under the radar’: a case study of pesticide regulation to prevent intentional poisoning in Sri Lanka

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    Background: Suicide in Sri Lanka is a major public health problem and in 1995 the country had one of the highest rates of suicide worldwide. Since then reductions in overall suicide rates have been largely attributed to efforts to regulate a range of pesticides. The evolution, context, events and implementation of the key policy decisions around regulation are examined.Methods: This study was undertaken as part of a broader analysis of policy in two parts—an explanatory case study and stakeholder analysis. This article describes the explanatory case study that included an historical narrative and in-depth interviews.Results: A timeline and chronology of policy actions and influence were derived from interview and document data. Fourteen key informants were interviewed and four distinct policy phases were identified. The early stages of pesticide regulation were dominated by political and economic considerations and strongly influenced by external factors. The second phase was marked by a period of local institution building, the engagement of local stakeholders, and expanded links between health and agriculture. During the third phase the problem of self-poisoning dominated the policy agenda and closer links between stakeholders, evidence and policymaking developed. The fourth and most recent phase was characterized by strong local capacity for policymaking, informed by evidence, developed in collaboration with a powerful network of stakeholders, including international researchers.Conclusions: The policy response to extremely high rates of suicide from intentional poisoning with pesticides shows a unique and successful example of policymaking to prevent suicide. It also highlights policy action taking place ‘under the radar’, thus avoiding policy inertia often associated with reforms in lower and middle income countries

    Acute human self-poisoning with bispyribac-containing herbicide Nominee (R): a prospective observational study

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    Introduction. Self-poisoning with herbicides is an important reason for hospital admission and death in Asia. Although some herbicides have a well-described toxicity profile in humans, many of the newer compounds rely on extrapolation from animal results as no published literature on clinical outcomes of human self-poisoning has been described. One example of these compounds is bispyribac, a selective herbicide used in rice and wheat cultivation that is marketed in two containers, one containing bispyribac 400 g/L with a solvent and the other the surfactant, polyethylene glycol. We present the first case series of acute human self-poisoning with an herbicide product containing bispyribac. Methods. Clinical data for all patients who presented with acute poisoning from a bispyribac-containing herbicide (Nominee (R)) to two general hospitals in Sri Lanka from June 2002 to January 2009 were collected prospectively. Admission and serial blood samples were collected from consenting patients to confirm exposure and to study the toxicokinetics of bispyribac, respectively. Results. One hundred ten patients with a history of bispyribac ingestion presented after a median time of 4 h post-ingestion. There were three deaths at 15, 6, and 5 h post-ingestion because of asystolic cardiac arrest. All three patients had reduced Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) (3, 12, and 13, respectively) of whom the former two had co-ingested ethanol and developed tonic-clonic seizures. Admission blood sample was obtained from the former two of these patients but bispyribac was detected in only one of these patients. The other patient presented 2.5 h post-ingestion with a GCS of 12 but bispyribac was not detected. Excluding the patient with undetectable bispyribac, a conservative estimate of the case fatality ratio at 1.81% (95% confidence interval 0.32-5.8) can be made. The majority of the remaining patients had self-limiting upper gastrointestinal symptoms and eight patients had an abnormal GCS on presentation to hospital. The overall median hospital stay was 3 days. Bispyribac was not detectable on admission in 21 patients; in the remaining patients, the median plasma concentration was 50.55 mu g/mL (interquartile range 1.28-116.5; n = 32). The peak concentration was noted around 3 h post-ingestion and plasma bispyribac concentration did not predict the severity of poisoning. Conclusion. The majority of patients developed self-resolving symptoms and were successfully managed in rural general hospitals without transfer to larger tertiary hospitals. Patients who died developed significant poisoning within 6 h and plasma bispyribac concentrations did not appear to predict mortality. The lack of correlation between bispyribac outcomes and the available plasma concentrations may be because of exposure to nonbispyribac components or other undefined factors. Clinical outcomes from acute self-poisoning with bispyribac-containing herbicides appear to be relatively more favorable than other commonly used herbicides