43 research outputs found
Working time regulation in european countries.
Trends in working time show an increasing diversification and flexibilisation in the nineties, linked to changes in the needs of firms and workers. The paper considers recent trends in working time in European countries characterised by different regulative models, focussing on the changing role of legislative versus bargaining regulation.
Gender mainstreaming active inclusion policies
The aim of this report therefore is to inform and help develop gender mainstreaming in active inclusion policies. In order to do this, the report at first reviews gender differences and inequalities in the risks of poverty and social exclusion and it provides a close look at the connections between active inclusion policies and gender equality strategies (Chapters 2 and 3). It then analyses examples of concrete gender mainstreaming in each of the three pillars of active inclusion, i.e. income support (Chapter 4), labour inclusion (Chapter 5) and access to services (Chapter 6).
Under each heading, the report summarises available information on the actual policy developments and looks at the results of the policies in terms of gender equality. Finally, Chapter 7 draws some conclusions.
The information in this report is mainly provided by the national experts of the EGGSI network of experts in gender equality, social inclusion, healthcare and long-term care and covers 30 European countries (the EU-27 Member States) and the three EEA–EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
La politica regionale di sviluppo della Valle d'Aosta 2007/13. Rapporto di monitoraggio al 31.12.2012
Rapporto periodico di monitoraggio della Politica regionale di sviluppo 2007/13 in Valle d'Aost
The Impact of the economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and men and on Gender Equality Policies
Analizza l'impatto della crisi economica sul mercato del lavoro dei diversi paesi membri privilegiando una prospettiva di genere. Analizza altresi' l'effetto della crisi e delle politiche di austeritĂ su alcuni aspetti della coesione sociale, immigrazione e povertĂ in particolare. Utilizza sia dati statistici aggregati che microdati (tratti dalle indagini Survey of ncome and Living Conditions e Labour Force Survey) adottando una varietĂ di tecniche statistiche
La politica regionale di sviluppo della Valle d'Aosta 2007/13. Rapporto di valutazione 2013
Valutazione annuale delle performance della Politica regionale di sviluppo 2007/13 in Valle d'Aosta
HERIWELL – Cultural Heritage as a Source of Societal Well-being in European Regions
The importance of cultural heritage (CH) in fostering social and economic progress is increasingly
acknowledged. However, how to measure the impacts of cultural heritage on individual and societal well
being remains a challenge. There is still the need for structuring a comprehensive methodological
framework for the assessment of the role of CH in society.
The HERIWELL project aims to fill in this gap by providing a detailed picture of the contribution of cultural
heritage to various aspects of our lives and societies, as well as a structured conceptual framework and a
multimethod assessment design. There is also attention to contested and neglected heritage and the Covid-19 effects on delivering and accessing CH resources
Active Ageing and Gender Equality
Ageing is a distinctly gendered phenomenon, women being increasingly represented in the older cohorts of the European population, due to their longer life expectancy than men. Furthermore, gender differences and inequalities are a fundamental feature of social exclusion and poverty in old age. The twofold discrimination against older women workers based on gender and age stereotypes, combined with their greater vulnerability in the labour market caused by women-specific work trajectories (i.e. career breaks, part-time employment and the gender pay gap) compound with institutional arrangements in producing higher risks of poverty in old age for women than for men. While inadequate or obsolete skills remain the main barriers for older workers to remain in or re-enter the labour market, for women also unpaid work responsibilities (in particular care burdens) constitute severe constraints. Indeed crucial gender issues in old age relate to the role of older women as both major providers and users of care services.This paper discusses gender inequalities in old age and analyses measures implemented in the main policy areas of active ageing (employment; training and life-long learning; volunteer/community work; age-friendly environment and supportive services), in order to identify effective strategies in a gender equality perspective.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe