125 research outputs found

    Women’s disengagement from legal proceedings for intimate partner violence in southern Spain: Variables related to legal proceedings

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    This article studies the relationship between a set of variables related to the legal process and women’s disengagement from legal proceedings against their (ex)partners in Southern Spain. A total of 345 women answered a questionnaire. Results evidenced that request for a protection order (PO), granting such PO, imprisonment of the offender, and women’s perception of who decided during the process were significantly related to disengagement (medium effect size). In addition, a logistic regression model was developed to predict disengagement with two variables: granting a PO and women’s perception of who decided. Results are interpreted in terms of the necessity that the judicial system gives support, protects, and provides women with opportunities to participate in the recovery process.Junta de Andalucía 1071/0453Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (España) FPU15/0037

    Buenas prácticas de transferencia del conocimiento en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    El reto que presentan los autores del proyecto se centra en encontrar un modelo español de asignación donante-receptor en trasplantes de hígado que sea válido a un número de pares donantes-receptores. El método que proponen para ello es asociando el hígado del donante con unas determinadas características a un receptor que está en lista de espera y que sea el que tenga una mayor probabilidad de supervivencia. Para ello, los investigadores trabajan en la validación de los modelos obtenidos a partir de un sistema basado en reglas, que cuenta con modelos avanzados de redes neuronales para la alcanzar la máxima probabilidad de supervivencia del injerto a tres meses y también de no supervivencia

    Social Positioning Analysis as a Qualitative Methodology to Study Identity Construction in People Diagnosed With Severe Mental Illnesses

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    Severe mental illnesses (SMI) in general, and schizophrenia in particular, have been characterized as alterations of the experience of self and identity. When first diagnosed with SMI, the subjective experiences and specific narrative challenges faced by this population are particularly important. Therefore, qualitative approaches which allow to analyze these subjective experiences should be developed. This article presents in detail a specific method, called Social Positioning Analysis, which makes the complexity of narratives and life stories with multiple turning points understandable. To develop this methodological proposal, it has been taken into account the performative aspects of social interaction in which narratives are constructed. The methodology has previously been used in other health contexts and is innovative in the field of mental health. Linguistic criteria, definitions, and multiple examples are included to facilitate its application, as well as some reflections about its potential and possible benefits.Los trastornos mentales graves (TMG) en general, y la esquizofrenia en particular, se han caracterizado como alteraciones de la experiencia del yo y de la identidad. Cuando se diagnostica por primera vez con TMG, las experiencias subjetivas y los desafíos narrativos específicos que enfrenta esta población son particularmente importantes. Por tanto, conviene desarrollar enfoques cualitativos que permitan analizar estas experiencias subjetivas. Este artículo presenta en detalle un método específico, denominado Social Positioning Analysis, que permite comprender la complejidad de las narrativas e historias de vida con múltiples puntos de inflexión. Para desarrollar esta propuesta metodológica se ha tenido en cuenta los aspectos performativos de la interacción social en los que se construyen dichas narrativas. La metodología ha sido utilizada previamente en otros contextos de salud y es innovadora en el campo de la salud mental. Se incluyen criterios lingüísticos, definiciones y múltiples ejemplos para facilitar su aplicación, así como algunas reflexiones sobre sus potenciales y posibles beneficios.Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PSI2016–80112–

    Memetic Evolutionary Multi-Objective Neural Network Classifier to Predict Graft Survival in Liver Transplant Patients

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    In liver transplantation, matching donor and recipient is a problem that can be solved using machine learning techniques. In this paper we consider a liver transplant dataset obtained from eleven Spanish hospitals, including the patient survival or the rejection in liver transplantation one year after the surgery. To tackle this problem, we use a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for training generalized radial basis functions neural networks. The obtained models provided medical experts with a mathematical value to predict survival rates allowing them to come up with a right decision according to the principles of justice, efficiency and equit

    Combining support vector machines and simulated annealing for stereovision matching with fish eye lenses in forest environments

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    We present a novel strategy for computing disparity maps from omni-directional stereo images obtained with fish-eye lenses in forest environments. At a first segmentation stage, the method identifies textures of interest to be either matched or discarded. Two of them are identified by applying the powerful Support Vector Machines approach. At a second stage, a stereovision matching process is designed based on the application of four stereovision matching constraints: epipolarity, similarity, uniqueness and smoothness. The epipolarity guides the process. The similarity and uniqueness are mapped once again through the Support Vector Machines, but under a different way to the previous case; after this an initial disparity map is obtained. This map is later filtered by applying the Discrete Simulated Annealing framework where the smoothness constraint is conveniently mapped. The combination of the segmentation and stereovision matching approaches makes the main contribution. The method is compared against the usage of simple features and combined similarity matching strategies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Pharmacological Chaperones and Coenzyme Q10 Treatment Improves Mutant β-Glucocerebrosidase Activity and Mitochondrial Function in Neuronopathic Forms of Gaucher Disease

