43 research outputs found

    Sinteza bezsenzornog upravljanja silom za fleksibilnog robota korištenjem upravljanja omjerom rezonancija temeljenim na metodi koeficijentnog dijagrama

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    Generally, the flexible robot system can be modeled as the two-mass system which consists of a motor and load connected by a spring. Thus, its elasticity causes resonance in the system. By using the conventional PID controller, this method cannot perform well in this situation. Much research has proceeded with the aim of reducing vibration. A new effective control method, the resonance ratio control, has been introduced as a new way to guarantee the robustness and suppress the oscillation during task executions for a position and force control. In this paper, three techniques are proposed for improving the performance of resonance ratio control. Firstly, a new multi encoder based disturbance observer (MEDOB) is shown to estimate the disturbance force on the load side. The proposed observer is not necessary to identify the nominal spring coefficient. Secondly, coefficient diagram method (CDM) has been applied to calculate a new gain of the force controller. A new resonance ratio gain has been presented as 2.0. Finally, the MEDOB and load side disturbance observer (LDOB) are employed to identify a spring coefficient of flexible robot system. By using the proposed identification method, it is simple to identify the spring coefficient and easy to implement in the real flexible robot system. The effectiveness of the proposed identification method is verified by simulation and experimental results.Općenito, sustav fleksibilnog robota može se modelirati kao dvomaseni sustav koji se sastoji od motora i tereta povezanih oprugom. Rezonancija sustava posljedica je elastičnosti opruge. Korištenje konvencionalnog PID regulatora ne daje zadovoljavajuće performanse u ovoj situaciji. Provedena su mnoga istraživanja s ciljem smanjenja vibracija. Tako je uvedena nova učinkovita metoda upravljanja, upravljanje omjerom rezonancija, kao novi način da se osigura robusnost i priguše oscilacije tijekom izvršavanja zadatka putem upravljanja pozicijom i silom. U ovom radu predložene su tri tehnike za poboljšanje performansi upravljanja omjerom rezonancija. Prvo, pokazano je kako novi observer poremećaja temeljen na više enkodera (MEDOB) estimira poremećajnu silu na strani tereta. Predloženi observer nije nužan za identifikaciju nominalnog koeficijenta opruge. Drugo, metoda koeficijentnog dijagrama (CDM) je primijenjena za proračun novog pojačanja regulatora sile. Iznos 2.0 je odre.en kao novo pojačanje omjera rezonancija. Konačno, MEDOB i observer poremećaja na strani tereta (LDOB) korišteni su za identifikaciju koeficijenta opruge sustava fleksibilnog robota. Predložena metoda identifikacije jednostavna je za implementaciju na stvarni sustav, te se pomoću nje jednostavno identificira koeficijent opruge. Učinkovitost predložene metode identifikacije provjerena je simulacijski i eksperimentalno


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    Resumen   Las interfaces hápticas han tenido impacto en aplicaciones que buscan la inmersión del usuario, tal es el caso de las áreas de entrenamiento, educación, medicina y entretenimiento. El impacto que tienen en dichas áreas recae en el hecho de que una interfaz háptica permite la interacción, entre el usuario y un ambiente remoto o virtual, por medio del sentido del tacto. En el presente artículo, se propone un método para la identificación experimental de los parámetros constante de par y momento de inercia de un motor de corriente directa. La identificación de ambos parámetros es indispensable para el diseño de un control de par sin sensor basado en un Observador de Perturbaciones (DOB, por sus siglas en inglés), cuando no se cuenta con la información del fabricante. Se implementó un control de par basado en DOB utilizando los parámetros experimentales de control de par y momento de inercia. Dicho control se implementó en un motor DC que a su vez fungió como interfaz háptica, permitiéndole ejercer un par de referencia. Los resultados obtenidos de la identificación de los parámetros permitieron obtener una respuesta del DOB similar a las de un sensor de par.Palabra(s) Clave: control de par, identificación de parámetros, interfaz háptica, motor DC. Abstract   Haptic interfaces have had an impact on applications that seek user immersion, such as training, education, medicine and entertainment. The impact they have on this type of applications lies in the fact that haptic interfaces allow an interaction, between the user and a remote or virtual environment, through the sense of touch. This article proposes a method for the experimental identification of the constant torque and moment of inertia parameters of a DC motor. The identification of these parameters is essential for the design of a sensorless torque control based on a Disturbance Observer (DOB), when the manufacturer's information is not available. The implementation of a torque control based on DOB was achieved using the experimental parameters of torque control and moment of inertia. This control was implemented in a DC motor which served as a haptic interface, allowing to display a reference torque. The parameter identification results allowed to obtain a DOB response corresponding to a torque sensor.Keywords: torque control, parameter identification, haptic interface, DC motor


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    El control óptimo LQR es una opción adecuada para la obtención de las ganancias de control realimentado, sin embargo, en sistemas dinámicos no lineales su aplicación se ve limitada a una región local. En este trabajo se propone resolver el problema de control óptimo del tipo LQR, utilizando un sistema equivalente lineal en vez de llevar a cabo la linealización, esto permite extender la región donde el controlador LQR puede funcionar adecuadamente. Para probar el método propuesto, se realizan simulaciones donde se aplica el control LQR de los sistemas linealizado y equivalente lineal al sistema carro péndulo invertido. Los resultados muestran que el sistema equivalente lineal tiene un mejor índice de desempeño que el sistema linealizado

    Augmented reality system for visually occluded repair support tasks in orbit: 4CP22-19

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