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    Gaucher disease (GD) is caused by mutations in the GBA1 gene, which encodes lysosomal β-glucocerebrosidase. Homozygosity for the L444P mutation in GBA1 is associated with high risk of neurological manifestations which are not improved by enzyme replacement therapy. Alternatively, pharmacological chaperones (PCs) capable of restoring the correct folding and trafficking of the mutant enzyme represent promising alternative therapies.Here, we report on how the L444P mutation affects mitochondrial function in primary fibroblast derived from GD patients. Mitochondrial dysfunction was associated with reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitophagy activation and impaired autophagic flux.Both abnormalities, mitochondrial dysfunction and deficient β-glucocerebrosidase activity, were partially restored by supplementation with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ) or a L-idonojirimycin derivative, N-[N’-(4-adamantan-1-ylcarboxamidobutyl)thiocarbamoyl]-1,6-anhydro-L-idonojirimycin (NAdBT-AIJ), and more markedly by the combination of both treatments. These data suggest that targeting both mitochondria function by CoQ and protein misfolding by PCs can be promising therapies in neurological forms of GD.España, Ministerio de Sanidad FIS PI13/00129España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2013-44021-R and CTQ2010-15848España, Junta de Andalucía CTS-5725 and FQM-146

    Cultural-historical perspective in Spain and Portugal: developing theoretical and methodological approaches

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    Cultural-historical research has had a relevant presence in Spain and, to a lesser extent, in Portugal, since the 1970s. A review of the state of the art of the cultural-historical approach in these two countries allows us to identify four general lines of research: 1) sociocultural activities, mental actions, and semiotic mediation; 2) education in schools; 3) education beyond schools, including educational practices in community-cultural contexts; and 4) identity construction in (other) sociocultural settings. This perspective has been developed by an active community of researchers in the fields of psychology, education, and other social sciences

    Choquet Fuzzy Integral Applied to Stereovision Matching for Fish-Eye Lenses in Forest Analysis

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    This paper describes a novel stereovision matching approach based on omni-directional images obtained with fish-eye lenses in forest environments. The goal is to obtain a disparity map as a previous step for determining the volume of wood in the imaged area. The interest is focused on the trunks of the trees, due to the irregular distribution of the trunks; the most suitable features are the pixels. A set of six attributes is used for establishing the matching between the pixels in both images of the stereo pair. The final decision about the matched pixel is taken based on the Choquet Fuzzy Integral paradigm, which is a technique well tested for combining classifiers. The use and adjusting of this decision approach to our specific stereo vision matching problem makes the main finding of the paper. The procedure is based on the application of three well known matching constraints. The proposed approach is compared favourably against the usage of simple features and other fuzzy strategy that combines the simple ones

    Fuzzy multi-criteria decision making in stereovision matching for fish-eye lenses in forest analysis

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    This paper describes a novel stereovision matching approach based on omni-directional images obtained with fish-eye lenses in forest environments. The goal is to obtain a disparity map as a previous step for determining the volume of wood in the imaged area. The interest is focused oil the trunks of the trees. Due to the irregular distribution of the trunks, the most suitable features are the pixels. A set of six attributes is used for establishing the matching between the pixels in both images of each stereo pair analysed. The final decision about the matched pixels is taken based on a well tested FUZZY Multi-Criteria Decision Making approach, where the attributes determine the criteria and the potential matches in one image of the stereo pair for a given pixel in the other one determine the alternatives. The application of this decision making approach makes, the main finding of the paper. The full procedure is based on the application of three well known matching constraints. The proposed approach is compared favourably against the usage of simple features

    Combination of attributes in stereovision matching for fish-eye lenses in forest analysis

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    This paper describes a novel stereovision matching approach by combining several attributes at the pixel level for omni-directional images obtained with fish-eye lenses in forest environments. The goal is to obtain a disparity map as a previous step for determining distances to the trees and then the volume of wood in the imaged area. The interest is focused on the trunks of the trees. Because of the irregular distribution of the trunks, the most suitable features are the pixels. A set of six attributes is used for establishing the matching between the pixels in both images of the stereo pair. The final decision about the matched pixels is taken by combining the attributes. Two combined strategies are proposed: the Sugeno Fuzzy Integral and the Dempster-Shafer theory. The combined strategies, applied to our specific stereo vision matching problem, make the main finding of the paper. In both, the combination is based on the application of three well known matching constraints. The proposed approaches are compared among them and favourably against the usage of simple features